![]() WHAT IS TRUTH? Yahusha said His Word is the Truth. He is the Living Word, and He is the Truth.
The Path To The Truth
The path to
Truth involves trusting Yahuah's Word, and forgiving those who have
offended us. We need to submit to being shaped by what was intended for
evil, and letting Yahuah turn it into a blessing. Yahusha's indwelling
gives us the power to overcome strongholds (false ideas), and surrender
to the Truth and hold it fast.
We soon
realize only Yahusha can guide us, not a teaching authority that
presents itself with titles and credentials. These only lead us away
from Yahusha, because they are false shepherds. Labels are another
divisive approach we can fall into. Some may misunderstand us when we
say "like the Jews did" - as if to imply all Yahudim then (and now) are
in the same boat, deceived and being deceived - which is not true.
It was the
teaching authority (then and now) that is confusing people. When we
reject the human teachers with all their traditions (leaven), and study
the Word of Yahuah for ourselves as we should, then the veil is lifted
and our true Shepherd reveals His will to us. His purpose for us is
different than the false shepherds, which is why the false shepherds are
so disturbed by our rejection of them. By their fruits, you will discern
Our confusion
stems from the traditions we’ve inherited from our forefathers.
Maimonides wrote:
like the opinions to which they have been accustomed from their youth;
they defend them, and shun contrary views; and this is one of the things
that prevents men from finding truth, for they cling to the opinion of
habit." - Guide For The Perplexed
Human traditions are the most insidious enemy of the Truth. When a lie is discovered, immediately the the truth-bearer is maligned as the evil one, and compromises begin to form in order to preserve tradition. Eventually the Truth will be known to all those on the lower levels of power, and those clinging to the lie will be the tyrants in charge. We see this today concerning the way energy resources are under siege through taxation and legislative controls in the name of "climate change." |
IS THE NAME OF OUR CREATOR "GOD"? Exodus 23:13 prohibits us from taking the names of Pagan deities on our lips. With that in mind, the origin of the term GOD will exempt it from our use. The 1945 Encyclopedia Americana has this to say under to topic GOD: "GOD (god) Common Teutonic word for personal object of religious worship, formerly applicable to super-human beings of heathen myth; on conversion of Teutonic races to Christianity, term was applied to Supreme Being." JESUS CHRIST - a promotion of the Jesuits (Societas IESU, or Society of Jesus), using Greek and Latin, to corrupt the true and only Hebrew Name of the Mashiak, Yahusha (Yah is our Deliverer) It is easily seen in the Hebrew text at ZekarYah 3. Other forms of it include Yahushua (seen 2 times), and Y'shua (seen 1 time). "Jesus" means nothing in Hebrew, and cannot be transliterated back to Hebrew and maintain the original character of the true Name. JESUS is based on IESOU (Greek), from a Hebrew acronym, YESHU, meaning "may his name be blotted-out". The closest Hebrew name conforming to IESU is ESU (Esau). www.fossilizedcustoms.com/iesu.html More details on this are found at www.fossilizedcustoms.com/transliteration.html Anti-missionaries use the term YESHU to refer to the Mashiak, Who's real Name is Yahusha. They use this "YESHU" intentionally to malign Him. Their TALMUD renders our Mashiak's Name as JESCHU, based on YESHU, the unsavory acronym. Research other websites . . . do an intensive study; Google YESHU. WE'RE CALLED THE SECT OF THE NATSARIM Why didn't the theologians tell us? At Acts 28:22 we see that this sect was spoken against everywhere: "And we think it right to hear from you what you think, for indeed, concerning this sect, we know that it is spoken against everywhere." What sect? The sect of the Natsarim (Acts 24:5). The definition of sect is the same as the word cult, and a cult is not necessarily a bad thing at all - it's only a label flung about to judge a group before thoroughly examining its teachings. The Natsarim were the ORIGINAL disciples and followers of Yahusha, before Catholicism and Christianity ever existed. The early Natsarim were part of the fellowship that obeyed Torah, and Shaul found them among those congregations to arrest them. The early church fathers were at Alexandria, and condemned the Natsarim because they obeyed the Torah. In their own writings they claimed we behaved no differently than the Yahudim. See the video MYSTAGOGUES on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKZztw248NE
If we turn our ears away from listening to the Torah, even our prayers are an abomination. For legal proof: Pr. 28:9 THE WORD "CATHOLIC" MEANS "UNIVERSAL" WHAT DEFINING BELIEF MAKES ONE A CATHOLIC? The Truthful answer to this question, defined in the 4th century by Athanasius of Alexandria (the "father of orthodoxy"):
The profession of "ONE GOD, THREE PERSONS" is the Catholic faith. The one that we obey is the one we serve; and if many human traditions were formerly Pagan and we don't happen to realize it, who is it that we are obeying? Obviously, we would be obeying the Pagan customs, not the Creator (even if we intended otherwise). FOSSILIZED CUSTOMS - The Pagan Sources Of Popular Customs POB 436044, Louisville, KY 40253 502-261-9833 What is the BYNV? The new BYNV (Besorah of Yahusha Natsarim Version)
Order the BYNV at: http://www.torahzone.net/
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