6” x 9” Deluxe Cover, smyth-sewn pages
Foil-stamped leatherized polyurethane flexi-cover looks and feels like leather, but even more durable
BYNV - A few of its secrets
A fast way to learn Hebrew words by simply reading Scripture.
Prophets’ names are directly transliterated, and defined.
The BYNV minimizes Latin, Greek, and Masoretic influences.
It's a great reference tool for pastors and those performing deep research, and those interested in learning Hebrew fast, such as seminary students.
In the back, there's a glossary to define unfamiliar transliterations.
Description &
Unique Aspects:
The Name of the Creator is restored in the original Hebrew
alphabet where it occurs in the inspired text 6,823 times.
Names of people and places are transliterated directly from their Hebrew
form into the English alphabet for a more accurate rendering, eliminating
the mutilation of the Masoretic vowels imposed during the 6th to 11th
centuries. More recent corruptions by language interaction are also
eliminated, so no names or places are transliterated using the newer letters
such as W, V, or J. The rest of the Hebrew translated into English words
retains them, but it is most inappropriate to spell Hebrew names and places
with letters that never existed in the original language. “Jesus” is
rendered Yahusha directly from Hebrew; “David” is
Daud, “Jacob” is
YaAqob, “Joseph” is
Yusef, and so on.
Phrases such as “apple of my eye” (a KJV idiom) are corrected to treasure of my eye since no reference to apples is found in the Hebrew, but rather to an object of value one sets their desire on.
Mt. 26:17 is rendered correctly, since one cannot plan to observe “Passover” the day after it already occurred.
“Sun of righteousness” is corrected to Servant of righteousness in the book of Malaki. The faulty word “firmament” is rendered “space” as it should be (Genesis 1). References to the zodiac in the book of “JOB” (Ayub) are corrected, since the KJV translators had only the Babylonian understanding of the “host of heaven” to work from. Instead of Astrology's constellations, the Hebrew word mazzaroth refers collectively to the sun, moon, planets, stars, nebula, and galaxies as a whole.
The Hebrew word
(fire-light) is not “Arturus” or “the Bear.” In the BYNV it is
translated correctly as starlight.
The first chapter of Genesis contains the ALEF-TAU occurrences (in Hebrew characters) as a way of familiarizing the reader with this identity-marker so the revelation that one-and-the-same Being spoke and made Himself known throughout the 66 books through 40 different writers. This fact is made known at Revelation chapter 1 and Hebrews chapter 1.
The order of the books flows more sequentially with the time they were written, the exception being the book of Job (properly Ayub), which was written approximately 500 years prior to the book of Genesis (Hebrew, Barashith).
There is much more that helps make this version stand out from the previous and current translations, but this is the first to eliminate the corruption caused by the Masoretic vowel-points.
There’s a Glossary, map, and family-tree flow chart of the tribes.
Read the first 3 books right now by clicking “Look inside”
. . . also read the reviews for the BYNV on Kindle.
Check it out now at Amazon Kindle:
It's time the world moved out of the 1600's, and experience the snow-white
purity of their Hebrew roots.
With the
Key of knowledge
(the True Name) restored, the meaning of Scripture is unlocked for everyone.
The Masoretes molested the vowels, but Yahuah has preserved the
pure lip
in a very
unexpected place.
new translation
cleanses the effects of the Masoretic “vowel points”, undoing the
altered-spellings they caused.
We see that ALEF-BETH in “Abrahim”
is not “Ebrahim”,
yet we have accepted that ALEF-LAMED is “Elohim.”
To be
the first letter would be AYIN, not ALEF.
Likewise, Ephraim should be Afraim; the word begins with ALEF.
In the BYNV, Elohim is spelled Alahim, and instead of Elah, the term is rendered Alah.
Eli is corrected, becoming
Alah is not an Islamic
word, it’s a
Hebrew word
(not a name). It’s no more Islamic than the name
(aka Ishmael).
The most obvious effect of the Masoretes (traditionalists) is seen in the
alteration of the “a” and “u” in YAHU,
which they changed to “YEHO.”
All the traditional translations and concordances have used the distorted Masoretic vowels.
Their purpose was to alter the
of the Name so that no one would actually be saying it correctly.
They considered the utterance of the Name to be blasphemy, and their
proponents still do to a large degree.
vs. Modern Hebrew
Arabs descend from
and have retained His language in a purer form.
is more original in many ways; they name their children
Abram, Daud, Yusef, Ashah, and Yaqub, Quah, and many other uncorrupted Hebrew
Arabic-Hebrew for
father is Ab while the modern Hebrew has become Av.
“Mother” in Arabic-Hebrew is um, modern Hebrew is em. The vowels have been
molested, but Yahuah has preserved the pure lip in a very unexpected place.
The Hebrew pronoun ALAH
(commonly seen as ELAH)
is spelled
Their tribes
weren’t scattered, nor did they endure the mutilating effects of the Masoretes
(a sect that invented vowel-markings
and imposed them on the Hebrew script from the 6th through the 11th centuries).
In the
the 66
books are in a slightly different arrangement, helping the reader logically
process the timing of the record, and present Yahusha as a Torah-Teacher.
The Natsarim Writings open with the record of Yahukanon (aka John), being the
disciple whom Yahusha loved, instead of MatithYahu. Yahukanon begins his report
with “In the beginning” . . . as he describes the coming of the Light of the
You will learn faster, and make discoveries you’ve never made before.
Here’s a link to quickly “look
this Hebrew-roots translation:
You can review the text without purchasing it.
On the whole, translations have been trustworthy, but in certain verses we have
been misled, and robbed entirely of the true Name of the Creator, Yahuah.
The work of transliteration is a completely different thing. Because we are filled with “old wine” (men’s teachings), any new wine (literal, pure Truth) will conflict with what our hearts (wine skins) have accepted.
Teachers repeat the myth that "Hebrew has no written vowels," but this is false. What letter does "Abraham" begin with? Alef, ayin, yod, uau, and hay are all vowels.
The vowels in the transliteration “Elohim” have been adjusted for a more accurate phonology in the BYNV.
The correction will take a little effort to adapt to
at first, but because the correction is the Truth, you will quickly make the
transition and the pain will become joy.
If we had been conditioned to read the word Ebraham, and
someone came
along with the spelling Abraham, people would be stunned at first. This is
the essence of what we are dealing with. The words Abraham, Alahim,
AliYahu, Adam, Arets, all begin with the letter alef (A), not ayin (E), as you
will see in the examples below. The Masoretes (traditionalists) were the
reason certain vowels have been adopted, and their motivation was not to
correct, but to divert the pronunciation of certain words.
in your heart will not tolerate being in the presence of NEW WINE
The abstraction, wineskin, is your heart (inner mind).
You will read information here that will be disturbing to your wineskin; but
then joy will replace the bitterness.
This new English translation of the 66 books of Scripture is going to make
waves, as literal Hebrew-to-English words (about 30 of them) will be seen
throughout the text for the very first time. The order of the books helps
the subject matter to flow smoothly, as you will see when you end 2 Kronicles
and go straight into Daniel. “In the beginning . . .” begins the
Natsarim Writings with the memoir of Yahukanon, rather than the traditional
opening memoir of MatithYahu. Opening with MatithYahu reinforces the
stronghold of “Christmas” which is locked into most people’s minds; but
MatithYahu’s objective of recording the birth of Yahusha is tied to his
objective of showing the lineage and legitimacy of Yahusha as Monarch, descended
from an unbroken line of monarchs.
In all of this close work with the Hebrew, I had to stretch and allow the Light
to clean-out dregs of old wine that needed to be purged. The Truth of Yahuah’s
Words made me aware that even with a new “wineskin”, the “new wine”
continues to make changes in our hearts
as it takes its course. The Word of Truth cleanses, and renews the human mind to
agree with Yahuah. The
entanglements with the apparatus of evil
(false teachings, leaven, human traditions) can be severed through our decision
to choose Yahusha instead of the world, however
the cleansing of our hearts is a process
as Yahusha’ Mind replaces our mind with His.
There are things in this translation that no one has ever seen before, and at first some will have thoughts arising from their “old wine” - but those who persevere will be truly blessed. There was a previous “Besorah Of Yahusha”, and was the beginning of this project. A Christian seminary student worked with the text, basically restoring the Personal Name of Yahuah to the palaeo-Hebrew letters. Now, Yahusha has allowed one His Own Natsarim to work with the text, so it can be said this is the first Natsarim Version translated into English. Every translation in history, from the Septuagint to the Latin Vulgate, to Wycliffe’s, to Tyndale’s, to the Geneva, to the Authorized Version, and all the modern versions of today, are all interpretations from Hebrew into Greek, Latin, German, Old English, Spanish, and so on. An interpreter translates the meaning of a source language’s word into the target language, and we call them translators. Idioms become problematic, but even literal meanings bear the imprint of the translators’ understanding of them, based on the old wine in their wineskins. Each new translation becomes more pure, and as more Light is given, there will be more improvements.
convey Truth with more accuracy will bring understanding, and the big
picture will appear in the hearts of all who receive the Living Water of Life.
The Living Words of Yahuah are the world’s most valuable Treasure, and they are
about Yahusha, the Living Word that became flesh.
To follow Him is to choose Him over the world. To not follow Him is
to choose the world.
The wineskins, and old wine, are briefly explained at the beginning, and ending,
of this translation.
This publication is 1.9 inches thick, 6” wide X 9” high, on 40# paper, heavier
than most versions, which typically use 30# paper.
Besorah Of Yahusha Natsarim Version (BYNV)
Paperback Edition: ISBN 978-1-4675-8347-3
Deluxe Cover Edition: ISBN 978-1-5323-1039-3
Published by
Torah Institute POB 436044, Louisville, KY 40253
“This is written for a generation to come, So that a people to be created praise
Yah.” Tehillim - Psalms 102:18
The Message (Besorah) of Yahusha; have you heard it?
"Repent, for the Reign of Yahuah draws near!
To order a copy online NOW:
Just for fun, go pick up the KJV, NIV, AENT, NASB, Bethel Edition, The Scriptures, etc.,. Look up Mt. 26:17.
If it says "On the first day of Unleavened Bread," that translation used the KJV as the primary blueprint to build on, and failed to catch certain errors. The NIV back-pedals the error at Mt. 26:17 in the footnotes.
The Greek text has no word "day" in the sentence, and the word "protos" indicates "prior to" Unleavened Bread.
One cannot prepare for the Passover on the "first day of Unleavened Bread."
We have stepped through the threshold of a new period of awakening as Yahusha
pours out His Spirit on ALL FLESH.
The distress of nations, and YaAqob’s trouble is just ahead. The
are crying on Mount Afrayim, the call to go to Tsiyon, the City of Daud:
“For there shall be a day when the
cry on Mount
‘Arise, and let us go up to
to Yahuah our
The spelling "ALAHIM" is NEW WINE, pure Truth, and will conflict with the OLD WINE, men's programming.
In the above photo, the airline EL-AL is shown in both Hebrew and English letters.
The letters ALEF and AYIN are correctly rendered on the fuselage, but not in most translations of Scripture!
watchmen, guardians, branches (of Yahusha’s teachings), first followers of
General term for the northern 10 tribes, named after the lead tribe, usually
spelled Ephraim.
the Citadel of Daud and Temple Mount. The word means zenith, or highest point.
The English could also be rendered Alahym, and is a pronoun meaning
initial reaction for most is to be repulsed by the component ALAH as is
used as a pronoun by the Hebrews from the “other side of the family”, or
those who speak Arabic.
Look closely at the Hebrew letters above that make up this word; the
Masoretes and their vowel-pointing regulated a new method of vocalization
for letters and words.
The Arabic word for “father” is AB, yet the modern Yahudim pronounce it “AV.”
The Arabic for “mother” is “UM,” and the Yahudim say “EM.” Both of these language groups developed from HEBREW, and derive the bulk of their language from Abraham. We could be making a huge mistake by dismissing one of these groups over another, until we reason together, with Yahuah, what has happened.
One of
these two groups was never sent into the nations to have their speech corrupted
by foreign languages, and the other group retained the purity of the Hebrew.
Although the Arabic tribes (the 12 descended from Yishmaal)
became idolaters
and departed from their brother,Yitshaq (Isaac),
they still speak the
original Hebrew words, and name their children
Yusef, Daud, Yishmaal
(all are in Scripture, and are Hebrew),
Yaqub, Adam, Quah
(Christians call her Eve, like in the KJV), Ayub (Christians say “Job”),
and so on. The word ELI is accepted with open arms, and yet it is
the Arabic is ALI.
Which is it -
Yahusha cried out the first verse of Psalm 22, “Ali, Ali, lama sabakthani?” in Syraic Aramiac; not “Eli, Eli.”
How do we know? Because the Masoretes had
not yet corrupted the
Already, you can see where this is going. Being scattered into the nations
has had its consequences on the one group, and not the other. The Besorah
Of Yahusha restores the correct Hebrew-to-English, and may be of help to those
trapped in their worship of the moon-deity to help them come back home to the
faith of Abraham, Yitshaq, and YaAqob. In short, the Masoretic blinders
are removed, and you will be pierced in your heart with pure Truth.
“So then, have I become your enemy, speaking Truth to you?” -
Gal 4:16
It really matters what is poured into the wineskin of our hearts;
Old wine, or new wine. This translation is
new wine, free of leaven
(human traditions), straight from the Source of the Restorer Himself, so that we
can become part of the team of rebuilders:
“Then Yahuah will guide you continually, and satisfy your being in
and strengthen your bones. And you shall be like a watered garden, and like a
spring of water, whose waters do not fail.
And those from among you shall build the old waste places. You shall raise up
the foundations of many generations. And you would be called the Repairer of the
breach, the Restorer of streets to dwell In.”
- Isa 58:11, 12
Here is the most revealing explanation of what has been going on:
“See, days are coming,” declares the Master Yahuah, “that I shall send a hunger
in the land, not a hunger for bread, nor a thirst for water, but for
the Words of Yahuah.
And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from north to east – they shall
diligently search, seeking the Word of Yahuah, but they shall not find it.”
– Amus 8:11, 12
The Living Words are able to be found among
Yahusha’s Natsarim;
He is in His Hekal (His body of Natsarim).
“He who has an ear, let him
what the
Ruach says
to the assemblies.” -
Rev 2:7
The Hebrew word for message or report: BESORAH. The Name of Yisharal's (Israel's) Deliverer, YAHUSHA, is revealed in the title of this translation, because in researching the inspired Word we find He is the object of all the Scriptures.
The Name YOD-HAY-UAU-HAY (Yahuah) is found at least 6,823 times in the TaNaK. The Mashiak of Yisharal has a Name that means "Yah - is our - Deliverer", spelled YOD-HAY-UAU-SHIN-AYIN. It happens to be the very same spelling in Hebrew as the man called "Joshua", which is found in the TaNaK 218 times. In 216 of these instances, this man's name is spelled YOD-HAY-UAU-SHIN-AYIN (Yahusha), and in 2 instances it is spelled YOD-HAY-UAU-SHIN-UAU-AYIN (Yahushua). So, both are acceptable. The Greek influences on the transliterations in this work will not be found. The Hebrew roots of the faith and the restoration of the two houses of Yisharal through the Covenant are emphasized in this witness to the world.
You search the Scriptures, because you think you possess everlasting life in them. And these are the ones that bear witness of Me. Yahukanon/John 5:39
The definitive Hebrew-roots translation of the MESSAGE (BESORAH) to mankind
The message of the reign (kingdom) of Yahuah is the message that is to go forth into the world from the two
witnesses. Restoration to the Covenant through the
Mediator of that
Covenant will draw lost Israelites back to the relationship again -
a marriage Covenant between Yahuah and Israel, His bride.
Because the word "Bible" is a Greek word derived from the name of a Pagan deity (BYBLIA), there is no such term used to refer to the Word of Yahuah in this effort.
“BESORAH” is the
Hebrew word which Yahusha spoke at Mt. 24:14:
“And this Good News
of the reign shall be proclaimed in all the world as a witness to all
the nations, and then the end shall come.”
“Besorah” is equivalent to the Greek word,
(G2098) which became transformed into the invented
word, GOSPEL (god+spel).
Our objective is to make this
You will be delighted to see the new improvements, such as how
apple of My eye" is rendered.
Many other expressions have been made more literal, and true to the thoughts of
the Author, Yahusha.
Words need to be accurate and real.
are supposed to mean something.
Are you befuddled at times as you read Scripture?
Let’s imagine you’re reading along, and run across familiar terms, but they
really don’t belong there.
In other instances, terms and names belong, but in the 3 or 4 “versions” you may own, they are rendered in different ways, and all of them contain some technical flaw in their “transliteration” (there is a wide variation of spellings, and many inconsistencies).
Which is more correct, Jeho, Yeho, or Yahu?
We can thank the “Masoretes” (7th – 11th century “tradition-keepers”) for inventing “vowel points” to guide all Yahudim in the uniform pronunciation of Hebrew words. This man-made system secured one major objective: to keep the pronunciation of the Name of the Creator from everyone’s lips (and ears).
Yahusha is in His Natsarim, and He reveals the Name, and reveals the “secrets” that have been invented by men to keep it held back. Many of our “strongholds” involve human traditions, and there are many more of these we work to overthrow.
Some things we may read from translations can't even be possible, much less understandable; and yet centuries of doctoral-level theologians have been bench-pressing their classic errors in front of us all. Ponder this:
Seminary students, show this to your professors.
Have you been driving a KJV?
You don't drive the Besorah; IT DRIVES YOU.
Error! Error!
(Robot warns as he waves his tubular arms)
Check your favorite translation now for a huge error:
The error I'm referring to is found at Mt. 26:17.
In most translations, it seems Yahusha's talmidim asked Him where He wanted them
to prepare for the Passover "On the first day of unleavened bread." Think about
this carefully, and wonder how that could be. Yahusha was placed into the
borrowed tomb before the first day of Matsah, and we know His talmidim were not
sealed up in there
with Him.
Passover had been fulfilled with His death, and no
one of the living was asking Him anything.
For an example of another word that doesn’t belong, take the word
“Bible” -
it is not in the text anywhere, but it’s on the cover, because
tradition keeps it there. Biblia was a fertility deity
whose shrine was in the city of Biblos, which happened to be a city whose
main export was parchment made from flax. So, does it follow that the Word
of Yahuah is to be referred to by the name of a pagan deity?
Here’s another oddity:
Words are spelled using the Greek
in them, instead of the straightforward letter
“f” -
Why so much Greek influence?
The Hebrew name most render “Joseph”
has several of the above-mentioned oddities.
It should simply be “Yusef”
when transliterated, but where is the version that does it that way?
means “Yahuah has added”.
Words mean things.
The meaning of many Hebrew words and names are explainable, and add depth to our
From the Hebrew foundation to the English, skipping the Greek and Latin
palaeo-Hebrew script,
not the
proto-Sinaitic script of the Kananim (Canaanites) Hyksos,
nor the
“modern” Hebrew script adopted from the Babylonian Captivity
– is used for the Personal Name of our Creator, Yahuah, and our Redeemer’s Name,
Certainly, the Name is not taken out and the English “device”, LORD, inserted in
it’s place.
You will read the Word of Yahuah in clear English, based on what the words
simply mean.
Just imagine reading about Creation, and seeing that Yahuah created the sun, moon, and stars in the “space” He created, rather than the “firmament” or “expanse”? There will be no one steering you away from obedience to Torah in footnotes, turning the message into “wormwood.”
Imagine that instead of reading the words “Judah”
or even “Yehudah”,
you plainly read “Yahudah”
as it really says, with “Yah”
in the expression without the Masoretic vowel deceptions? Sophist
trickery, casuistry,
and equivocation
are all cut-away from this version by contemporary
Natsarim, the
correct term used for the original followers of Yahusha that are re-appearing on
Earth just before His return. (words linked should be investigated).
What if each book of Scripture became clear to people as they read them,
because nothing was being corrupted, or held back
from them?
There is so much more that could be said about how DIFFERENT this version is.
It is written with the
next generation of readers
in mind at all times, and its purity and truthfulness will cause goose bumps to
rise on every person who reads a page of it.
The very thoughts of Yahusha will become plain, with nothing held back.
You will want this on your shelf, and you’ll find it to be the first thing you
pick up to read from the day you get it in your hands.
Why is this version titled The Besorah Of Yahusha?
Because of the
following important statement:
“You search the Scriptures, because you think you possess everlasting life in
them. And these are the ones that bear witness of Me.” Yahukanon
- John 5:39
11 Therefore remember that you, formerly Gentiles in the flesh, who are called ‘the uncircumcision’ by what is called ‘the circumcision’ made in the flesh by hands,
12that at that time you were without Mashiak; excluded from the citizenship of Yisharal and strangers from the Covenants of promise, having no expectation and without Yahuah in the world.
13But now in Mashiak Yahusha [this Name is written in palaeo-Hebrew in the text, not in this webpage - you would need to have the font installed to see it properly]
you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of the Mashiak.
14For He is our peace, Who has made both one, and having broken down the partition of the barrier,
15having abolished in His flesh the opposition – the law prescribed in procedures – so as to create in Himself one renewed man from the two, thus making peace,
16and to completely restore to favor both of them to Yahuah in one body through the stake, having destroyed the opposition by it.
17He came and declared peace to you who were far off, and peace to those near.
Everyone likes to look at their favorite, or difficult passages in a new version of Scripture. Here's the first 26 verses, but you will not get to see the fonts for the ancient Hebrew on this webpage, you'll need to order a copy to see them:
Here is a full
page (19), Bereshith 1:1-26 (the
ta are indicating the palaeo-Hebrew
1 In the beginning Alahim created
the shamayim and
ta the arets.
2 And the arets came to be formless and
empty, and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Ruach [breath, breeze]
of Alahim was moving on the surface of the mayim.
3 And Alahim said, “Let light come to
be,” and light came to be.
4 And Alahim
ta saw the light,
that it was good. And Alahim separated the light from the darkness.
5 And Alahim called the light yom and
the darkness He called lailah. And there came
to be evening and there came to be morning, the 1st yom.
6 And Alahim said, “Let space come to be
in the midst of the mayim, and let it separate the mayim from the mayim.”
7 And Alahim made space, and separated
the mayim which were under the space from the mayim which were above the
space. And it
came to be so.
8 And Alahim called the space ‘shamayim.’
And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, the 2nd yom.
9 And Alahim said, “Let the mayim under
the shamayim be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear.”
And it came to be so.
10 And Alahim called the dry land ‘arets,’
and the collection of the mayim He called ‘yamim.’ And Alahim saw that it was
11 And Alahim said, “Let the arets bring
forth grass, the plant that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields fruit
according to its kind, whose seed is in itself, on the arets.” And it came to be
12 And the arets brought forth grass, the
plant that yields seed according to its kind, and the tree that yields fruit,
seed is in
itself according to its kind. And Alahim saw that it was good.
13 And there came to be evening and there
came to be morning, the 3rd yom.
14 And Alahim said, “Let lights come to
be in the space of the shamayim to separate the yom from the lailah, and let
them be
for signs and
appointed times, and for yomim and years,
15 and let them be for lights in the
space of the shamayim to give light on the arets.” And it came to be so.
16 And Alahim made two great lights: the
greater light to rule the yom, and the lesser light to rule the lailah, and also
the stars.
17 And Alahim set them in the space of
shamayim to
give light on the arets,
18 and to rule over the yom and over the
lailah, and to separate the light from the
darkness. And
Alahim saw that it was good.
19 And there came to be evening and there
came to be morning, the 4th yom.
20 And Alahim said, “Let the mayim teem
with shoals of living creatures, and let birds fly above the arets on the facial
surface of the
21 And Alahim created great sea creatures
and every living creature that moves, with which the mayim teemed, according to
their kind, and every winged bird according to its kind. And Alahim saw that it
was good.
22 And Alahim blessed them, saying, “Bear
fruit and increase, and fill the mayim in the yamim, and let the birds increase
on the arets.”
23 And there came to be evening and there
came to be morning, the 5th yom.
24 And Alahim said, “Let the arets bring
forth the living creature according to its kind: livestock and creeping
creatures and beasts of the arets, according to its kind.”
And it came to
be so.
25 And Alahim made the beast of the arets
according to its kind, livestock according to its kind, and all that creep on
the arets according to its kind. And Alahim saw that it was good.
"This is written for a generation to come, So that a people to be created praise
Tehillim - Psalms 102:18
Torah Institute
POB 436044, Louisville, KY 40253
To order online NOW:
The Hebrew was the main source used for accurately conveying word meanings, expressions, and transliterating names and other words. No small number of former translations were consulted, but a great cloud of them for their best parts, leaving aside the unclear or out-right erroneous elements. This Besorah Of Yahusha is not based on the former one in any way; the only thing that I consulted from that version was my own preface material, which was the extent of my involvement in that effort. The Hebrew text, and to some extent the Greek RT for the Natsarim Writings, were the sources that resolved difficult passages, and settled the vocalization difficulties. For example, the word Caesar is not in the Hebrew, but is in the Greek. In this new Besorah Of Yahusha, it is transliterated Kaisar as it originally appears in the text.
The text consulted for this included the Kohlenberger Interlinear Hebrew-English, Hendrickson's Interlinear Hebrew-English.
The name Abrahim means "father of nations." The first letter in his name is
ALEF, or a more Greek transliteration of the letter is "ALEF". The airline
EL-AL is spelled AYIN-LAMED - ALEF-LAMED. It means (EL) "to go" + (AL)
"upward". We use the Latin alphabet to write our Anglish language, and Arabic
numerals to write our Anglish numbers. If we want to be literal, truthful, and
consistent, at first we will seem "ridiculous".
We would be wrong to spell "Abrahim" EBRAHAM; but why are some words rendered one way, and other words in another way? The Masoretes (traditionalists) worked for 500 years to wreck the pronunciation of the Hebrew language (6th - 11th centuries).
Their agenda was to regulate pronunciation, but so
that no one would correctly utter the NAME, "Yahuah" (YOD-HAY-UAU-HAY).
People overlook how the Arabs (not the religion Islam) use many Hebrew words unaltered by dispersions and Masoretic tinkering. They too are Hebrews, descendants of Eber, and Abrahim, the father of nations. YishmaAl is a Hebrew word, and a name. The Arabs name their children Yusef, Daud, Ashah (woman), Danial, Nabi, Tamar, and many other Hebrew names. The pronoun, Alah, is used in the book of Danial over and over. The Islamic "Allah" is not Yahuah, but rather another alah than Yahuah. Yahuah does not allow bowing to buildings; only His Name or His Presence. The moon / star symbol representing the deity worshipped by Islam is also found in many other pagan sources. The Hindu trinity calls that deity Sheba (or Shiva), the destroyer:
The rendering "EL" used commonly is the Hebrew spelling "ALEF-LAMED" and means mighty, height, upward, or highness. ALI means "my high-one" or "my mighty-one."
If we undo the tinkering and distortions, we find
the Arabs have the true pronunciation of our Hebrew roots. Yahuah loves Arabs,
but their walk is far from His. They profess to believe in Alah, but they know
this is not the name of the one they worship. The form Alah is the accurate
transliteration of the Hebrew
word which Christianity translated into "god, gott" - a former proper
noun/name used by pagans for the Sun.
associate an alphabet and
language with a peoples' religious practice is very
odd, and at first I was repelled as well. We would not for an instant believe
that because we use Latin letters we are somehow associated with the religion of
ancient Rome, bowing to the Kaiser and praying to Mithras. The Arabic language
is a repository of mostly pure Hebrew, and correctly enunciated. Yahuah is
restoring us in many ways, and this is one of them.