Is The Creator’s Name Yahuah or Ahayah?

There are many reasons AHAYAH is not the Name, but there is a fundamental grammatical reason it can’t be.

Our word “noun” literally means the name of something. A noun is a thing, and describes what something is, not what it is doing or how it is doing it.

A personal name is a pronoun, not an action word. AHAYAH is used in Yahuah’s statement as a verb, and means I will be (exist); therefore on the basis of it being used as a verb, it cannot be taken to be a pronoun (name).

People that may have been drawn into the false idea that EHYEH or AHAYAH is the true Name of our Creator have been misled, just as Paul said they would be at Acts 20:29.


Is the Creator's Name Yahuah or Ahayah?
Shemoth / Exodus 3:14, 15 in the Hebrew tells us YOD-HAY-UAU-HAY is His Name forever throughout all generations, and is the Name found at least 6,823 times in the TaNaK. 
The phrase AHAYAH ASHER AHAYAH is understood to mean "I will be Who I will be."
AHAYAH is not used in the phrase as a noun or name, but as a verb meaning "to exist." In the conversation with Mosheh, Yahuah is telling him He will be Who He is, and He will remain Who He is. 
He then reveals the Name by which He will be known forever throughout all generations: Yahuah. 
To draw pupils away to follow them, teachers are using their misunderstandings of Scripture to divide and confuse, and they are identified by their false teachings. The less people study on their own, the easier it is for them to be led astray by every new idea that comes along. It's a case of the blind leading the blind.

More details:  www.fossilizedcustoms.com/name.html

YAH (I am) + U (your) + SHA (Deliverer).


As more people learn the Name of the Creator is not LORD, they are listening to anyone they feel can help them learn more about the Hebrew form.  The term Tetra-grammaton is Greek, meaning four-lettered. 

It refers to the Hebrew letters of the Name of the Creator used in the inspired Hebrew Scriptures, yod-hay-uau-hay.

  The true Name is in some prophets’ names, but most significantly the Mashiak came in the same Name, sharing the first 3 letters, yod-hay-uau.

  As people turn to the Hebrew sources for the roots of their faith, a Christian pastor is on the attack against those he calls Yahwists, since anyone can easily debunk the false name “JESUS” when armed with the Hebrew.

The pastor wrote a scathing attack against the Name, and literally damns to hell those teachers helping to restore the true Name.

To accomplish this, he claims the 4-lettered Name was changed from Ahayah to Yahuah by lying scribes. If we suspect ANY single word may have been tampered with, then ALL of the text is untrustworthy.  You either accept all the words of Scripture, or you have to pick and choose what YOU want to accept.  Does that sound like you are founded on the ROCK? In fact, the Name is the foundation, the cornerstone that was rejected (covered, hidden) by the builders that Yahusha referred to (see Ps 118, YashaYahu 52, YirmeYahu 16).

The attacking pastor attempts to prove the name Jesus based on the Hebrew word ahayah, a Hebrew word meaning "I exist," "I am," or “I will be.”  In this article, his 37-page attack will be referred to as the Jesus Manifesto (JM). A brother sent me a printed copy someone was passing out to everyone at a Christian assembly. The webpage it came from first asks the reader to claim the name of JESUS before proceeding any further. I saw this, and did not proceed; but then the printed copy came to me from a brother, and he asked me to read the pastor's claims and assess them.  This is the result of that assessment, and you can get a free download of this in the form of an article here:


The name Jesus will one day be used by an imposter, the anti-Mashiak, and this is a powerful stronghold for people to overcome. Some pastors are asking how the name Jesus ever happened in the first place. We know the enemy is spiritual, and the sheep are easily deceived by any excuse if it comes from someone they trust. All men will know we are Yahusha’s followers if we have love for one another. If we condemn, we will be condemned; if we forgive, we will be forgiven. This brief article will address just a few claims in the Jesus Manifesto, as kindly as possible.

  The JM insists that "EHYEH" (he means Ahayah, alef-hay-yod-hay) is the true name, and that the letters yod-hay-uau-hay refer to Baal!

In truth, the word “LORD” means Baal.

Let’s consider Exodus / Shemoth 3:13-15, BYNV :

“And Mosheh said to Alahim, ‘See, when I come to the children of Yisharal and say to them, “The Alahim of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they say to me, ‘What is His Name?’ what shall I say to them?”

And Alahim said to Mosheh, I am Who I am


And He said, ‘Thus you shall say to the children of Yisharal, “YAHUAH has sent me to you.” And Alahim said further to Mosheh,

‘Thus you are to say to the children of Yisharal,  Yahuah Alahim of your fathers, the Alahim of Abraham, the Alahim of Yitshaq, and the Alahim of YaAqob, has sent me to you. This is My Name forever, and this is My remembrance to all generations.’”



  If scribes changed anything, the alterations would be exposed by newly-discovered scrolls having differences; yet all are identical. The JM angrily condemns all that deny the false Greco-Latin name “Jesus”, calling them heretics, and firewood for hell. We know the fruits of the Spirit of Yahusha, as well as His teachings about judging people. Our words will condemn us, or declare us righteous. Those walking in the Spirit are up-building, while those walking in the flesh sow hatred, strife, seditions, wrath, heresies, envies, and other such things.

To eliminate or obscure the true Name breaks the 3rd Torah command, which Christianity has done since the Council of Nicea (325 CE). The JM goes further; it attacks the true Name and claims it to be Babylonian and not Hebrew. The JM openly claims the Tetragrammaton (yod-hay-uau-hay) to be a devil deity, a name for Baal.  In a desperate attempt to malign the Name Yahuah, the JM claims the word for moon, yarek (yod-resh-heth), is the same word as Yahweh.  Many other mutilations and re-combinations from Hebrew words are performed to make the untaught, unstable, or unequipped hearer turn away from the true Name Yahuah, and thereby be vaccinated against the only Name given among men by which we must be delivered:  Yahusha. Yahusha means: “Yah is our Deliverer” spelled yod-hay-uau-shin-ayin (notice the first 3 letters, Yahu). And so, what does “Jesus” mean? 

The JM claims it is derived from the “name,” ahayah, which it transforms into “EhJeh”. It expends several pages going through Greek and Latin alphabets to evolve the word EhJeh into Jeh, Jesvs, and finally Jesus. The struggle to prove this claim is not a pretty sight, and is difficult to follow for a rational person.

The whole effort is done in great anger, and the person behind it seems to have a burning hatred motivating him, rather than a humble spirit. This is the over-arching tone one gets from reading it. 

“The first to state his own case seems right, until another comes and examines him.” Prov 18:17.


The scrolls found in 12 caves at Qumran near the Dead Sea are considered to be the greatest discovery of our time. Aging Scriptures, letters, contracts, or any documents that had the Name “Yahuah” written on them were not discarded, but respectfully collected and taken away to be stored in jars inside the caves at Qumran. 


KUMERAN is a slightly more accurate transliteration, and it means "two moons." This is because from that location one can see the Dead Sea, and when the moon rises in the east it is reflected in the water, giving the observer the ability to see two moons.

Qumran had a jar-making facility with copyists that made fresh scrolls from the ones to be retired, today called the “Dead Sea Scrolls.” The operation went on for centuries, from the time of the return from Babel until the Roman siege in 70 CE. The discovery is unprecedented. The only Scripture scroll NOT found in the caves is the book of Hadassah (aka Esther) because the Name “Yahuah” is not written anywhere, although it is present in two acronyms, 1 forward, and 1 backward. The reason this is significant is it clearly shows the distinction made for the Name Yahuah, and NOT the word “ahayah.” If the JM insists this proves nothing because the Yahudim were the conspirators to conceal the word “ahayah,” then why would they work so hard to conceal the Name “Yahuah” for its set-apartness, and not be concerned in the least to  hide the word “ahayah” (EhJeh)?


  The JM says “Jesus” is the “Messieh.” Note the variant spelling to avoid -iah in the Greek rendering of MESSIAH (Mashiak), not that it refers to the Name, since the Hebrew word ends with a “heth,” a sound similar to our letter K, from the back of the throat.


If the true Name is not “Yahuah”, then why would Yahusha not reveal “ahayah” to be the Name, when the crowds were greeting Him with the words of Psalm 118:26: “Blessed is He who is coming in the Name of Yahuah!”?  The surrounding text at Psalm 118 reveals even more to us;  the Name is “the stone the builders rejected.” and it is not “ahayah” Psalm 118:22-26 BYNV:

The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief corner-stone.

This was from Yahuah, It is marvellous in our eyes. This is the yom Yahuah has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. I pray, Yahuah, please save; I pray, Yahuah, please send prosperity. Blessed is He who is coming in the Name of Yahuah!” Yahuah is written here, not ahayah. Also note YashaYahu (Is.) 42:8.



The JM makes the statement that according to Acts 4:12, the highest name in the universe is pronounced “Gee-shus”. “Yahwists” who blaspheme the name are damned, apparently because they use the Hebrew. The author does not judge those who use Chinese, German, and other languages, and allows his GOD to judge them.

The JM claims the Tetragrammaton is a fraud, a lie, and the personal name of a demon.  It also claims the shortened form seen in Scripture derives from “EhJeh”, so they should be rendered “Jeh”, not Yah. This makes it easier to convince the untaught and unstable to relate to the English they can read. Show them a chart, a coin with ancient Hebrew letters they can’t read, and they’re captured. The Truth is, the physical evidence of the Name Yahuah is overwhelming, and all students of Scripture realize it very well. Not only scrolls, but bullae (seals), lamps, coins, stone reliefs, pottery, and even foreign items such as the black limestone obelisk of Shalmaneser III (ruled Assyria 858-824 BC) displays the Name Yahuah on it. The Moabite Stone, and the Yahuash (aka Jehoash) stone, both show the palaeo-Hebrew Name on them.   Even as far away as Los Lunas, NM (USA) the Name Yahuah is written on a gate stone -  it is not “ahayah”.


The JM claims there is no letter “Y” in Hebrew; the “yod” was originally a “J” sound. Then, it goes on to use the letter Y in explaining how “ahayah” transforms into “Jeh-shus” as it goes through Greek and Latin. One of the most powerful ways to change thinking is to use repetition. A huge lie told often will eventually become accepted as truth, although still remaining a lie. The Jesuits, and the Nazi propaganda minister during WWII exploited this tactic against the Yahudim. Look at the success of repetition with the promotion of evolution.


The JM calls us “liars” for teaching the Name.

Consider us, rather, the treasured possession, based on Mal 4:16-18 BYNV:

“‘Then shall those who fear Yahuah speak to one another, and Yahuah listen and hear, and a book of remembrance be written before Him, of those who fear Yahuah, and those who think upon His Name. And they shall be Mine,’ said Yahuah Tsabaoth, ‘on the yom that I prepare a treasured possession. And I shall spare them as a man spares his own son who serves him. Then you shall again see the difference between the righteous and the wrong, between one who serves Alahim and one who does not serve Him.”



The Gentiles, not the Yahudim, will come from the ends of the Earth and declare they had inherited lies:  YirmeYahu 16:19-21 BYNV:

“O Yahuah, my strength and my stronghold and my refuge, in the yom of distress the gentiles shall come to You from the ends of the arets and say, ‘Our fathers have inherited only falsehood, futility, and there is no value in them.’ Would a man make mighty ones for himself, which are not mighty ones? Therefore see, I am causing them to know, this time I cause them to know My hand and My might. And they shall know that My Name is Yahuah!”


Consider how Paul contrasts the Truth and the lie at the time the imposter comes, which the dragon has been preparing the world to receive in the fake name “Jesus”: “And then the lawless one shall be revealed, whom the Master shall consume with the Ruach of His mouth and bring to nothing with the manifestation of His coming. The appearing of the lawless one is by means of the working of Shatan, with all power and signs and wonders of falsehood, and with all deceit of unrighteousness in those perishing, because they did not receive the love of the Truth, in order for them to be delivered. And for this reason Yahuah sends them a working of delusion, for them to believe the falsehood, [the fraud, imposter] in order that all should be judged who did not believe the truth, but have delighted in lawlessness.”  2Thess 2:8-12 BYNV


An imposter is a fraud; an identity thief.  Look at what Yahusha says about how easily people will reject His real Name based on the Name of His Father, yet accept another: “I have come in My Father’s Name and you do not receive Me, if another comes in his own name, him you would receive.” Yahukanon 5:43 BYNV


The JM claims the Father’s Name is “EhJeh,” and the Son’s Name is “Jesus.”  It runs-down all other opinions as being of the devil, and outright condemns those of us uncovering the Hebrew and conveying it straight into English, by-passing the Greek and Latin. The JM cannot take the reader from the Hebrew straight into English and make the reader see “Jesus.”  Instead, it takes its reader through the Greek and Latin, just as the Jesuits have always explained the transformation.  He points out the Greek Septuagint’s rendering of Yahusha to be IESOUS, never blinking at the corrupted “IE” in place of the letters yod-hay. This was done because the translators followed the policy to not allow the Name to be uttered aloud. The Greek, or any other foreign language is not even needed when the Hebrew is available. The Greek IESOUS transformed into IESVS in Latin. The Catholic policy was to burn any Hebrew writing they encountered in libraries or the common people, and often the people who possessed it as well. 


One “order” became the enforcers of the RCC policies: Regimini militantis Ecclesiae (Latin for To the Government of the Church Militant).  They are the “Societas Iesu,” or Society of Jesus.  The JM claims the same name.


To turn away from the true Name as the writer of the JM has done is very sad, but certainly not a reason to attack or hate anyone.

We are never to condemn, but always allow for others to come to a knowledge of the Truth eventually.  We must never call anyone “firewood for hell” as the author of the JM has done.

We are to “prove the spirits”, appraising them as bearing the fruits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control. 1 Yahukanon 4:1 BYNV:

“Beloved ones, do not believe every ruach, but prove the ruachs, whether they are of Yahuah, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.”

We who have been restored to the Hebrew roots rather than the Greek and Latin roots are repelled by references to our Most High Yahuah using terms such as “GOD”, formerly a term for the deities of heathen mythology. 

From the Encyclopedia Americana:

1945 Edition under the topic GOD:

GOD (god); “Common Teutonic word for personal object of religious worship, formerly applicable to super-human beings of heathen myth; on conversion of Teutonic races to Christianity, term was applied to Supreme Being.”

Throughout the JM, the author refers to “EhJeh” as his “God.” This may be due to a lack of proper research, or to keep those reading (who are indoctrinated Christians) exposed to familiar, traditional words. The author would not want to turn-off his audience, but sprinkle in some Hebrew, although he twists much of it to fit where it should not. Many deceivers can lead their captives into their line of thinking with great skill, knowing their listeners or readers have only shallow knowledge. They know what they are withholding, and only “feed” their listeners what supports their own “case”. This is brain-washing, using a technique of the Jesuits called “casuistry”.

After reading the JM, I’ve concluded it is the work of a Jesuit. The research presented makes connections between unrelated words, such as yarek (moon) and some Egyptian deity name “Iah” the JM claims to mean “moon”.

Why involve terms from Mitsrayim? The idea of a straw man or a red herring comes to mind.

Jesuits are infiltrators and educators. They teach in Protestant seminaries, and commonly will openly lecture against doctrines of the RCC. They will even pretend to “expose” the Jesuits! A common tactic of the Jesuits is to accuse their enemies of the things they are engaged in doing. Jesuits are very academically skilled, yet the JM is sprinkled liberally with many typos. It states it is not to be read by those already believing in the “guess names”, since those people are already damned, and beyond helping.  It is only to be read by those who passed through a decision web page, asserting they accept only the name “Jesus” for salvation, and no other form. If anyone, such as a “Yahwist” obtains the JM, then they are “liars”, having clicked on the link asserting they accept only the name “Jesus”. More condemnation piles upon them for this. I was sent a print-out of the text from a brother, who had attended a fellowship where it was being handed out to everyone in attendance.  This means the attack on the Tetragrammaton is spreading into the world, and the brother asked me to address it.

No one reading this is condemned, and there is no restriction on who may read or copy it based on what they believe, or what label they may call themselves. The Truth needs no defense. At first it sounds ridiculous, then is violently opposed, and finally Truth is accepted as being self-evident. Yahusha is near, and so is the anti-Mashiak.

Let’s all strive to:


Palaeo-Hebrew Scroll found in northern Yisharal, dated prior to the Assyrian captivity, 722 BCE:


In the above photo used in the JM, the Name Yahuah is written in ancient Hebrew, with the surrounding text is Aramaic. This is cited as evidence of tampering, as if the real word (EhJeh) was expunged and the “fake” one inserted. 

It may appear that way to the untaught amateur, but in reality the copyist would stop at the Name, and another would come to write this most set-apart Name.  As he would write, he would pause after each letter, and two sets of eyes would evaluate before proceeding to the next letter.  The Aramaic script was readable to the post-Exilic Yahudim, so that is why the main text is written in Aramaic. The Name was preserved in the original ancient letter form. The writer of the JM exploits this, making it seem to be what it is not. This Jesuit tactic is called casuistry, and is specious.

It was not a conspiracy among scribes.

It is superficially pleasing, yet misleading and deceptive.



The book The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop was written to counter some of the false claims made in the book Mazzaroth.  The Catholic cardinal John Henry Newman had to respond to Hislop with his own book, An Essay On The Development of Christian Doctrine.  Oddly, the highly educated theologian Ethelbert William Bullinger believed the information in Mazzaroth, and wrote his own book, Witness In The Stars.  

We have a DVD recording available at torahzone.net - SYNCRETISM - using Scripture to debunk any notion that the constellations, or many other pagan practices, are in any way acceptable to our Creator, Yahuah. 

There is crushing evidence that syncretism (especially the zodiac) arouses His most fierce wrath. Stephen confronted the Sanhedrin with their fascination with the host of heaven.  We must be alert to any false teachings concerning the return of Yahusha that are derived from interpretations promoting the “signs” (constellations) of the heavens. Syncretism is mixture, especially the mixture of differing belief systems.

The dragon invented the zodiac, but Yahuah made the stars. (Genesis / Bereshith 1:16). No matter who may say so, the secret of deliverance is not found in the stars, but rather it is found in the prophetic Word of Yahuah. Peter describes the defilements of this deluded kosmic system at 2Pet 2:18-22. The old religion of Babel lures through the enticement of sexual love, and is a scheme of the devil. Compatibility is not due to horoscopes.

There are Christian and Natsarim writers claiming that long before the horoscopes of astrologers, the “gospel” was written in the constellations.  Yahusha’s redemption plan is not recorded in stars, but rather in the Scriptures as shadows through the 7 festivals (appointed times):  Pesach, Matsah, Bikkurim, Shabuoth, Yom Teruah, Yom Kafar, and Sukkoth. 

Yekezkal (Ezekiel) chapter 8 records that Yahuah’s people had forsaken Him by placing these symbols inside His Dwelling Place:  “And I went in and looked and saw all kinds of creeping creatures, abominable beasts, and all the idols of the house of Yisharal, carved all around on the walls.” Ez 8:10  Many synagogues put zodiacs in the floor tiles.

The signs of the Zodiac are a living ZOO (Mazzaroth) of imaginary creatures depicted in the heavens by “connecting the dots” of stars.  Yahuah warned us of this in His Covenant:

"You do not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of that which is in the shamayim above, or which is in the arets beneath, or which is in the mayim under the arets, you do not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, Yahuah your Alahim am a jealous Al, visiting the crookedness of the fathers on the children to the 3rd and 4th generations of those who hate Me, but showing kindness to thousands, to those who love Me and guard My commands.”                 

BYNV Ex / Shemoth 20:4, 5

Yahuah created the lights to be for signs and seasons, where signs means signals, not messages within themselves. The “signs” signal the seasons, or appointments, directly related to the redemption plan shadowed in the 7 appointed times (moedim). It is a crafty scheme to shift our attention away from the true shadows of redemption, the 7 annual appointments, and to teach a pattern of redemption using the Mazzaroth of ancient Babel. Yahuah specifically commanded us to not fear the signs of the heavens in the way of the gentiles:

Thus said Yahuah, ‘Do not learn the way of the gentiles, and do not be awed by the signs of the heavens, for the gentiles are awed by them.”   - BYNV Jer / YirmeYahu 10:2

The Covenant is everlasting, and it has a sign:

"And the children of Yisharal shall guard the Shabath, to observe the Shabath throughout their generations as an everlasting covenant. Between Me and the children of Yisharal it is a sign forever. For in six days Yahuah made the heavens and the arets, and on the seventh day He rested and was refreshed.  

BYNV Ex / Shemoth 31:16, 17  (Sun-day, the "day of the Sun", is not the Shabath; that change was made by emperor Constantine, a worshipper of the sun deity, Apollo)

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