Are We Indoctrinated To Disobey, Or Obey?
Is Paul to blame
for being misunderstood by the lawless, or is it a test Yahusha intended?
Kefa says Paul's
writings are given to him by inspiration, but untaught teachers twist his words
to their own destruction. Paul isn't the stumbling block, the
untaught teachers
are. We walk among them, and they formed the false doctrines Yahusha has called
us out of. full lace wigs uk
Paul was not a Roman Catholic, and neither was Luke or Kefa. They didn't play
with holy water or have any relics. They didn't dispense “grace” with
sacraments. They taught the message of the reign of Yahuah, and Yahuah's
Commandments as Yahusha told them to do.
Paul describes his former way at
Gal 1:13, 14:
“For you have heard of my former way of life in Yahudaism, how intensely I
persecuted the body of Alahim, and ravaged it. And I progressed in Yahudaism
beyond many of my age in my race, being exceedingly ardent for the traditions of
my fathers.”
This yoke was not the Torah of Mosheh; it was the
traditions of the fathers.
Now we can understand what this means:
Act 15:10: “Now then, why do you try Alahim by putting a yoke on the neck of
the taught ones which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?”
The yoke (teachings) of the traditions
of the fathers was keeping men from calling on the Name of Yahuah, and
giving praise to their own authority and decisions.
There’s a growing number of people debating over Shaul, later called Paul, these
days. Generally, there are three views of him. Kefa
us that Paul’s letters were difficult to understand (2Kefa 3:15,16), and
his words were twisted by the untaught and unstable, inclining them to
View #1: For
most of Christian history,
Catholicism taught that deliverance comes
by receiving grace (better rendered KASID, kindness) through sacraments, and
that any obedience to the Commandments of Yahuah was seen as
(meaning to live by the traditions of the fathers) and cut them off from Mashiak.
The Reformers started on the path back to the Truth by rejecting any salvation
based on human efforts, such as indulgences or the 7 sacraments, yet Luther
still brought a few of the sacraments out with him. Paul’s writings have been
used to defend the position that believers are saved by KASID (kindness aka
grace) alone (Eph. 2:8,9), apart from repentance from sin.
Sin is disobedience to Torah (1Yn. 3:4).
Paul's so-called anti-Torah (anti-law) comments have been used by Catholicism as
well as the Reformers, because they desire to maintain the Replacement
Theology of Romanism (that the church / circus replaced Yisharal), setting
aside the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments that define sin have been
annulled in this view, and salvation through belief in Yahusha’s shed
blood supersedes any need to obey. They claim we are now free from the
curse of the law, and anyone attempting to obey the Old Covenant is seen
as a heretic, judaizer, and a reprobate.
For centuries this view was enforced through the Catholic institution’s dogmas
as well, and any competing views were vigorously eliminated - with extreme
prejudice (killed).
promoted the forbidding of what is called the "Old Covenant," which included the
Torah, the Prophets, and the Writings. He allowed only the writings of what came
to be known as the "New Testament."
View #2: Today
many go to the opposite extreme and call Paul a heretic
responsible for the apostasy, the falling-away from the Torah by Christianity.
For those who believe Paul’s letters seem to promote an annulling of
any Commandments pertaining to the definition of sin, or contradicted the
words of Yahusha, consider that you may have misunderstood what Paul was
referring to. We don’t live under the penalty of Torah (death), and our crimes
are nailed to the tree, not Torah.
View #3: We
who accept Paul but reject lawlessness have been given a balanced understanding
of his letters. Paul was the apostle to the gentiles, who were known as
adult males uncircumcised in their flesh. Paul’s letter to the Galatians (and
other texts) addressed the rule of adult male circumcision,
which had been up to that time a
cornerstone for any Gentile converting to the faith of Abraham, Yitshaq,
and YaAqob. Immersion became the outward sign for converts. Further study will
reveal this; Kefa pointed out that Paul's letters were not easy to understand,
but were twisted by those who were untaught (2 Kefa 3:15,16). Kefa warned us to
watch, lest we be led away to destruction by the delusion of the lawless. He
didn’t include Paul as a lawless one, but stated that Paul’s letters were
being twisted, as were “the other
Writings.” Kefa explained there was a misunderstanding in those who thought
Paul said there was an “end” of the law. His warning is for those who believe
they are free to disregard the Commandments. Kefa mentioned their destruction,
so this is critical to get corrected, and why I’m explaining it.
For those who believe Paul was a heretic that needs to be exposed for what he
wrote about bringing an “end of the law,” you have also misunderstood his
writings. Kefa called Paul “our beloved brother” at 2Kefa 3:15. Is
Kefa a heretic also? Luke, who wrote about 40% of the Natsarim Writings, was the
most orderly writer of them all. He started at the beginning, writing both
Luke and Acts to a person named
Theophilos. He began his first narrative with the birth of Yahukanon (aka John),
Yahusha’s cousin. He tells us how Yahukanon immersed Yahusha. Yahukanon was
finally imprisoned and beheaded by Herod. In chapter 3, Luke details the lineage
of Yahusha, and goes on to describe all the miracles and teachings of Yahusha.
Luke also wrote the
of the apostles; and of no small mention is Paul, the man Yahusha personally
converted. Paul is described as the apostle to the gentiles, and Luke
traveled with him to many cities witnessing in the synagogues
(congregations). Luke recorded Paul's
(formerly Shaul) conversion by Yahusha,
and Yahusha didn't seem to think Paul was a heretic, but rather Yahusha told
HananYah of Paul: "Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My Name
before nations, sovereigns, and the children of Yisharal." - Acts 9:15
Even HananYah stood corrected, since at first he thought Paul was the most
dangerous man on Earth to Natsarim. Paul was also at the Yerushalayim
Council, Acts 15. If you regard Paul to be a heretic, then you will also have to
trash Kefa and Luke.

The only way to overcome the misunderstanding of Paul’s
letters is by seeing that he was under constant criticism (in his time) over the
topic of adult male circumcision for converts. Acts 15 addressed this
controversial matter, and it should have put it to rest forever; but we know
that even today there are those who wrestle with it, causing division in the
body of Yahusha. When Paul seems to be saying we are no longer “under the
the Torah he is sometimes referring to concerns adult male circumcision.
Other times Paul is speaking of the old priesthood, and the animal blood which
could never permanently justify for sin. The Ten Commandments are never being
called "weak and miserable," this was Paul's opinion of the Galatians falling
back into their old pagan habits.
Ephesians 2:8,9 discusses
"works" not saving us;
but Paul refers to those ceremonial works which we had formerly relied on such
as animal sacrifices, circumcision, etc.
Paul never intended us to think we could trash the Covenant. At Ephesians
2:10, the next verse, Paul states that we were created in Mashiak to perform
good works, and implies that this is to obey the Ten Commandments:
"For we are His workmanship, created in Mashiak Yahusha unto good works, which
Alahim prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."
- Eph. 2:10
The word "them" refers to the good works prepared beforehand, the Ten Words,
called the eternal Covenant, the Ten Commandments. Works are the fruit of
our faith, and perfect or complete our belief.
Notice a few texts that discuss works:
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works , and
esteem your Father which is in Heaven.” Matt
“For the Son of man shall come in the esteem of his Father with his angels; and
then he shall reward every man according to his works.” Mt.
“Even so trust (belief),
if it has not works, is dead, being alone. Yea, a man may say, you have
trust, and I have works: show me your trust without your works, and I will show
you my trust by my works.
You believe that there is one Alahim; you do well: the devils also
believe, and tremble. But will you know, O vain man, that trust without works (obedience) is
dead? Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Yitshaq
his son upon the altar? You see how trust worked through his works, and
by works was faith made perfect?”
YaAqob/James 2:17-22
If we believe, but don't obey the Commandments, Yahusha will not be able to say
"Well done" - but He will only be able to say "Well
believed." Although human effort doesn't save us, when we are saved a
great deal of human effort gets in line with the correct way of living.
It is difficult
for the elect (Mt. 7:14, 1Pet. 4:18), but when you LOVE what you do
because He has given you the desire in your heart, it is not a grievous burden
to obey the Commandments; it's an act of love.
Ephesians 2:11,12
- verses to continue with awesome information. These reveal that gentiles
are no longer gentiles when they are converted and immersed, but
they become fellow citizens of Yisharal (there's only ONE body with no
division). So, please understand that the uncircumcision (in the
flesh) are indeed circumcised, being the workmanship of Yahusha
- circumcised by Him in their hearts with a love for
Torah. Read Kol. 2:11-13, Romans 2:28,29, 1 Kor. 7:19.
We are the workmanship
of Yahusha, as we see at Ephesians 2:8-12, and this text explains that those
"formerly gentile" (they are no
longer gentile) called the "uncircumcision" by the "circumcision" are brought
near through the blood of
Mashiak - it isn't the circumcision made in the flesh by hands:
"Therefore remember that you, once Gentiles in the flesh, who are called 'the
uncircumcision' by what is called 'the
circumcision' made in the flesh by hands, that at that time you were without
Mashiak, excluded from the citizenship of Yisharal and strangers from the
covenants of promise, having no expectation and without Alahim in the world.
But now in Mashiak Yahusha you who once were far off have been brought near by
the blood of the Mashiak."
- Eph. 2:11-13
There are many other texts that show that "works" by our hands cannot
save us - so even here Paul is being misunderstood concerning obedience. He's
referring to the circumcision made by the hands of men when he is talking about
"works" not saving us. The
context reveals what he means. "By this we know that we love the children
of Alahim, when we love Alahim, and keep His Commandments. For this is the love
of Alahim, that we keep His Commandments: and his Commandments are not
grievous." - 1 Yn. 5:2-3
“Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to
destroy, but to fulfill.
For verily I say unto you, till Heaven and Earth pass, one jot or one tittle
shall in no wise pass from the law (Torah),
till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least
Commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the
kingdom of Heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall
be called great in the kingdom of Heaven.” -
Matt 5:17-19
At Revelation 2 Yahusha warned the first assembly that He would remove their menorah if
they did not repent and do the "first works." Repenting and obeying the
Torah, many of us have received the symbol of the menorah, restored to us by
Yahusha. The menorah is the symbol of Yahusha, the Giver of the Torah, the Word
made flesh. He is the "living Word," the Torah (teaching)
as our living example.
The parables all point to one thing: the
restoration of men to the Covenant
relationship with Yahuah. Repent, and He will enable you to obey His Ten
He will write them on your heart, and you will love Torah.
"If you love Me, guard My Commandments."
His final warning to all the world:
"Repent, for the reign of Yahuah draws near."
The Ten Commandments will be around for all eternity, and apply to every mortal
being. The instructions on love also apply to every "immortal being" that has
ever been created by Yahuah. The adversary seems to have a problem with obeying
them, so it's easy to see why so many of us have been deceived. Deception is the
objective of our enemy.
Discerning Truth is a matter of how one looks at the Scriptures. It's
either with an eye of light or an
eye of darkness. Paul has been used
to make people stumble, but only those who have an eye of darkness.
Yahusha endorsed our brother Paul:
"Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My Name before nations,
sovereigns, and the children of Yisharal."
- Acts 9:15 The controversies about Paul and the Torah have been used to
separate the sheep and goats.
Is it the MORAL law, or the CEREMONIAL law that Yahusha completed for us?
The blood of animals was unable to deliver anyone; that was the old, obsolete
covenant and the old priesthood. The
truthful answer to this question will go against 1950 years of false
interpretations of Paul's writings.
The need for animal sacrificing and circumcision of the new adult male converts
is fulfilled now in Yahusha's work performed inside us.
Some want to hold onto adult male circumcision for converts so much, they refuse
to have fellowship with those who understand Paul differently. They may as well
sacrifice animals as well, because they don't understand Paul's writings. We are
the workmanship of Yahusha, not the works of the hands of men, so our
deliverance is not based on anything men can do to correct our flesh, or wear on
our heads. Those perishing have not received a love for the Truth (Torah, the
Covenant), while those who have received this love for Torah from Yahusha obey
the Covenant and have fellowship with Yahuah, and with the brothers. Yahusha’s
scars will overwhelm us when we see them. They will be very personal to each of
us, showing us the extent to which Yahusha went to deliver us because of His
Today there are many against Paul, but because Yahusha is for him, I defend him.
The Golden Rule is working in the last six Commandment. The 9th
teaches us to never carry harmful testimony (gossip) about our neighbor. Even if
it’s true, we would not want others speaking evil about us. When we bring damage
to others, we will have to answer to Yahusha for it. Paul’s reputation has been
greatly harmed.
Be careful of those who promote hatred on the Internet.
They can poison our hearts with lies and turn us into propagators of their guile
and gangrene. Paul is being attacked because the veil is being lifted on his
words, and many people are finally understanding them.
This understanding is uniting us, and the adversary is doing everything possible
to quell this working of Yahusha's Spirit.
Shaul to Paul - the change in his name
The man known as Paul must have taken this name, and the reason for it is not
given. It may have been because
as Paul his reputation among the Natsarim was almost as bad as the name
"Hitler" is today. He was a severe persecutor of the Natsarim. A change in name
could also have served another purpose. Since he was not known by sight to many
of the Natsarim, it could be that many of those he had formerly worked for did
not know him by sight either. We also know they were seeking him to kill him.
He heard himself being spoken of as Shaul, and could have seen it was time to
leave that name and its reputation behind. He was a new creation now. I don't
know who changed his name, nor do I like to recommend arbitrarily taking on a
name that is different from that which is given
by the authority of one's parents, since we don't have authority over ourselves
to change our names at will. Yahusha can change our name, since all authority
is His. Yahusha called him Shaul, however this was before Shaul became
"He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him,
'Shaul , Shaul , why do you persecute me?'
'Who are you, Adonai?' Shaul asked." Acts 9:4-5
The change seems to first appear here at Acts 13:
"Then Shaul, who was also called Paul, filled with the Ruach haQodesh, looked
straight at Elymas and said, 'You are a child of the devil and an enemy of
everything that is right! You are full of all kinds of deceit and trickery.
Will you never stop perverting the right ways of Yahuah? Now the hand of Yahuah
is against you. You are going to be blind, and for a time you will be unable to
see the light of the sun.'"
- Acts 13:9-11
From this point on in Acts, Shaul seems is referred to as Paul. In all of Paul's
letters, his name appears as Paul, and never as Shaul. For my own understanding
of this change, the former name Shaul went out of use after his conversion, and
he has been called Paul ever since.
If you speak against his work, you may be speaking against Yahusha's work,
because Yahusha said: "Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My
Name before nations, sovereigns, and the children of Yisharal." -
Acts 9:15
If Catholicism / Christianity is a hybrid mixture of Paganism and the Natsari
faith, don't blame Paul - look at Marcion, Cyprian, Augustine, Origen, Eusebius,
Ossius, and Constantine. Paul literally suffered
for the Name of Yahusha: he was stoned and assumed dead.
This may have been the source of Paul's thorn since being stoned can leave you
in quite a damaged state. Some believe it was bad eyesight.
Go easy on him; have a heart.
Much more about Paul is found in the article on circumcision. The book of
Galatians seems to be widely misunderstood by those in "dispensation" theology
(a heresy), as well as "replacement theology" (another heresy).
LUKE (not
Darth Vader's son)
Men keep repeating the idea that because Luke is a name derived from the
Greek loukas (light, bright, warm, etc.), the writer was himself a convert. We
should be lukewarm about listening to men’s ideas, and remember that Yahuah is
listening and examining our thoughts toward one another. Yahuah doesn’t look
upon the outward appearance, but upon the heart (thoughts, mind,
character, motives).
One day, we may learn that Luke was a kohen.
YashaYahu 56 shows that foreigners will be given a name BETTER than sons
and daughters, all who guard His Shabath, so our parents, skin color,
chicken-twirling, rosaries, merit badges, Sunday service attendance, and
steeple-building will not help us look better to anyone, except other deluded
humans. Luke is a servant of Yahusha, and this is why he and Paul were created.
Let's all quit looking at each other, and learn that Yahuah created us to serve
Him, and stop condemning each other as they struggle to serve Him.
For a video seminar on youtube.com on the controversy about Paul: