Collection of photos

1965 CE: 

First musical group, "Londuhrs":  (meaningless word)


1966 CE: 

Lew (at age 16) in musical group, Leaves of Autumn with new member, Rick:

2012 CE: (46 years later)

All five members of group together at Electric Ladyland:

BACK ROW:  Lew White, Rick U'Sellis, Bob Nord

FRONT ROW:  Mark Leppert, Paula Base

Lew, Mark, Bob, and Rick all went to school together at the Jesuit "Saint Xavier High School".

Paula is Lew's first cousin, their mothers being sisters.

1989 CE:  White family


Above left:  Michael, Lew, Phyllis, Adam (1989 CE)  Right: Lew & Phyllis White as young Natsarim



Left:  Phyllis (2007)         Center:  Adam, Michael (1992)    Right:  Adam (2010)




If you are living without knowing the REAL Yahusha, He does not know you either.
Knowing Him comes through obeying Him.  Living for Him is all that matters.
Natsarim are His envoys, and He pleads for you to listen to Him through us.

There are lots of other paths you could tread on, but they don't lead to the same destination.


Where were you while they were falling into the lake of fire?
Hopefully, you can say you were on it's edge, pleading with those determined to go there.
STOP!  Turn around!  The reign of Yahuah is near!

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