Passover Meal Question 
When Yahusha reclined with His pupils at the beginning of the 14th of the moon, His words confuse many readers. He seems to refer to that meal as the Pesak, and yet the context shows this is impossible. 
The words Matsah and Pesak are used to describe the same period of days in certain instances. 
The word "Pesak" may refer to the whole period of days, but this idea is misunderstood. 
At Mt. 26:17 the statement "On the first day of Matsah" is an outright mistranslation inherited from the Latin Vulgate, and the BYNV corrects it to read "Prior to Matsah . . . " 
In certain instances a term is used to refer to a period collectively, and in other instances a specific idea.

When Is Passover?
Passover is our annual remembrance of Yahusha's death, and is observed in the midst of the first moon each year (See Ex. 12).
All the annual festivals prepare us for one event: the harvest of the Earth (coming one year in the 7th moon). Reapers will come to take out the weeds first, then gather the wheat into the New Yerushalayim. Many stumble attempting to understand what the annual appointments mean, or when they are.
Seven times every nineteen years, a month is added to the calendar because the new moon of the year must arrive after the winter ends.
This year is one of those years, but “calendar specialists” are declaring the new moon of the year arrived March 10, even though winter was not nearly over.
These things happen to them because they are looking for signals not mentioned in Scripture, such as barley at various stages of development.
This means the entire year of festivals will be a whole month earlier. Most are observing Pesak on 3-24-2016, even though Yahusha said, “When the branch becomes tender and puts forth leaves, you know that Summer (kayits) is near.” - Mt. 24:32 
Summer arrives when the Sun reaches the equator, and has nothing to do with barley. There is no Scripture telling us to watch for barley then the next new moon, that's an idea men keep repeating.
The main thing to remember is Yahusha is our Passover.
Our righteous acts are as filthy rags. He is most pleased with us when we love one another as He loves us. He is perfect, and we rely on that rather than our perfection. He searches hearts and knows that whatever we do will have shortcomings. Share your understanding, but do not condemn. Google "Passover 2016."


PASSOVER - One Of Seven Redemptive Shadows

This word is PESAK in Hebrew and has several meanings.

It can refer to the deliverance from Mitsrayim (Egypt).

It is sometimes the word for the seder (order, arrangement) when we are instructed to remember our deliverance from Mitsrayim in its proper time each year. Most of us understand this to be nearing sunset at the end of the 14th of the first moon just as the high Shabath of Matsah is beginning.

It may refer to the Lamb, as Yahusha became our Passover.

Pesak is also another word for the 7-day period we throw away all leavened bread from our homes.

Here is a Scripture that shows this: 

LUKE 22:1 "And the Festival of Unleavened Bread (Matsah) drew near, which is called Passover." (BYNV)



NOTE: A mistranslation at Acts 12:4 in the KJV:

People trying to justify the mistranslation of the word "Pascha" (Pesak) at Acts 12:4 are straining only to defend the KJV  -  this translation has the word EASTER in the text. This is a modern-day error, as even the Latin Vulgate does not use "Easter" at Acts 12:4.

The Anglican Catholic KJV is inserting their ideas into the text, and at Acts 12:4 they use the term for the Mother of Harlots, Easter. 28 other times the Greek word "Pascha" is used in the Natsarim Writings, it is translated Passover.  People who believe the KJV translation is an inspired translation dismiss the possibility that there is an error, and claim that Herod was observing the Pagan festival of EASTER, so they claim the text is technically still correct. 

The fact is, Luke wrote the book of Acts, not Herod.

If Herod were intending to observe the festival of Ishtar, then Luke would not have written the word Pesak, subsequently transliterated as Pascha in Greek.  The other 28 times the Greek word PASCHA is used in the Natsarim Writings, the KJV translators used the word PASSOVER. They were inconsistent. 

In all other versions, PASCHA is rendered PASSOVER correctly all 29 times.

    Everyone celebrating Mardi Gras and preparing for the arrival of LENT, 40 days before EASTER, observes an ancient Babylonian custom. The 40 days represent the 40 years of Tammuz' lifetime, and the "weeping for Tammuz" -- since he was slain by a wild boar / pig in his 40th year.   The "ash crux" the Catholics put on everyone's forehead is the symbol of Tammuz, the letter X (Tau). Yahusha never did this.




     The Hebrew word is Pesak.  Passover is a shadow of coming things, and is an observance that involves the understanding of blood-covering, the significance of the firstborn, judgment, and the marriage feast of the Bride. It is a remembrance for all generations that Yahuah brought out the children of Yisharal from the bondage of slavery (sin).

  The remembrance meal which Yahusha (alt. spelling, Yahushua) instituted is a full day before the arrival of the 15th,  and I’ve been studying the texts of Shemoth 12 & Luke 22 for the correct way of looking at this.  Yahusha sat down with His students at the beginning of the 14th and told them to remember Him, so the night of the 14th has to be observed  -  there’s no way to ignore it.  The day of the 14th remains a preparation day for the annual festival.   Because Yahusha instituted that we take bread and wine at the beginning of that day, we can reflect on His suffering during the entire preparation day, and have something to do on both the beginning of the 14th as well as the 15th.   

Exo 12:17 ‘And you shall guard the Festival of Unleavened Bread, for on this same day I brought your divisions out of the land of Mitsrayim. And you shall guard this day throughout your generations, an everlasting law.”

Exo 12:18 ‘In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month, in the evening, you shall eat unleavened bread until the twenty-first day of the month in the evening.” 

Exo 12:51 “And it came to be on that same day that Yahuah brought the children of Yisharal out of the land of Mitsrayim according to their divisions.”    Notice it says that same day;  in order to be the Festival of Unleavened Bread, it had to be on the 15th.

   If Yahuah had brought Yisharal out of Mitsrayim on the 14th it would not yet be the Unleavened Bread (Feast of Matsah). Yahuah uses the same way of expressing Himself for another very important annual Shabath, the 10th day of the 7th moon, Yom Kafar: 

The evening of the ninth until the evening of the tenth, completely encompassing a 24-hour period:

Lev 23:32 ‘It is a Shabath of rest to you, and you shall afflict your beings.  On the ninth day of the month at evening, from evening to evening, you observe your Shabath.”

   Yahusha instituted a memorial meal as the Passover Lamb at the beginning of the 14th. Yahusha’s statement that He desired to eat this Passover with them before He suffered can still be confusing, however when the word Pesak is used it can refer to the entire time of the festival (Luke 22:1 shows this).

  The Pagan culture around us also understands how Christmastime and Eastertide may extend to a span of days, so also the word Pesak is used to refer to a span of time. 

   We are correct in observing the memorial meal at the beginning of the 14th, because Yahusha Himself did so.   We also observe the 15th as a Shabath, so generally much is still the same;  what has been altered is our understanding of when the Yisharalites put the blood on the lintel and doorposts, and that the “passing-over” occurred on the night of the 15th.  The night of the 15th is commanded to be a vigil in Shemoth 12, so we have the 14th and the 15th to consider as vigils.  The 14th at midnight recalls the time of Yahusha’s arrest, and the 15th at midnight recalls the time of the death of all the firstborn.  The thing to do is obey first, then the meaning will be revealed.


Passover night is a vigil and a memorial  -  when is it observed?

   Yisharal in Mitsrayim was told to keep this night as a vigil throughout their generations.  On the first Passover at midnight, all the firstborn of man and beast were slain. 

The next morning, the Yisharalites plundered the people of Mitsrayim, for the people were greatly afraid and said “We’re all going to die!”  (Shemoth/Ex 12). 

This understanding helps explain that the whole festival of Matsah is called The Passover.  Yahuah passed-over the Yisharalites on the night of the 15th, not the night of the 14th. That next morning, still on the 15th of the first moon, Yisharal came out of Mitsrayim by day, and could travel by night with a full moon overhead. The movie, The Ten Commandments, did not show the full moon as it should have. 

If Yisharal had placed the blood on the doorposts at the beginning of the 14th (as I have been thinking for many years), then it would have been too soon.    Yahuah did not pass through the land to smite the firstborn at midnight on the 14th day, but rather the midnight of the 15th day;  here's the verse that proves this: 

 “And it came to be on that same day that Yahuah brought the children of Yisharal out of the land of Mitsrayim according to their divisions.”  Exo 12:51

Yahusha died at the same time the lambs were to be killed, between 3pm and sunset on the 14th day of the moon.

Scripture clearly identifies the Bride as Yisharal, Yahuah’s Wife. People of Yisharal, all 12 tribes—12,000 from each—become the first-fruits at the harvest of the Earth (Rev. 14:4). The Passover in Mitsrayim which was the culmination of the 10 plagues, will relate to the fall of Babylon when final judgment falls on the whole earth as described in the book of Revelation. Pharaoh represented ha shatan, who will not allow Yahuah’s people to be free from the bondage of sin.

     The word "eucharist" means thanksgiving, and comes from the Greek, eucharistein.  The Catholic
organization's priests offer up a "bloodless sacrifice" of thanksgiving  -  as they understand it, imitating
what they think Yahusha was doing with His talmidim on Passover.  The Pagans already engaged in
the round wafer ritual before Yahusha, believing they were taking the SUN (Mithras) into themselves.
     The process of mixing the Passover observance with the Pagan ritual became what we now know as the Mass,
and this became standardized about 394 CE.
As time went on, relics and other items came to be venerated and worshipped, including objects like water, statues, scapulars, rosaries (chaplets, 1090 CE), until finally they instituted the idea of "transubstantiation" in 1215 CE. 
This was the belief that the bread and wine changed into the LITERAL Body of Yahusha when the priest uttered the Latin words,
"HOC EST CORPUS MEUM"  -  (producing the colloquialism, "hocus-pocus").  All Yahusha was doing at
the supper was completing the understanding of what every Passover was really about:  His death.


     After the Great Flood, Nimrod set up the Kingdom of Babylon. It was in opposition to Yahuah, and ESTABLISHED THE WORSHIP OF THE OBJECTS (CREATION) IN THE SKIES. Directed by the rebellious watcher ha shatan, Nimrod misled the descendants of Yaphath and Ham to establish customs involving the worship of the sun, moon, planets, and stars. This was the inception of Paganism, and it was carried all over the Earth. In Egypt, or Mitsrayim, King Menes became that nations’ counterpart of Nimrod. The firstborn son of each ruler became the next son of RA, which they called their mighty one, the sun (shatan's office or seat). The solar disc, the sun-ray obelisk, and the EAGLE-winged sun disc were emblems for RA. These same symbols originated from Babylon, moved through Media-Persia, on through Mitsrayim, and into Greece and Rome later on. Mitsrayim had other mighty ones, but RA was the chief.  Diverting worship from Yahuah was the plan.


     Adam and Kuah were created as eternal creatures, “covered” by the Chabod of Yahuah—He dwelt with them literally. Never was there a separation, until “disobedience” occurred.  Love produces obedience, and hatred produces disobedience. Pride gave birth to hatred in ha shatan.  This source of hatred in ha shatan “infected” Kuah, spreading it like YEAST to her husband, Adam. Love is the unselfish helping of others, and emanates from Yahuah. Being cut off from Yahuah and without this love, His creation languishes in hatred and selfishness. Upon the removal of Yahuah’s Chabod, and having taken upon themselves the choices of what is good and evil, Adam and Chuwah realized their nakedness and withdrew further from Yahuah—hiding from Him. They began to die. Yahuah “covered” their now dying bodies with bloody lamb skins. This was a type for the first Passover. Without the shedding of blood, there is no covering for sin. The life is in the blood.

     The blood of clean animals was provided as a covering for sin on the altar. One side of the Ark’s mercy seat was sprinkled as a future picture of our Passover Lamb’s offering of His life. 

The Set-apart Place, the Ark, Mercy Seat, Altar, and even the High Priest were “figures” (shadows, forms) of the true heavenly ones.  The objects used by the priesthood were all made with human hands.  Our perfect High Priest, Yahusha, offered His blood as an eternal atonement, but His blood was not ceremonially sprinkled on any object made with hands – but we know His physical blood was spilled on the ground and is now in every raindrop.  We don’t have a clear picture from Scripture how Yahusha actually performed the offering of His own blood, but it is my belief that His blood became a Spiritual balm to our own hearts, and we have been smeared and sprinkled by this most precious offering.  It is as if we represent the container of the precious Covenant placed in our hearts, now cleansed by His blood, and made alive by His life, which is in His blood.    

Heb 9:22-26:  “And, according to the Torah, almost all is cleansed with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.

It was necessary, then, that the copies of the heavenly ones should be cleansed with these, but the heavenly ones themselves with better slaughter offerings than these.

For Messiah has not entered into a Set-apart Place made by hand – figures of the true – but into the heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of Alahim on our behalf, not that He should offer Himself often, as the high priest enters into the Set-apart Place year by year with blood not his own.  For if so, He would have had to suffer often, since the foundation of the world.  But now He has appeared once for all at the end of the ages to put away sin by the offering of Himself.

Heb 10:19-22:  “So, brothers, having boldness to enter into the Set-apart Place by the blood of Yahusha, by a new and living way which He instituted for us, through the veil, that is, His flesh, and having a High Priest over the House of Alahim, let us draw near with a true heart in completeness of belief, having our hearts sprinkled from a wicked conscience and our bodies washed with clean water.”


This text says it is our hearts that are sprinkled, and in context with the operation performed by the High Priest.  And, our bodies are washed with clean water.  There is much we will not be able to know about this until Yahusha returns to show us these and many other secrets.



     According to Leviticus 23, Deut. 16, and Exodus 12, we are able to determine that the "first moon of the year" comes in the SPRING.   This is clearly understood to involve the celestial body that enables us to calculate YEARS THE SUN.    The sun is for determining days and YEARS.  When the sun is near the equatorial REGION, the Earth warms and plants respond.  Exodus 12:2 informs us that the next new moon the beginning of the YEAR.    We have to use the sun AND the moon.  Pesak, or PASSOVER  is the fourteenth day of this first moon, which arrives at evening, the beginning of the day.  Twilight is the period just after sunset, and lasts about thirty minutes.  This “evening” is the twilight, the beginning of a new day  -- “And there was evening and there was morning the first day.”   A day begins with evening, or darkening;  then morning, or lightening arrives.  It is half dark, and half light, just as in the beginning when Yahuah began creating in darkness, and during the first day He said,

"Let there be light". “And there was evening (darkening), and there was morning (lightening), the first day.”

A huge problem appears to exist when we look at Matthew 26:17-20, Mk. 14:12, and Luke 22:7, 13-14.  The texts generally seem to say,

“Then came the day of unleavened bread, when the Passover must be killed . . .”

The Spirit of Messiah Yahusha within us can reveal what’s up here. The idea that is intended is simply this:

“Then came near the day of unleavened bread, when the Passover must be killed . . .”

     A simple examination of the Greek word “protos”  at Mt. 26:17 shows this is the case, since it means "prior to", “to draw near”, “to approach”, “coming up”.  If we jump to conclusions rather than look at the Greek, the WRONG conclusions will be drawn, and thus taught.  As you know, Pesak/Matsah are referred to as a unit, and either word can be used for the general observance. 

Yahusha’s students prepared for ULB which was “drawing near”.

Now, a detailed peek at Numbers 33:3:

“And they departed from Rameses in the 1st month, on the 15th day of the 1st month; on the morrow after the Passover the children of Yisharal went out with an high hand in the sight of all the Egyptians.”   The morning after the Passover was eaten (the same day), the children of Yisharal plundered the Egyptians and left  -  so Passover is really the way the Yahudim have always observed it, because the firstborn were slain on the night of the 15th  -  keep reading and you'll see this.

We must not overlook this key verse:

 “And it came to be on that same day that Yahuah brought the children of Yisharal out of the land of Mitsrayim according to their divisions.”  Exo 12:51   ~  Notice it says “same day”.

Passover night is a vigil and a memorial  -  when is it observed?

Yisharal in Mitsrayim was told to keep this night as a vigil throughout their generations.  On the first Passover at midnight, all the firstborn of man and beast were slain.  The next morning (the “same day”), the Yisharalites “plundered” the people of Mitsrayim, for the people of "Egypt" were greatly afraid and said “We’re all going to die!”.  (Shemoth/Ex 12).  This understanding helps explain that the whole festival of Matsah is called "The Passover".  Yahuah "passed-over" the Yisharalites on the night of the 15th, not the night of the 14th.  That next morning, still on the 15th of the first moon, Yisharal came out of Mitsrayim by day, and could travel by night with a full moon overhead (The movie, The Ten Commandments, had this detail wrong).  If Yisharal had placed the blood on the doorposts at the beginning of the 14th, then it would have been too soon.    Yahuah did not pass through the land to smite the firstborn at midnight on the 14th day, but rather the midnight of the 15th day;  here's the verse that proves this: 

 “And it came to be on that same day that Yahuah brought the children of Yisharal out of the land of Mitsrayim according to their divisions.”  Exo 12:51

Yahusha died at the same time the lambs were to be killed, between 3pm and sunset on the 14th day of the moon.


     "Abib" means ear, or grain, but not a "green" ear.   The sun, moon, and stars are all used together for days, years, signs, and moedim (called "seasons", or appointments).   Both summer (khayits) and winter (khoref) begin with a marked increase in rain, giving us the "early" and "latter" rains (Dt. 11:14).    So, first we are to look for the arrival of the spring and its obvious "early rains", then watch for the rapidly ripening of the barley grains, and when we harvest this crop, the "first-fruits" of this harvest are to be taken before the High Priest, Who now is Yahusha, for Him to wave it before Yahuah.   The barley plays no role presently, because there is no operating priesthood conducting any of the waving of the first fruits aspects of the instructions in Torah; we Natsarim know that Yahusha fulfilled this first fruits offering when He resurrected and presented Himself before Yahuah.  The barley was a metaphor or allegory which pointed to Yahusha.   Now, when we see the full barley crop ready to be harvested, we can better appreciate what Torah was pointing at.   Yahusha is the first harvest, and we His qodeshim (saints) are part of a group of the first-fruits;  the larger wheat harvest in the fall are those who respond to our planting and watering work.   See?  It's all about "shadows" of meaning -- we need to be more concerned about the meaning behind the actual grains growing in the ground.

Days begin at evening when the sun sets.  The reason we can be sure of this is the example given at NehemYah 13:19:     “And it came to be at the gates of Yerushaliyim, as it began to be dark before the Shabath, that I commanded the gates to be shut, and commanded that they should not be opened till after the Shabath.”  

“And there was evening and there was morning the first day.”

Blow the shofar in the new moon, and in the full moon, the day of our feast."   Ps 81:3
(Referring of course to the Shabaths of the 7th moon, when we blow the shofar on the new moon day.
  The important thing to notice is the FULL MOON, the "day of our feast", which arrives on the 15th - Sukkoth or Tabernacles).

The lamb was killed on the 14th in the afternoon, and eaten after sunset on the 15th.  The FULL moon is the day of our feast (Matsah, as we see Scripture tells us), and Yahusha instituted a memorial of His death with His talmidim 24 hours ahead of the arrival of the 1st day of Matsah, which meant that He observed the day of Pesak as soon as the 14th of the moon arrived.  Had He waited until the END of the 14th to eat the Passover with His talmidim, He would have been in the tomb doing it.  We see that the 14th is a night if vigilance, and much of the city was awake when Yahusha was arrested.  The fact is, observances varied among the different groups back then, just as there are variations today.  If we analyze how Yahusha showed us to do it by His own example, we'll be a bit odd to the majority, but that's fine.  He said, "Do this in remembrance of Me."  So we do "it" (Passover), and remember His death all day on the 14th of the first moon, beginning with the arrival of the 14th, not waiting until the 14th is over.

Some watch the moon differently, and wait until a “crescent” sliver is seen, then instead of seeing this as the end of the first day of the moon, they see it as the beginning point, making their count one day later.  The “full” moon arrives on the 16th day of their count, yet the full moon is supposed to be the 15th day of the moon.

     Establishing when the cycle of night/day arrives is a never-ending discussion among the most dedicated of us.   We must be on guard to never allow it to divide us however,  because I would rather be wrong than see division between the observant qodeshim.   I also agree that we can look at "evening" or darkening as the END of the day, or the closing minutes of the day, bringing a new period such as a Shabath at sundown.   Barashith establishes the general example for us to consider:  "And there came to be evening (darkening) and there came to be morning (lightening), the first day."   This day began with darkness, then the light arrived  --  so it seems to set the general theme for us to follow (although there are many who understand that Yahuah began creation with light).   Another interesting example of the "darkening" signaling the ARRIVAL of the next day is NekemYahu 13:19:  "And it came to be, at the gates of Yerushalayim, as it began to be dark before the Shabath, that I commanded the gates to be shut, and commanded that they should not be opened till after the Shabath."   When we consider the timing of Pesak, we have an animal penned up from the 10th day "until the 14th" -- when the 14th arrives, the action begins immediately: 
Shemoth/Ex. 12:5-6:
"The animals you choose must be year-old males without defect, and you may take them from the sheep or the goats.   Take care of them until the fourteenth day of the month, when all the people of the community of Yisharal must slaughter them at twilight."


     The determination of when a new moon occurs has been in dispute over a range of one or two days. But it’s not days we are concerned with—it is the moon. Any farmer, physicist, meteorologist, or technically trained person can tell you that a new moon is a black ball, as you will see on your calendar. This is the determination that is currently used by the Yahudim.  No one in Scripture ever says they "saw" a new moon.  This comes only from encyclopedias and men's descriptions of what was "traditionally" recognized by the Sanhedrin.  In the record of Scripture, there were no "witnesses" ever described who had to go look for the new moon.  It became obvious by the FULL MOON, on the 15th, whether the count was correct, or not.

     The renewed moon can be seen a day or two after the moon passes directly between the sun and the earth. People have begun to look for the new moon after sunset and they have called what they see (which is a crescent moon) the new moon. This procedure cannot be found from Scripture. The knowledge of when the new moon arrives is determined by simply counting.  This is what was done:

 1 Shemual 20:5   “And Daud said to Yahukanon, ‘see tomorrow is the new moon, and I ought to sit with the sovereign to eat. But let me go and I shall hide in the field until the third day evening.’”

1 Shemual 20:18:   “So Yahukanon said to him,' tomorrow is the new moon and you shall be missed because your seat shall be empty.’”

     Nowhere in Scripture is there an example of anyone waiting to see the new moon, or looking up and seeing one.   When the “crescent” moon is first visible, it is actually the 2nd day of the renewed moon. The crescent moon was used by the ancient world, but it was not Yisharal who used it; the worshippers of Diana (Artemis, Ishtar, Venus, Asherah, etc.,.) used it as her symbol, as do the Ishmaelites (and Islam) today.

 The Yahudim have traditionally called the entire period of Passover and Unleavened Bread by the term “Passover.” (Luke 22:1).

     On the fifteenth at the beginning of the day (which is at evening) is the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. No laborious work is to be done except for preparing meals. Passover is observed on this first day of Unleavened Bread so when people sit down today for a Passover Seder, it's the fifteenth (the FULL MOON).  The lambs were killed between 3pm and sundown on the 14th.

NOTE:  If you use the "crescent sighting" for a new moon, then on your count to the 15th day, the moon will be one day PAST full.  The day of our feast is ON the full moon, so beginning your count correctly is of utmost importance.  If you can see the crescent moon at sunset, that means it's the END of the first day, not the beginning.



For those who may need some direction on observing Passover, this may be of some help.
Many people are beginning to learn about Passover in their Christian assemblies, and this is a very good trend to be seeing. 
The Torah (Torah "instruction", or Command, Declaration, Teaching, Direction) directs us to observe the Passover (Hebrew, Pesak),
being the remembrance of Yahusha's death.  It is properly done in the family home, and we re-tell the account of Yisharal being brought forth from
 the land of Mitsrayim by the mighty hand of Yahuah.  By observing Pesak, our children learn of the literal history of their faith
and walk, as well as the redemption plan set forth by Yahuah.   Since Christians are believers 
in Yahusha, they need to realize they are engrafted into Yisharal, and therefore must worship (obey) the same instructions as given - and not repel the instructions (Hebrew, Toroth) as many have been taught to do for many generations. 
As Yisharalites, we are also priests to the nations, to teach them to obey the Torah of Yahuah.

The washing of the feet is often done in imitation of Yahusha's act of washing the feet of His pupils.  This act was done to teach those who would be "leaders" that we are all equally defiled in the sight of Yahuah.  Also it is a teaching that we have only one Who leads us, and we are not to "lord" over one another in any way.   The greatest among us is to be the servant of all, not the commander.  If anyone washes feet, it should be those who have managed to put themselves in charge.



The Lamb is called the Passover


Passover is the general term for the slaughtering of the Lamb, and the entire festival of ULB. 

Our Passover is the Lamb of Alahim, Yahusha ha'Mashiak, the atonement for the sins of the world.

"Preparing the Passover" includes the slaughtering of the Lamb, but it is eaten on the 15th, beginning the High Shabath.

This is why we read that Yahusha died (was slaughtered) on the “Preparation” day, the 14th:

Joh 19:30 So when Yahusha took the sour wine He said, “It has been accomplished!” (shalom!) And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.

Joh 19:31 Therefore, since it was the Preparation Day, that the bodies should not remain on the stake on the Shabath – for that Shabath was a high one – the Yahudim asked Pilate to have their legs broken, and that they be taken away.

The 14th of the 1st moon is a Preparation day for the High Shabath which begins on the 15th, the high (or annual) Shabath, distinct from a weekly Shabath.

Notice that Yahudah went out at night while the others were dining, leaving them the impression he was going to buy something:  

Yn. (John) 13:27-30: And after the piece of bread, Satan entered into him. Yahusha, therefore, said to him, “What you do, do quickly.”

But no one at the table knew why He said this to him, for some were supposing, because Yahudah had the bag, that Yahusha was saying to him, “Buy what we need for the festival,” or that he should give somewhat to the poor.

So, having received the piece of bread, he then went out straightaway, and it was night.


The Passover Lamb is to be slaughtered on the 14th.  Yahusha died on the 14th, during the day of the 14th.   The previous evening at the meal with His students, Yahusha sent Yahudah out on an errand, leaving the others at the table thinking he was being sent to purchase something for the coming festival of ULB (please read text above again).


Exo 12:6:  "And you shall keep it until the fourteenth day of the same month. Then all the assembly of the congregation of Yisharal shall kill it between the evenings." (between sunsets)

The Lamb is also called the Passover.  It is the Passover of Yahuah, to be killed on the 14th:

Exo 12:11 ‘And this is how you eat it: your loins girded, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand. And you shall eat it in haste. It is the Passover of Yahuah The Lamb is the Passover, and if our "house" - our bodily tent - is marked by our belief in the precious blood shed by the Lamb of Alahim, death has no power over us.  If we do not observe Passover, we do fail to recognize (discern) the Body of Mashiak (1Korinthians 11:29).

  On the first Passover in Mitsrayim, the Lamb was killed and roasted on the 14th, and eaten at the beginning of the 15th.  The night portion of the 15th, no one was to go outside their house until morning, but this was only for that one time, since Yahuah was judging Mitsrayim by slaughtering the firstborn:

Exo 12:22 “And you shall take a bunch of hyssop, and dip it in the blood that is in the basin, and strike the lintel and the two doorposts with the blood that is in the basin, and you, none of you shall go out of the door of his house until morning.

  The first day of the 7-day feast is a day of rest.  That first day of ULB in Mitsrayim was a great deal of work, laboring to plunder and pack, and get moving.

Lev 23:6 ‘And on the fifteenth day of this month is the Festival of Unleavened Bread to Yahuah – seven days you eat unleavened bread.

Lev 23:7 ‘On the first day you have a set-apart miqra, you do no servile work.


  The slaughter of the Passover Lamb is to occur on the 14th, but eaten on the evening of the 15th, after being slaughtered. This same night was when the first-born of Mitsrayim were slain, and Yisharal were compelled to leave that same day:

Exo 12:42 It is a night to be observed unto Yahuah for bringing them out of the land of Mitsrayim. This night is unto Yahuah, to be observed by all the children of Yisharal throughout their generations.

Exo 12:51 And it came to be on that same day that Yahuah brought the children of Yisharal out of the land of Mitsrayim according to their divisions.

Exo 12:24 “And you shall guard this word as a law for you and your sons, forever.

Exo 12:25 “And it shall be, when you come to the land which Yahuah gives you, as He promised, that you shall guard this service.


7 days we are to eat ULB, beginning from late on the 14th:

Exo 12:18 ‘In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month, in the evening, you shall eat unleavened bread until the twenty-first day of the month in the evening.


  Please read all of these texts twice.  It should be helpful knowing that Yahusha’s students thought that Yahudah was going out to buy something or prepare for the feast will be helpful, as well as the clear statement that it was “Preparation” day and the high Shabath was approaching at sunset when our Passover Lamb was hanging on the tree, having died around 3 hours after noon on the 14th, right on schedule for the Passover Lamb.  On the first Passover, Yisharal came out of Mitsrayim on the day that followed the 14th, since on the 14th they had put the blood on the doorposts and lintel after slaughtering the Passover Lamb.  The 14th is not a Shabath, it is the Preparation day for the high Shabath, which is on the 15th.

Lunar Sabbathers believe the weeks are set by the phases of the moon. This is a false teaching.


Here is proof that the moon phases have nothing to do with the 7-day weekly cycle. Look at the sequence of events that occurred during the week of Matsah the year Yahusha was executed on the stake:

Yahusha was in the tomb for exactly 3 days and 3 nights.

The 3rd 24-hour part of this 3 days and 3 nights was a weekly Shabath according to Scripture.

Lunar Sabbathers teach that the weekly Shabath is always on these days of the moon: 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th.

Lunar-Shabathers believe the full moon (the 15th) was a weekly Shabath, yet just a few days later, Scripture states the women went to the tomb “on the first day of the week.”

"And on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they came to the tomb, bringing the spices which they had prepared, and they found the stone rolled away from the tomb.” 

– Luke 24:1-2

This “3 days and 3 nights” is the sign of Yunah, so we know the women didn’t wait a whole week to discover the empty tomb.

This proves the lunar-Shabath teaching is not valid and is a scheme to divide the followers of Yahusha.


What we do to observe Passover 
     Our Passover is a Person, Yahusha. We remember Yahusha’s death each year at the proper time, recalling that He is our Passover, as well as the resurrection, at First-Fruits. Our family has a special meal with shish-ka-bob lamb meat, matsah crackers, parsley, and horseradish. 
We read Shemoth / Exodus (ideally chapters 5 through 16), which is all the "haggadah" anyone should ever need.
I would add YeshaYahu 53, since this shows us how our Passover Lamb atoned for us all.
The minimum texts a family should read would be Shemoth / Exodus 12 and 13.
   Try to include the account of Mt. 26 & 27, which describes the Pesak observance of Yahusha with His talmidim. It also provides the account of His arrest and death - which Pesak points to, since Yahusha is the Lamb of Yahuah: He is our Passover.
     We prefer to stick to Torah and the Messianic approach, without the leavening (teaching yoke) of the Pharisees (Orthodox Judaism). Human traditions have crept into most Messianic groups. Since Pesak is a night of watching, we try to stay up very late. Mashiak and His talmidim went out to the garden that same night, where He was arrested, and He was trying to keep them from falling asleep.  In fact, there were fires all over Yerushalyim that night, where people were up watching -- and Kepha warmed himself at one of these.

     Yahusha is the Passover Lamb, so there is no need to have a physical lamb; but it is not necessarily wrong to do so. His body (the Lamb’s body), by His own words, is represented by the Matsah.  The cup of the fruit of the vine represents the new covenant in His blood offered for the remission of sin. “Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin.”  The matsah and grape juice don't "become" Yahusha, they are simply emblems which represent His body and blood.  This has been called "cannibalism" by some, however the significance of this is that He will become PART of us, LIKE the food we eat;  not BE the food.  These are metaphorical, that is all.  He seeks to live in us, and eating the emblems represents a picture of how He is the bread of life, the Torah, which we live by.  We don't live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of Yahuah.  Yahusha is the Living Word of Yahuah, the Torah become a living human being.  We take bitter herbs (horseradish, parsley) with matsah, and take a cup of grape juice at evening as the 14th of Abib begins.  We make sure those with us doing this have been immersed, which is their circumcision;  and we examine ourselves to be sure we understand what the emblems represent, and that we take the observance very seriously.  It is a remembrance of Yahusha'S DEATH !!

     It is still important for us today to remember how diligent Yahusha was in keeping His talmidim vigilant the night which followed the Passover Seder, because this was stipulated to be a night of vigilance by the Torah. Corresponding to the time of the slaying of the first born in ha shatan’s dominion, Yahusha was captured in the garden and His death began. 

Exodus 12:30:

“And there was a great cry in Mitsrayim, for there was not a house where there was not a dead one.”

Exodus 13 :8,9:   “And you shall inform your son in that day, saying ‘it is because of what Yahuah did for me when I came up from Mitsrayim.’ And it shall be as sign to you on your hand and as a reminder between your eyes, that the Torah of Yahuah is to be in your mouth, for with a strong hand, Yahuah has brought you out of Mitsrayim.”

Exodus 12:42:   “It is a night to be observed unto Yahuah for bringing them out of the land of Mitsrayim.

This night is unto Yahuah, to be observed by all the children of Yisharal throughout their generations.”


     The word “observed” is the Hebrew word shimmur and it means a vigil or a watch. Passover is not a Shabath but a night of vigilance. This is why Yahusha was trying to keep His talmidim awake, and also why everyone was awake in the city, standing around fires for warmth. It could be that Yahusha wants us to watch, because like the slaying of the first born in Mitsrayim, He will use this same night some year to take the weeds out of the earth. This is the opposite of what the rapture cult has taught us.

     As we observe the seven days of Matsah that follow, we remember that we left the bondage of sin behind. The unleavened bread represents our life with Yahusha without sin, and the haste of our deliverance.

     The night of the Passover (and the memorial of Yahusha's death) is eaten on the 15th, and is an annual Shabath.  The next morning and the very same day, the first day of Unleavened Bread, was the day Yisharal came out of Mitsrayim; the seventh day of Unleavened Bread was the crossing of the Sea of Reeds and the death of the army of Mitsrayim. The first and seventh days of Matsah are annual Shabaths. We are commanded to eat unleavened bread those seven days, and have no leavened bread at all. This relates to our abandoning sin, and separation from the unclean and idolatrous secular realm, which will receive the judgment of Yahuah.  We definitely have nothing to do with "EASTER", which is a Pagan idol also known as ISHTAR, ASHERAH, ASTORETH, ASTARTE, etc.,.  (see any encyclopedia).


Deut. 16:5: “You are not allowed to slaughter the Passover within any of your gates (cities) which Yahuah your Alahim gives you, but at the place where Yahuah your Alahim chooses to make His Name dwell, there you slaughter the Passover in the evening at the going down of the sun, at the appointed time you were taken out of Mitsrayim.”

     Where do we observe Passover? Like the first one, we observe it in our homes.  Yahuah’s Name dwells in His living Temple, and we are the living stones of His Temple, made without hands. We do not slaughter a lamb, because the Lamb has been slain, once for all.

It is illegal to slaughter it anywhere else (Dt. 12:13-14)


     Passover points to our deliverance from sin, and to the marriage feast of the Lamb (Rev. 19:7-9) — we are Yahuah’s wife (bride), since we are part of the engrafted (or even natural branches) of Yisharal (Romans 11).The judgment of the world will correspond to the 10 plagues of Mitsrayim. The 10th plague, Passover, represented the judgment of ha shatan, who was represented by Pharaoh (known as the “son of the sun”), and his dominion. Pharaoh was considered the “son of RA”, which was depicted as an eagle, a sundisc with eagle wings, a snake (like Marduk), or an obelisk (sun ray). The judgment was the killing of the firstborn, and all 10 plagues were judgments against Mitsrayim’s principal idols. The final plague, the death of the firstborn, showed the world the weakness of RA (shatan).  The firstborn was to become the next Pharaoh.

The Pharaoh’s (or RA’s) emblem was the eagle, which he wore on his chest, and has been used by shatan throughout his movements on the earth over all of history. The "obelisk" is another Pagan Babylonian image.  The Washington Monument is the largest obelisk to ever exist, and it resides in shatan’s center of power today. It is on lot 666, and is exactly 6,660 inches high — thanks to the Masonic / Illuminati planners who govern the US. The eagle is the national bird, as it was for Germany, the Holy Roman Empire, the Roman Empire, Zeus of Greece, RA of Egypt, Ahura Mazda of Persia, and Baal of Babylon.

The firstborn lineage of Pharaoh was snapped off, and became impotent; Mitsrayim NEVER RECOVERED.  

Sin is slavery, and is the mind of the flesh, but was overcome by Yahusha’s death.

The mind of the Spirit is Life, and you receive a LOVE of the Truth.

Yahuah's Word is Truth (His Torah).

(This is what is called the renewed Covenant, when He writes His Torah on our hearts -- YirmeYahu 31)


     The Ark of the Covenant, container of the Torah, the marriage covenant, was called Yahuah, and the two kerubim on the lid represent Yisharal - divided into 2 houses, Beth Yahudah & Beth Yisharal.  On the Mercy Seat, only one side received the sprinkled blood during the Luitical priesthood, and this represented Yahudah (the Southern Kingdom, made up of Yahudah, Benyamin, and Lewi). The House of Yahudah can be understood as the older brother in the parable of the prodigal son. The 10 lost tribes (the 10 virgins) are the other kerub on the mercy seat, who became lost to themselves and lived like pagans worshipping in harlotry (idolatry), but eventually return.

Yahusha said, “I was sent only for the lost sheep of the House of Yisharal.” The older brother, Yahudah, will become jealous to see the younger lost brother return to Yahuah, and Yahusha’s blood has been sprinkled on the other side of the Mercy Seat now. Scripture calls the lost tribes Afraim (Ezek. 37), the tribe that carries the blessing of first-born.

     The 10 virgins can represent the 10 lost tribes. The 5 wise virgins have plenty of oil in their lamps because they searched the Scriptures for themselves, and knew the Name and the Torah. The 5 unwise virgins only took the traditions of men into account, and listened to what the paid “merchants” taught. They were told to go “buy” oil from the merchants, but by the time the Bridegroom arrived, they were unprepared to enter the marriage feast. YirmeYahu 16:19b: “Our fathers have inherited only falsehood, futility, and there is no value in them.” 


Yahuah says at YirmeYahu 16:14-17:

“’Therefore see, the days are coming,’ declares Yahuah, ’when it is no longer said,' Yahuah lives who brought up the children of Yisharal from the land of Mitsrayim’, but, ’Yahuah lives who brought up the children of Yisharal from the land of the north and from all the lands where He had driven them’. For I shall bring them back into their land I gave to their fathers. See, I am sending for many fishermen,’ declares Yahuah,’ and they shall fish for them. And after that, I shall send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain and every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks.  For My eyes are on all their ways; they have not hidden from My face, nor has their crookedness been hidden from My eyes.” (See also Ezek. 37, Rev. 19:7-9).




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 Q:  Where did we get the form "JESUS" from? 


There's a difference between Yahusha's way, and the religion about Him.

Is the author of Revelation still alive?

The Torah is out there.   I want to obey.




Yisharal YAHWEH  Yahuah   144,000