(four Hebrew vowels)

Why Do People Call On the LORD?

Translators chose to hide the true Name of the Deliverer, following a tradition that began during the 70-year Babylonian Captivity of the House of Yahudah.

During the years that followed their return from Babylon, uttering the Name of Yahuah aloud became a stoning offense for anyone besides the High Priest.

The Name was substituted in reading Scripture aloud with another word, Adonai (ADUNI, my lord).

The Pharisees controlled doctrines during the time of Yahusha. They did not appreciate their teaching authority being ignored by Yahusha and His followers.

Several times they picked up stones to kill Him because of His utterance of the Name, which shares the first 3 letters of His own.

As translators imitated the policy of substituting another word in place the Name, the Greek Kurios, the Latin Dominus, and the English LORD has become the custom. This is somewhat explained in the Prefaces of the NIV and NASB versions.

One might wonder what Aliyahu (Elijah) would say to this development, knowing that BEL is defined as lord, and means the same thing as aduni, kurios, and dominus.

The majority of people are calling on Baal today, because their teachers are afraid they will lose their place if they revealed the Truth. The NIV preface explains their excuse:


Misunderstandings about
Vowels & Consonants


see also:



AHAYAH ASHER AHAYAH: "I will be Who I will be."

AHAYAH is a verb (to exist) - it is not a name (noun).


"I am Yahuah your Alahim"  - ANOKY YAHUAH ALAHENU  - DT. 5:6

Is the Creator's Name Yahuah or Ahayah?

Shemoth / Exodus 3:14, 15 in the Hebrew tells us YOD-HAY-UAU-HAY is His Name forever throughout all generations, and is the Name found at least 6,823 times in the TaNaK.

The phrase AHAYAH ASHER AHAYAH is understood to mean "I will be Who I will be."

AHAYAH is not used in the phrase as a noun or name, but as a verb meaning "to exist." In the conversation with Mosheh, Yahuah is telling him He will be Who He is, and He will remain Who He is.

He then reveals the Name by which He will be known forever throughout all generations: Yahuah.

To draw pupils away to follow them, teachers are using their misunderstandings of Scripture to divide and confuse, and they are identified by their false teachings. The less people study on their own, the easier it is for them to be led astray by every new idea that comes along.

It's a case of the blind leading the blind.


The four letters YOD-HAY-UAU-HAY are the vowels. Yusef ben MatithYahu (aka Flavius Josephus) claims to have seen the headpiece worn by the Kohen ha'Gadol, and that the Name was written in four Hebrew vowels.

If one can say "Yahudah," YOD-HAY-UAU-DALETH-HAY, simply remove the "D" sound, and go with it. The prime minister NATAN YAHU shares the three letters YOD-HAY-UAU (note there's no letter double-U, W, in Hebrew), as does the prophet called Isaiah, YASHA YAHU.

The Hebrew YAHU are the first 3 letters in YAHUSHA, YOD-HAY-UAU-SHIN-AYIN. This is the Name YAHUAH, but with a suffix SHA to modify it to mean "I am your Deliverer." YAH (I am) + U (your) + SHA (Deliverer).

The Masoretes (masorah means "tradition") worked for 500 years (700's through 1100's) to "bend" or "fix" the pronunciation of the language, inventing niqqud vowel marks to misdirect the utterance of words, primarily to distort the correct utterance of the Name, YAHUAH (ya-HOO-ah). Clement of Alexandria, a headmaster of the Catechetical School at Alexandria - the Didascalia, transliterated the Name Yahuah in the Greek letters as IAOUE, all vowels also. The shape we now see as V was the Latin sound we hear as "U", and they inherited the sound and V shape from the Greek UPSILON, which looked like this: Y.

The shape Y in ancient Hebrew is the sixth letter of the Hebrew letters, not waw, but UAU. The Greeks inherited their Upsilon form Hebrew. When the letter Upsilon (Y) went into Latin, the lower stem was dropped, an it was simply shaped V - and used in Latin words like GLADIVS - the V sounding like our letter U.


Above: Scroll showing the Name in Hebrew letters among the Aramaic text. The scrolls were retired in jars as they would wear out because the Name was written on them, and they would not destroy them because that would destroy the Name.


Above: Coin minted during the captivity under the Persian empire with letters Yod-Hay-Uau

The Assyrians, in cuneiform, referred to the Name of the Hebrew Alahim as IAUA

Whatever has been hidden will be revealed.


Question:  Could you give me more information on why you choose to spell the Sacred Names the way you do?

Answer:  The transliteration of the Name into English/Latin lettering to retain the original sound from the Hebrew has been an on-going challenge for all concerned.  Some are further along in tracking the subtle changes than others, but all have the same desire for pleasing Yahuah and getting as close as they can with the understanding they embrace.

  When we see a letter like “J”, most of us realize the shape is new, from about 1530 CE.  But many don’t realize that during the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries it retained the “Y” sound, as we can see that “JUGOSLAVIA”  is pronounced “YUGOSLAVIA”, untainted by the French influence our modern “J” has undergone.   The “V” shape was not our modern letter’s sound either, but rather a “U” sound.  “GLADIVS” (Latin for “sword”) clearly indicates the sound of this letter shape was our modern letter “U”, not our modern “V”. 

  Therefore, when a person from the 16th, 17th, or 18th centuries saw the word “JEHOVAH”, they sounded it as we would “YAHUAH”, because the “J” was sounded as our “Y”, and the “OVAH” was really “OUAH”.  Few have put it together that the “OV” was a diphthong, “OU” into the “AH”:  “oooo-aah”.

   Before we begin, let's consider the fact that most people have been programmed with false impressions of Who the Creator is, and feel that whatever we call Him doesn't matter.  Calling Him by "generic", general terms like GOD and LORD seem normal.  A name is a mark of identification.  What we call something by name may be inherited error.  What we practice may also be inherited error (see Jeremiah/YermeYahu 16:19).   Clearly we are guided by Scripture to never take the names of PAGAN deities on our lips (Ex. 23), yet we persist in doing this with the names for the days of the week, certain months, planets, etc.,.  We want OUR NAME to be accurately recorded in the Scroll of Life, easily identifiable and without dispute.  So, with profound respect for accuracy, allow me to share with you the little bit I've been able to learn on the subject of the Name of the One that created us both.

"I will be there" is one way of stating the meaning, however this is a unique Hebrew word containing all three "tenses" of past, present, and future.   This "triple-tense" is also seen in the phrase, "Who is and Who was and Who is to come, the Almighty", spoken by Yahusha of Natsarith, Rev. 1:8.  His Name means He exists in all of time and space:  OMNI-TEMPORALITY and OMNI-PRESENCE  --   He's there!   We're "finite", but the Creator is infinite.   This Hebrew word is unique, in that it contains all three tenses;  past, present, and future tenses.  So, it makes some sense that it has three syllables, not two.


Prov 30:4

Who has ascended up into heaven, or descended?  Who has gathered the wind in His fists?  Who has bound the waters in a garment?  Who has established all the ends of the Earth? 

What is His Name, and what is His Son's Name, if you can tell?


From the 7th through the 11th centuries, "Masoretes" (traditionalists) attempted to bring about a uniform pronunciation method.  They invented "niqqud", or markings that indicate how to pronounce words and letters.  They concealed the true pronunciation of "YAHU" and "ALAH" by making them distorted.  Today, we see "YEHO", and "ELOH" word sections taught in concordances, based on the "Masoretic Text".  We are now treading in the area of the 3rd Commandment, where the Name of Yahuah is to be honorable and never distorted, expunged, or "circumlocuted" (talked around), laid waste, or ruined.  If we lose one Commandment, it is like the woman losing one of her ten silver coins (Luke 15).  We must repent and obey all ten of the precious ASERETH ha'DABARIM, the Ten Words (Commands, Instructions), which carry the penalty of death if violated.  If you believe you can live your life ignoring them, consider Proverbs 28:9 says, 

"He that turns his ear away from listening to the Torah, even his prayer is an abomination."

"You do not take the Name of YAHUAH your Alahim in vain; for YAHUAH will not hold him guiltless that takes His Name in vain."   Ex 20:7  The literal translation of this is more clearly translated this way:

"You do not bring the Name of Yahuah your Alahim to destruction, for Yahuah does not leave the one unpunished who brings His Name to destruction."  Ex 20:7

The dictionary definition for vain: 

"ineffectual or unsuccessful;  futile;  a VAIN effort; without significance, value, or importance; baseless or worthless."

 "Vain" is different from the meaning conveyed by the original Hebrew text.  The inspired Hebrew word which we translate the word "VAIN" from is shin-uau-alef: sh-u-a or more commonly expressed as SHOAH. The ending letter alef makes this different from the "shua" meaning deliverance, which uses the letter ayin in the Hebrew (shin-uau-ayin). This is a homonym, when words have the same sound but different meanings.

Some homonyms are even spelled the same.

SHOAH  #7724 and this is the definition of it in Hebrew:

Devastation, ruin, lay waste;  DESTROY.

So, to destroy, omit, miss, obfuscate, circumlocute, substitute, shun, ignore, deny, change, ruin, lay waste is what "SHOAH" means.

Yahusha answered them,  (more on "YAHUSHA" below)

"Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days."

(destroy:  SHOAH;      Temple:  HEKEL)

The Yahudim replied, "It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days?"  But the temple He had spoken of was His body.  After He was raised from the dead, His disciples recalled what He had said. Then they believed the Scripture and the words that Yahusha had spoken.   John/Yahuchanon 2:1 9-22





Yod Hay Uau Hay

W is a recently developed letter.  

13th century Anglo-Saxons wrote two Latin letters shaped "V" - and a typesetter made a single piece of type to create the new letter: double-U  (UU). Instead of appearing as VV, a single letter was invented: W.

The French resisted adopting a foreign letter, so they wrote it as VV, and called it double-vay.

The word YAHUDAH is the doorway to the actual sound.  Another name seen in Scripture shares the last two letters, UAU-HAY:

Adam's wife's name!  (see the Hebrew interlinear for this name at Gen/Bereshith 3:20).


Her name has the same ending two letters as the Name YAHUAH  (UAU+HAY, UAH).

Below, in tan lettering, is shown the palaeo-Hebrew script, which is the way the Name of YAHUAH looked as He wrote His personal Name in the stone tablets at Sinai with his own finger.  It is read from right-to-left.  The letters are YOD, HAY, UAU, HAY.   Our letter, "W" is a new letter, and is really what it is called:  a "double-U"  (UU).  There's actually no letter in Hebrew that matches it better than our letter, "U"  - there's not a letter W in Hebrew, but you'll see it rendered "waw" and "uau".   At the bottom, you see the Name of YAHUSHA, which is the real Name which most people have been taught is "JESUS".   In the center is the word "YAHUDAH", which serves as a litmus test for how to really pronounce the Name -- it contains all four letters of the Name, but has the letter "DALET" (D) inserted just before the last letter.   (The letter called "waw" is better described as "uau"):

"Whenever I said, Let me not mention Him, nor speak in His Name again, it was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones.   And I became weary of holding it back, and was helpless."   YIRMEYAHU 20:9

The word YAHUDAH is the doorway to the actual sound.  The Hebrew script above is the "autograph", the personal inscription of the Name which Yahuah used at Sinai.   "Modern" Hebrew letters are really Babylonian letters, brought back with the Yahudim after their captivity of 70 years.  The written language of the Creator, especially how He wrote His own Name with His finger, should be a subject of interest for those who claim to belong to Him.

This is what the Encyclopedia Americana (1945 Edition) says under the topic GOD:

"GOD (god) Common Teutonic word for personal object of religious worship, formerly applicable to super-human beings of heathen myth; on conversion of Teutonic races to Christianity, term was applied to Supreme Being."

We respect everyone's attempts to pronounce the personal Name.   The personal Name of our Creator as revealed at least 6,823 times in the TaNaKh is spelled:  YOD-HAY-UAU-HAY
We prefer the literal sound of the letters as they appear comparatively in other Hebrew words, and the closest word using the identical letters in the same order as the Name happens to be:
YAHUDAH  (the fourth son of Leah, and the name of the tribe / family from which springs all those who today call themselves "Jews".
This man's name is spelled, in Hebrew:  
Notice the underlined letters, and imagine the sound of this word without the sound of the "D": 

Clement of Alexandria trans-lettered the Name from Hebrew into Greek using the following:   IAOUE

JEHOVAH?  "Hovah" is a modern Hebrew word meaning wicked, destruction;  but the letter "V" is an error of recent times.  When the 16th and 17th writers of English letters used this "V", it did not have the sound we think of today.  Also, the "J" was simply the letter "i" with a tail, from the Greek letter iota; this was used to convey the Hebrew letter YOD.

The letters we used today, U,V, & W all come from the sixth letter of the Hebrew alef-beth, UAU.  The Hebrew letter was originally shaped "Y", and went into the Greek with the same shape, and called "UPSILON".  When this Greek letter was brought into the Latin, it lost the lower stem, and became the shape "V"  (but it still retained the sound of our modern "U", as in GLADIVS - sword - pronounced "GLADIUS").  So, when the spelling "JEHOVAH" was pronounced by English readers it sounded like "YAHUAH", since the HOVAH was really "HOUAH".  Time and other lingual influences corrupted the proper understanding of the letters as this word was used over the generations.

The limitations of electronic text communications (like this) cause us to use the Latin letters "YHUH" as an abbreviated form for the four letters of Yod (Y), Hay (H), Uau (U), Hay (H).   YaHUaH is another way of rendering the four letters, and probably more accurate.   The shape of the original Hebrew can be used here only in the form of a picture, since most everyone would be looking at nonsense without the appropriate font installed on their system.   The Hebrew words adonai, Alahim, eloi, eloah, and others are pronouns as you know.   Many people feel it is wrong to substitute formerly Pagan terms or names for Father YaHUaH, of course (like GOD).   I've never found any Scriptures using the term "haShem" to replace the Name YaHUaH, yet we know it's in common use among many Messianics and orthodox Yahudim.    There's no letter "V" in older Hebrew, but modern Hebrew uses such a letter (since the 17th century).   "Jehovah" is a hybrid mongrelization of the Tetragrammaton YHUH  -  changed to JHVH, then the vowels of "adonai" are crammed in, to "cue" the reader to not pronounce the Name, but instead say "adonai". 

EL SHADDAI    Some teach that the patriarchs only knew Yahuah by the term "El Shaddai"   --  due to the translation of Exodus 6:3 which commonly reads:   "And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by ("the Name of" are added words) God Almighty (Al Shaddai), but by My Name JEHOVAH was I not known to them."   Ex. 6:3 KJV       Being known as "El Shaddai" conveys the meaning of "Alahim Almighty", yes, but it is not a proper noun  -  it is a description of what He is.    Yahuah is not saying this was known to them as a NAME, but that He was KNOWN to them as being El Shaddai, the all-mighty Alahim.  The translations miss a simple fact concerning this text:  it's a question.   Here is a better rendering of what Yahuah actually meant to say:

"And I appeared to Abraham, to Yitzchak, and to Ya'akob, as El Shaddai; and by My Name YAHUAH, WAS I NOT KNOWN TO THEM?"   Exodus 6:3   

The Scriptures and BYNV we distribute corrects this text to read properly.   If you check to see if Abraham used the proper Name, YAHUAH, you'll see that he did!   So did all the other patriarchs.   So, if we read these men's own quoted words, seeing they pronounced it aloud, then the common translations of Ex. 6:3 convey an incorrect message to people.  

Exodus 6:3 is a QUESTION, making the meaning of the sentence different from what most have been led to understand.   Examining the conversations with these men it is easy to see they knew the Name.   Men began to call on His Name very early, as we see at Genesis 4:26.
Hebrew has many similarities to our language, and in fact there are a large percentage of common English words that derive from Hebrew roots.
The Hebrew root "AB" as we see in the name "ABRAM" or "ABRAHAM" is two letters (AB  =  alef + beth).  (Do further research on "ABU RAMU").
ABBA equates to the Latin word for "PATER", and this PATER has become the English word FATHER.   The root letters ALEF + BETH literally mean strong house, so the leader of a household would naturally be the father.
The Hebrew letters PE and FE are both represented with a single letter, PE.   So a single Hebrew letter can
have more than one sound, just as our English letters can, depending on the word they are used in.
There is no letter "V" in the ancient Hebrew, but because Hebrew is a "living language", corruptions (changes)
have occurred, so the modern Hebrew does have a letter sounding like a "V".
About the word ABBA;   it's not a name, but a pronoun, just as FATHER isn't a name.   It's like the word
MOTHER;  it's not a name.   The Hebrew word for MOTHER is EMMA, which later became the Latin MATER,
often shortened to "MA" by the hillbilly set.  
YHUH refers to His "NAME" often in Scripture, and it's always associated with the same word:  yod-hay-uau-hay ("UAU" is a letter pronounced "OOO-AH").
Yahusha revealed the FATHER to us, since Yisharal had not generally experienced YaHUaH as FATHER, but more
as El Shaddai.   The translators of most editions of Scripture missed a subtle thing at Exodus 6:3.   YaHUaH did not
say His "NAME" was ever El Shaddai, but that He appeared to them "as" Alahim Almighty  (El, Elah, Alahim, & Eloah are
all pronouns, not names).   

Jesuit Influences:   The Jesuits (Society of Jesus, originally known as Societas IESU) designed the Roman calendar we use, modeled on the previous Pagan Julian calendar.   They also use "GREEK" to explain our English transliteration for the Name above-all-names.    Most are taught that the Name "JESUS" is a translation.   If this were so, then it could be "translated" into some meaning into English, Greek, Latin, or Hebrew, no?   No one can "translate" it back to Hebrew.  To "translate" means to convey the MEANING of a word, not its SOUND.  The "sound" of a word taken into another language is a TRANSLITERATION.  All scholars know that Yahusha never heard anyone say "Jesus" to Him 2000 years ago.  It wasn't even invented until around 1530 CE, so how could anyone get "saved" in the name "Jesus" before it was invented?  To try to make it mean something in Greek, the ending "sus" definitely refers to Zeus, as it does in many other Greek names such as Tarsus, Pegasus, Dionysus, and Parnassus.  So, in Greek, the Name "JESUS" can mean "hail Zeus", or "son of Zeus".   It means nothing in Hebrew, the language it supposedly came from!  But, if you force it to mean anything, the closest it could come to any Hebrew word is "hey-horse", because "soos" is Hebrew for "horse".  The name Yeshua means "help" or "save", but the true Name "YAHUSHA" above means "YAH is our deliverer".  The Name "YAH" is connected to the root "YASHA" (SHA) meaning to deliver.  Hebrew contains both nouns and verbs which describe ACTION.   As for the Greco-Roman term "JESUS", the association with Zeus with the "sus" ending is possibly an intended distortion, made by Pagan copyists of long ago.  Zeus was sometimes depicted as a HORSE-MAN, or "centaur".  The old Babylonian /Egyptian signs of the Zodiac/Zoo beasts in the skies included a centaur holding a bow and arrow, called Sagittarius - this is really Nimrod, the mighty hunter.  He was known as Orion the hunter also.  Satan (shatan) masquerades, changes, distorts,  and misleads.  Even "satan" came across rather close to its original: shatan.  And, like they say, the translators managed to get the name for the Yerushaliyim garbage dump correct also;  but they just couldn't get the Name above all names right  . . . . .

The Yahudim have their own privately-kept secret regarding the meaning of some versions of Yahusha's Name:

"Yeshu" is an acronym, where the letters stand for the words of this sentence:  "may his name be blotted out!" 

      Why do most use the transliteration YAHWEH?   Not to be critical, but ultimately this is because the Jewish Encyclopedia endorses this pronunciation.   Remember, our brothers in Rabbinical Judaism subscribe to the teachings of the TALMUD, and this prohibits the utterance of the Name.   The orthodox Yahudim (Jews) will let the information only go so far;  "YAHWEH" is as close as they want anyone to really get.   This is only my opinion, and I can be incorrect;  but reason through it yourself.  Do you really think they want anyone to be able to utter the Name?   The doorway to the Name is the word YAHUDAH -- just remove the "D", and you have the closest probable sound of the Name.  

Look at the letters of YAHUDAH & YAHUAH:

yod-hay-uau-dalet-hay                yod-hay-uau-hay 

The word YAHUDAH is the doorway to the actual sound

The translation of any word, phrase, sentence, or book:  to carry across a meaning or interpretation from one language to another.  Not sounds, but thoughts are transferred.  What would otherwise be gibberish or confusion is explained and rendered understandable when the sound from one language is equated with a similar idea or concept in another.  It matters not if the sound is written or spoken;  the objective of translating a word is to convey or transfer the meaning of the word or concept, not the sound of it.
To transliterate a word from one language to another involves "trans-lettering" -- to take each corresponding letter from the original language and use the closest sounding letters in the target alphabet to duplicate the exact sound of the word.  The meaning of the word is not involved in this process.
With this in mind, the name JESUS cannot fit into the idea of being a translation, since to do this it would have to have a meaning in the original language, then maintain that same meaning in the target language.  Yahshua (or Yahusha, Yahushua, and often seen as Y'shua) means "Yah is our deliverance".  Since it has been claimed (and defended by Jesuits for centuries) to be a translation into the Greek, then subsequently the Latin languages, it would be necessary to maintain some meaning in both languages that relate the meaning of "Yah is our deliverance."  Since this is not the case, the word JESUS is a replacement device, probably used in order to appeal to the hearers of the name.  The Greeks' ambition was obviously to maintain the sound of some previously familiar name -- and since "koine" Greek was the language of the common people, the name Zeus was a natural choice to use. 
In some places in the former Soviet Union, the name JESUS is spelled JEZUS, having come directly from the koine Greek. The excuses used by the Jesuits to explain the name JESUS fall apart when the difference between "translate" and "transliterate" are explained.  

The Name of our Messiah in the received Greek is written:  IESOU and IESOUS.  It is "literally" impossible to use the Greek alphabet to "sound" the word Yahusha  (no "sh" and no "y"). The ending "S" is added because the Greek language requires male names to end in s.

How much tampering was done to the Name as it went into Greek?  Apparently quite a bit - it sounds more like the Greeks simply inserted their former Pagan deity's name where it suited them.

The book Come Out Of Her My People shows how several ancient languages worshipped false deities under the names ESUS, ISIS, HESUS, and others.

"BARUCH HABA BASHEM YAHUAH" is the transliteration of the Hebrew phrase, and the translation or meaning is: "Blessed is the one who comes in the Name of YaHUaH."  Yahusha quoted this from Psalm 118:26.   This same text was called out by the crowds when Yahusha rode the colt into the city as they laid palm branches on the ground before Him, making the Pharisees and Sadducees become quite agitated (because they heard the common people using the Personal Name of YaHUaH).  Knowing that the Name had been a point of stumbling, and was prohibited from being spoken aloud under penalty of stoning to death by human tradition, Yahusha prophetically declared,  "For I say to you, from now on you shall not see Me until you say, 'BLESSED IS HE WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF YaHUaH!'" (See Mt. 23:39.   The Natsarim (watchmen, branches) are saying it now, at the end of the times of the Gentiles.   The key of knowledge is the personal Name, removed by most translators, and replaced by the capital letters LORD in the text (see any good translation's Preface for more on this human traditon).   The Name is what we must be immersed in, but this vital information has been withheld from the "sheeple".  Individually, we each must "overcome" the obstacles like this through personal study.   References:  Mt. 21:9, Mt. 23:39, Mk. 11:9, Lk. 13:35, Jn. 12:13


"Hashem" is used in sentences throughout the Scriptures, however it is not used as a substitution for the Name.  
If I write a sentence and say "the name" in it, you would expect me to also use the name these words refer to;  and Scripture certainly does this.  
The Orthodox Yahudim enforced the human custom of saying "hashem" in place of the actual Name Yahuah when reading the Scriptures aloud, however there is not a single scrap of inspired Scripture to support this tradition, only Talmud, which is the written form of everything Yahusha found to be the greatest problem with the teachers of Yisharal long ago  --  the leavening, or puffing-up,  with men's traditions (traditions of the fathers).
Yahuchanon 17 clearly shows that Yahusha revealed the Father's Name to those whom He had given to Him out of the world, and said that He would reveal it again.   "Hashem" is not it.   The Orthodox Yahudim know the Name, but don't use it out of misguided respect and human tradition  -- but they definitely know that "hashem" is not the Name.
There are plenty of weird ideas on the internet, and people who have not thoroughly studied can draw some faulty conclusions.
Something tells me that calling on the words "hashem" won't quite make the grade, and this is far from what Yahuah intended.

The following is from an Email sent by a gentleman named Douglas representing UCG (a denomination).   He was presented with the initial evidence that the Name traditionally used is flawed, and that the true Name should be taught.   His responses spring from boiler-plate answers baked in seminaries.   I was asked to comment on his responses, so this is the way it went: 

Douglas wrote:  "Thank you for your letter, with your questions regarding the name of Jesus.  You asked about the letter "J" in Christ's day.  Our Roman alphabet (with the letter "J") was in common use at that time, as Judea was a province of the Roman Empire."

LEW:  This is simply a statement that is not true, although Douglas may believe it sincerely.  A good encyclopedia will reveal the truth about this in two ways; the article under the letter "J" will show its late development, stemming from the Greek letter iota (the English letter I).  The other article to check carefully is "ALPHABET." It will clearly show there is no letter "J" in any language until the early 16th century.  We use Latin letters, however there was no letter "J" in the Latin alphabet until the early 16th century, and neither did it exist in any other language before that time.  So, the claim that "Judea" was in use 2000 years ago is like believing that General Sherman of the Civil War era used Sherman tanks . . . no, let's not do that either;  it makes my brain hurt.  In reality the Romans spelled the land of Yisharal "Ioudia"  --  (see the chronology at http://www.argyrosargyrou.fsnet.co.uk/myths/bible/ChronologyD.htm).

Douglas wrote: "However, many educated Jews and Romans also spoke Greek, with its slightly different alphabet. The New Testament, as you may realize, was written mostly in Greek (with some Aramaic). The Greek alphabet, with 24 letters, has no exact equivalent to the Roman "J." The closest may be "iota," most similar to our letter I."

LEW:  In truth, the "inspired Greek N.T." is a myth being exposed more everyday.  There are a half dozen existent texts of MattithYahu, and an early pre-Nicene "Church father" stating that MattithYahu wrote in the original Hebrew, not even Aramaic. Another oddity is that there has been no discovery of any Aramaic in the land they call "Palestine" during the Roman occupation. Modern scholarship admits the numerous idioms within the received Greek transmission, and they are strong indicators of a Hebrew original for all the original autographs.  Yahusha and most of His talmidim were not likely bi-lingual, although we know Shaul spoke several languages.  The mother tongue of all the early talmidim was Hebrew, and if they even spoke another language such as Greek it certainly would not be likely for them to write their letters in their second language.

Douglas wrote: "The Hebrew alphabet (the language of the Old Testament) has 22 letters, and once again, there is no direct counterpart to our "J," although "yod" may be the closest (it is generally equated to "Y")."

LEW: Indeed this is true, so we can forego discussing the intermediary Greek hopefully.      Or not . . . . .

Douglas wrote: "The name given to Joseph and Mary for their son would have been the name anglicized as "Joshua" from the Hebrew, and "Jesus" from the Greek. They are essentially the same name, meaning "YHWH is salvation."   "YHWH" is one of the most common names for God in the Old Testament Hebrew, but since the Jews felt it was too holy a name to pronounce, the vowel points were lost over time. Some render it as "Jehovah," but this is generally acknowledged as incorrect, and there is really no way to know now how it should have been pronounced. The word "LORD" (with capital letters in many English versions) in the Old Testament is from "YHWH."  

It generally means Eternal One, I am, or I exist.

LEW:   Yahuah is the only personal Name given for our Creator, yod-hay-uau-hay, and means existence in all 3 tenses, past-present-future. This is His "memorial Name" (Shemoth 3:14,15), used at least 6,823 times between Barashith and Malaki.   "LORD" is an English word, and means BAAL, and is not only the abomination it appears to be, but is also against the literal intention of the 3rd Commandment (look up "Baal" in Websters dictionary).   The NIV preface admits it to be a "device", used to stand in the place of the true Name, obliterating it, probably with the objective of placating the masses who would be offended to hear the true Name for whatever reason.  "LORD" is a placebo, a concealment, and a substitution.  The revealed true Name turned the world upside down, and it is happening again right now, before your eyes, in the latter rain.

Douglas wrote:  "In Hebrews 4:8 (one of the verses to which you refer), the name is given as "Joshua" in the New King James Translation, but with a marginal reference that it could be rendered "Jesus." The context implies it should be translated "Joshua," but since the name came from Hebrew, it could have been translated either way. In Greek, it would be "Iesous" (the most direct transliteration to the Roman alphabet from the Greek)."

LEW:  There's that Greek again. If we have the original Hebrew, we can toss the Greek transitional errors now. The Jesuits put great effort into destroying the Hebrew writing they found in libraries and private homes, so thoroughly that they also killed the people the documents were found with. They promote the myth of the inspired Greek N.T., and if there is a source for the promotion of the word "JESUS", it's the Jesuits, the "Society of Jesus".

Douglas wrote:  "You are quite right to point out that Jesus came "in His Father's name."  This powerfully indicated that He came by the Father's authority and to do His will (John 5:30; 17:2). Even today, a police officer might call out "Open the door, in the name of the law!" He doesn't mean that his name is "law," but that he has the authority and backing of the law behind him as a peace officer. The verse to which you refer (Psalm 68:4) mentions the name "YAH" is a shortened version of "YHWH" as the marginal reference in some Bibles states."

LEW:  The standard "boiler plate" answer provided by seminary indoctrinated individuals concerning the word "authority" is well-stated above. Actually, the truth concerning Yahusha's Name being "YAH" is more literal than most would like to hear, because they have been exposed to traditional error so long that their minds are clouded with the "wine" (that keeps them asleep, drunk, or in a stupor).  Many prophets not only spoke "in the Name" of YaHUaH, but openly pronounced it when they prophesied; and their own personal names were often based on the Name "YAH" as well.  Yahusha (mistranslated "JOSHUA"), YeshaYahu (mistranslated "ISAIAH"), Baruch Yah, ObadYah (Obadiah), to name but a few examples of this fact.  The masses would prefer to use "generic" terms rather than the true, one Name, and this is not their fault - it's simple ignorance because of tradition. The prophet YirmeYahu (mistranslated Jeremiah) tells us,

"My people will know My Name". He further states at 23:27, "They think the dreams they tell one another will make My people forget My Name, just as their fathers forgot My Name through BAAL (LORD)."

Altering His Name in any way is as the sacrifice of Cain - we cannot make up our own method of worship nor call upon whatever name we feel we wish to call Him.   "Well, isn't that special"   --  is not what He is likely to say when we meet Him face-to-face.   As teachers, we are held to a higher standard than to condone traditions that sound more like pretzel logic than anything else.  Either His Name is Yahuah, or it's BAAL (LORD) -- and El Yahu (Elijah) could explain this best.

Yerme Yahu declared at 16:19, "To you the nations will come from the ends of the Earth and say, 'our fathers have inherited nothing but falsehood, futility, and things of no profit.'" Yesha Yahu (Isaiah) 28:15 says, "We have made a lie our refuge, and falsehood our hiding place."  The Name of Yahuah is a strong tower of refuge, and those who are righteous run to it.

This is only a light encounter and far from a thorough examination of the Name, but the importance of being immersed into the true Name of Yahusha cannot be overly stressed.  Do we want to relax in the thinking that the Jesuit-promoted word "Jesus" is good enough, or can we overcome the errors and accept the love of the true Name of the One who died for us and lives in us to guide us into all truth?      Praise YaHUaH   -   hallelu Yah


    Many people have been against the use of Father Yahuah's Name, both past and present-day, and yet if you check a concordance, the four-lettered Name YaHUaH is used far more than any other single word (6,823 times) -  I suspect this is not by accident. 
Those of us that use the Name have not, as far as I'm aware, been on the attack in the least against those who
don't use the Name.  But, this has not been the case with those who don't use it  -  and any persecution we might
suffer is wonderful, if we bear it silently and without complaint.  If we persecute, then we are on the wrong side.
     The idea of "circumlocution" is the most common practice among today's Jews, Christians, and most Natsarim.   It is
the "talking around" the subject without expressing it specifically.  Yahusha said He had revealed the Name of Yahuah
to His talmidim (students) at Yahuchanon (John) 17:6, and that we be kept as one in that Name.
     Periphrasis, or circumlocution, was never the intended practice concerning the Name;  the 3rd Commandment specifically 
prohibits bringing His Name to RUIN (nothingness, destruction, from the Hebrew word "SHOAH").   Talking around His Name is a bold thing to practice and teach, and it  opens the way for listeners to think or believe whatever they feel like.  If there's no specified mighty one, accurately identified by a personal name, then there is an active conspiracy at work to conceal something.  They can call it piety, and "bringing honor to His Name" by never uttering it, but in the end there will be those who CALL upon His Name, and those who do not.  Notice the context below, and how what is done has no guile or circumlocution regarding the Name:

"Then you will know that I am in Yisharal, that I am (Yahuah) your (Alahim), and that there is no other; never again will my people be shamed.
And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days.   I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and billows of smoke.   The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of (Yahuah).   
And everyone who calls on the Name of (Yahuah) will be saved; for on Mount Zion and in (Yerushaliyim) there will be deliverance, as (Yahuah) has said, among the survivors whom (Yahuah) calls."
Joel 2:27-3:1
 What we call something can be inherited error.

    The followers of Yahusha were called Natsarim (Acts 24:5).   Their religion was the Torah of Yahuah, and did not involve any sacraments, Sun-day "worship" services, Easter, Christmas, Halloween, holy water, bells, or steeples.  The name of Yahuah's religion (way, halacha), is not Greek;  it's simply "Torah of Yahuah", and it's Hebrew.  The Greco-Roman roots are not involved in the least.  The excuse that "we don't speak Hebrew" is not legitimate.  We don't speak Latin or Greek either.  Translations from the Hebrew original must not be the final authority, in an attempt to conceal the underlying Hebrew.  The writers of the Brith Chadasha wrote in the Hebrew dialect of Aramaic, not Greek.  The Catholic organization spent centuries hunting for and destroying Hebrew texts, and concealing the Truth.

"Therefore do not fear them, for there is nothing covered that will not be revealed , and hidden that will not be known." Matt 10:25-27

The Name is of great importance to us all.  When I first began to investigate the matter, I embraced the form that most scholars promoted, and that was YAHWEH.  As I progressed, like you, I heard several diverse variations, some incorporating the letter V, and other added vowels.  There were also those who promoted a 2-syllable form, and a 3-syllable form.  The rules of pronunciation were attempted to be written by the Masoretes during the 9th and 10th centuries, utilizing vowel-pointing written beneath the letters, especially unwritten vowel sounds between written letters.  Accenting syllables was anyone's best guess, and still is;  since even English, today, has many variations in use concerning which syllable is emphasized, depending on what part of the world one lives in.  Another overlooked characteristic about vowels and accents is that a living language is constantly undergoing changes as it is used.  William Shakespear would be very difficult to understand if he were to speak to an Englishman today, and he lived only 450 years ago.  The Masoretes were 2300 years removed from the time of Mosheh, so their ideas have no more bearing on authenticity than yours or mine!  In other words, whatever rules we may read or hear about, they are, at best, only educated guesses, not facts.

The sources that discuss the Name are many, and they all refer to the Jewish Encyclopedia as their authority.  The Jewish Encyclopedia articles on the Name were written by Rabbis, and these Rabbis do not wish the world to know the true pronunciation of the Name, because their Talmud prescribes the death penalty for uttering the Name.  They are actively seeking to conceal the true pronunciation.  What is the evidence of this?  Well, they promote the best transliteration of the Name to be YAHWEH, yet the letter W didnt exist until shortly before the letter J came into existence.  In fact, the Swedish alphabet just added the letter W to their 28-letters last month;  they now have 29 letters.  During the 13th century, the letter W started out as a double v, and even Gutenberg didn't have the letter W to use on his printing press because it had not come into wide use in Germany in his time.  He had to put two letter vs. together to print a VV.  So, the ancient Hebrew didn't have a letter W, or a VAV, because VAV appeared only around 400 years ago.  Prior to that it was not a WAW either, but rather a UAU.  It is exactly as our English letter U, and is not a double-U at all.  There is not Hebrew word that contains a letter W;  it is impossible, because the letter did not exist until the later 13th century CE, and still was being developed in various languages, like the Swedish embraced it officially last month. 

The doorway to the true sound seems to be very clearly the closest Hebrew word:


Notice that four letters of YOD, HAY, UAU, HAY appear within this word, and all we must do is remove the sound of the letter DALETH (D), and we have the Name.

To be consistent, those who insist on using a W for the letter UAU in Hebrew words would have to place it into many other words and phrases, like the phrase HALLELU YAH.  The U is the letter UAU.

Also, the prophet YESHA YAHU ends with the Hebrew letters YOD, HAY, UAU.  Inserting a W would make the word YAHUDAH transform into YAHWUDAH.  YAHUSHA would become YAHWUSHA.  Even the tribe LEWI  is only three letters, LAMED, UAU, YOD, or LUY  (loo-EE).  If you say this slowly, you can feel your lips form a W, but it is the transition between the vowels, not a letter in itself.

YaHUaH and YaHUsha both begin with the same 3 letters, YOD, HAY, UAU:

YOD, HAY, UAU, HAY   (I was, I am, I will be  -  root HAYAH, existence, to be, to become)

YOD, HAY, UAU, SHIN, AYIN   (Yahusha,  meaning -  Yah is our (or plural your) Deliverer)

Therefore, there must a close connection between these two Hebrew words, for an important reason.

"I AM" YOUR DELIVERANCE seems to be conveyed in the meaning of the Name YAHUSHA.    

As for accenting the last syllable, this pattern may be true, or not.  You may be correct.  No one can really know today.   I've heard that the policy used to be to accent the SECOND syllable of a word, even if it was not the final syllable.  I cannot say that this is necessarily so.  At best, our attempt to utter the Name YaHUaH sounds like a strangely accented word to His ears.  As I recall the first attempts for my children to pronounce Dad, and my grandchildren to say Grampy, the sound they made was slightly inaccurate, but yet the most precious to my ears in spite of the accent they had.  

The most mysterious letter in the Hebrew alef-beth is, without dispute, the letter UAU.  Everyone will admit this.  It is thought to be a VAV by the modern Hebrew scholars, but this teaching is not true of the ancient Hebrew.  Then there is the debate over whether the Name is 2-syllables, or 3.  Many Hebrew words with 3 letters have 2 syllables, and often 4-lettered Hebrew words have 3 syllables.  

I never tire of looking into the Name of our Creator, Deliverer, and Savior!

1 Enoch 108:12,13:  "In a blazing light, I will bring forth those who love My qodesh Name.  I will seat them upon sky-thrones.  There will they dazzle for many ages, since Yahuah judged them obedient."




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The Da Vinci Code:  what's true & what's not


Is the author of Revelation still alive?


 Q:  Where did we get the form "JESUS" from? 






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