All mankind is created from one blood (Acts 17:26)

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Identity movements are a stronghold. The first will be last, and the last first. Yahuah scattered the tribes of Yisharal into the nations, and they have multiplied greatly. His plan is to awaken us to our heritage in the last days, and then re-gather us at Yahusha's second coming.

Parthians are exiles from the tribes of Yisharal, and are mentioned at Acts 2.
Just when we think we're someone special, suddenly Yahuah reminds us of YashaYahu 56:1-7.

This section tells us how foreigners (outsiders) will be joined to Yahuah, all who guard the Shabath, and be given a name better than sons and daughters. oops!

If you're white, or black, or yellow, Yahuah can draw you into His Covenant and those teaching lies about racial identity may contract leprosy like Miryam did.

Be careful with your words of judgment and superiority.

Racial Identity teachings are another feature of the last days' warnings given by Yahusha. Nation (race) will rise against nation (race), and kingdom (government) against kingdom (Mt. 24:7).

If we think we are someone important, and we assume to take a higher position than someone else, we will most likely discover that our place will be taken from us. Paul said pay no attention. (1 Tim. 1:4). The first will be last, and the last first. This means the one who exalts himself in their heart will be last, and the humble one will be lifted up higher.

Yahuah scattered the tribes of Yisharal into the nations, and they have multiplied greatly. His plan is to awaken us to our heritage in the last days, and then regather us at Yahusha's second coming.

Parthians are exiles from the tribes of Yisharal, and are mentioned at Acts 2.
Just when we think we're someone special, suddenly Yahuah reminds us of YashaYahu 56:1-7. This section tells us how foreigners will be joined to Yahuah, all who guard the Shabath, and be given a name
better than sons and daughters.

Racial Identity teachings are another feature of the last days' warnings given by Yahusha.

Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom (Mt. 24:7).

If we think we are someone important, and we assume to take a higher position than someone else, we will most likely discover that our place will be taken from us. (Luke 14:8-11)

YashaYahu 56 proves the foreigners who join to Yahuah, all who guard Shabath, will be given a name better than native-born folks. Debating genealogies is useless, just as Paul also said. Yahusha taught us it is our behavior (fruit) that determines our kinship with Abrahim (Mt. 3 & Mt. 8). Ephesians 6 tells us there is no partiality with Yahuah, whether we are free or slave. Natural branches should not boast, nor grafted-in branches (Romans 11).

Do not be arrogant, thinking more highly of yourself than others (Romans 12:3).

For all those who teach or believe the lies that “true Israel” is white, black, or other raced-based characteristic, Yahuah has the following to say about it at YashaYahu / Isa 56:3-7:

“And let not the son of the foreigner who has joined himself

to Yahuah speak, saying ‘Yahuah has certainly separated me from His people,’ nor let the eunuch say, ‘Look I am a dry tree.’ ” For thus said Yahuah, ‘To the eunuchs who guard My Shabaths, and have chosen what pleases Me, and hold fast to My Covenant: to them I shall give in My house and within My walls a place and a name better than that of sons and daughters – I give them an everlasting name that is not cut off.

Also the sons of the foreigner who join themselves to Yahuah, to serve Him, and to love the Name of Yahuah, to be His servants, all who guard the Shabath, and not profane it, and hold fast to My Covenant – them I shall bring to My set-apart mountain, and let them rejoice in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and their

slaughterings are accepted on My altar, for My house is called a house of prayer for all the peoples.”

If any of us thinks we are more pure, original, or superior about who we think we are, remember this part of Yahuah’s Words:

“To them I shall give in My house and within My walls a place and a name better than that of sons and daughters.”



IDENTITY MOVEMENTS try to trace the genealogy of the faith to specific groups of the past and try to relate them to those living in the present.

Looking backward at the lives of those who came before us, and how they “drove” their lives, only influences our lives if they were successful in passing the Torah down to us, the instructions they were commanded to pass to their children and grandchildren.  The Torah isn’t normally passed from children to parents, although that sometimes happens.

If you want to identify a tree, the place to look is it’s fruit (offspring), not genealogical records.

  Identity movements often lead to divisive racist outcomes, thus the “white is Israel” division, and the resulting “black is Israel” backlash, based on the historical evidence of their persecution.  “Identity” of the lineage of those who obeyed Torah long ago has no bearing on the descendants, since along the way the Covenant was violated by every single person that ever lived before the present day.

The Covenant itself proves to each person they are powerless to obey, without the indwelling of Yahusha to change their hearts, and receive a love for it. There are none righteous, and our duty as Torah observers is not to track our lineage, but to teach our children ahead of us the Torah.  We never look back, we look forward to instill Torah in our children and grandchildren. What our parents before us did or did not do does not automatically make us more or less important in the eyes of Yahusha;  He came to bring His Life to all the world, no matter who they may be descended from.

1Co 13:11-13:  “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I thought as a child, I reasoned as a child.

But when I became a man, I did away with childish matters.

For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know, as I also have been known. And now belief, expectation, and love remain – these three. But the greatest of these is love.”


Shalom Lew!

I just read through this attachment "The Tents of Shem" teaching from this group in (name withheld to prevent reputation from being harmed). 

I am familiar with the Scriptures they reference but think it may be a big stretch to say that Japhet is the Christians of today as they do. 

They also indicate that the "coat of many colors" given to Joseph represents the Christians too.  The research I've come across from Hebrew understanding is that the "coat of many colors" is actually the coat of inheritance that the "firstborn" received in order to take care of the rest of the family when the patriarch was unable to or had died. 

Just curious what your take on this is.......and thanks for sharing your wisdom from Abba.

Dear sister (name withheld),

When teachers of Yahuah's Word are reading His Words, Truth is unleashed.

When they interpret His Words from their own understanding, we see the flaws and inadequacies emerge.

Since teachers are only men and women, they have all sorts of faults. Some of them over-reach, stop short, or have outlandish interpretations.

We can selectively purge-out the silly ideas as we listen, such as the use of the words god, lord, christ, or how they spell and pronounce Hebrew words, and even the wild ideas some of them come up with. Old wine, the teachings of men, are strongholds of reasoning to be overcome.

The poisoned teachings (wormwood) can't affect us because of discernment given to us by Yahusha’ Ruach.  Every lie is built around a kernel of Truth, and sometimes the Truth is used to help make us swallow a lie mixed with it. Many false teachings are swallowed because they are presented alongside Truth. What is truly sad is when Truth is rejected along with the lie that is discovered.

As Christians learn about the deceptions perpetrated on them by their teachers, they are in danger of rejecting the Truth along with the lies, turning away from all trust in Yahuah’s Word.

The brief exposure I had to the teaching (group name withheld) indicated to me that there is a great deal of “Christian” terminology, but progress was evident. 

As teachers repent of their gentile influences (and old wine), they grow more and more clean.  We can only do our best given what we have to work with at any given time.  Personally, I have learned and grown in many areas, but I must never condemn others who may be just a little behind on the path.  As teachers, we have nothing that was not given to us.  I was led to begin each seminar with the Ten Words, and the Shema. Whatever follows after that foundation proceeds to bring more understanding of those Words, and their goal: Love.

I agree we are out-of-bounds to try to identify certain peoples or groups as being Shemites or Nimrodites, or whatever else. Paul warned us of disputing about “endless geneaologies” and missing the point, or goal:

1Ti 1:4-7:  “. . . nor to pay attention to fables and endless genealogies, which cause disputes rather than an administration of Alahim which is in belief.  Now the goal of this command is love from a clean heart, from a good conscience and a sincere belief, which some, having missed the goal, turned aside to senseless talk, wishing to be teachers of Torah, understanding neither what they say nor concerning what they strongly affirm.”

Paul advised us to beware of divisions:

1Kor. 1:10  “And I appeal to you, brothers, by the Name of our Master Yahusha Mashiak, that you all agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be knit together in the same mind and in the same opinion.”

  Yahusha is working in hearts to join us together, while the enemy divides us into various groups under our favorite teachers. Identity movements are one of the methods used to divide us.

We have one Teacher, Yahusha, and He speaks through His vessels, and they are recognized by their fruits.

They sow the Torah, and reap love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control.

They are recognized by their behavior, and they reserve all judgment for Yahusha. While we all may have a cruel streak in our hearts, He is faithful and forgiving. 

Who among us is without error?  Whoever is not against Yahusha is for us, and we need to strive to become closer to one another because we have learned to love the ones He is redeeming.  The process may appear ugly as they pull themselves out of the darkness, but that is the birthing process.  We all stand or fall before Yahusha by our words, especially our words concerning one another.

As we are begotten from above, we grow and are refined.  Let’s pray the Vineyard of Yahuah continues to grow in the knowledge of the simple yoke of Yahusha’s Torah that leads to love.  We all need help, and stumble in many things. The best thing we can do is encourage and build-up one another, so love will flourish between us all.

Beware of using a genealogical study approach.

The racism that often follows this kind of research is addressed in this seminar:

Racial Identity Seminar: 

The Torah is behavior learned through pressure and persecution, and that behavior is love!

It instills character to persevere through pressure, because the greatest power in the universe is LOVE.

Look at the fruit, and you’ll IDENTIFY the TREE

You don’t have to trace back through genetic pathways, or look into a rear-view mirror to see where Yahusha was working in the past. We work in the present, not the past or the future.  Our priority is be available for Yahusha’s use in the present time, not try to figure out genealogical lines,  nor who He will be working with in the coming years. Some are teaching people when the moon is scheduled to turn blood-red, yet they don’t know when the next new moon will arrive because they have to “sight” it. We need to focus on what we need to do to seek His lost sheep, not worry about who His sheep were in the past.

Luk 9:62:  “But Yahusha said to him, ‘No one, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the reign of Alahim.’”



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The spelling Alahim is a slight correction of vowels, since “Elohim” is the result of Masoretes inserting vowel-marks as they intended for words to sound. By adopting the vowels-marks of the Masoretes, the Name Yahuah would become impossible to pronounce, and other words were also altered when they referred to our Creator. 

The word Abraham begins an ALEF, or our letter A  - and the word Alahim.

The letter AYIN equates best to our letter E, as we see in the name “Esau”. It would be just as incorrect to spell Abraham as Ebraham as it is to spell Alahim as Elohim, since the first letter of both words should reflect the letter A. The rules became fixed by the Masoretes, a Karaite sect whose name means traditionalists. Traditions are very stubborn strongholds that hold people in their grip, and are often defended with great zeal. The truth at first sounds ridiculous; next, it is violently opposed;  finally, it is accepted as being self-evident. You can already see it is self-evident, and yet it was still difficult for me at first. The guile is being slowly purged, and the refining is progressing well. Truth must be wielded in kindness, so simply speak it without allowing it to become divisive. Accept everyone as they are developing. Beware of those who condemn others, and pray for them to be released from their fear, selfish desires, and pride.

For more information:

Isn't the term "bible" the proper name of a fertility deity whose temple was located at ancient Byblos, a coastal town named for her?
Does Yahuah's Word ever refer to itself as a "bible"?

Our fathers have inherited only lies and things of no profit (YirmeYahu 16:19). Also, tradition has altered names like Yahudah to "Judah", and replaced the Name of Yahuah with "LORD" (Baal in Hebrew), and inserted the name of the identity thief, Jesus, for the true Name, Yahusha. Also, are there names for the Zodiac in the texts at Iyub (aka Job) chapters 9 & 38 in the translation you use (from the Hebrew words AISH, KESIL, KIMAH, and MAZZAROTH? The new BYNV (Besorah of Yahusha Natsarim Version) is repairing these, and many other kinds of inherited misunderstandings, and is live right now at AMAZON KINDLE (link below).

After meditating and praying about what the Hebrew words He used meant, the answer has come to us.

Yahuah used these words before mankind had discovered any use for them – so we’ve caught up to the point

that they make sense for the first time. 

We’re not in the 16th century anymore, Toto!


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