are Natsarim
different from
The Spirit of Error
It is impossible to repent while continuing to sin.
We are ambassadors sent to free the prisoners imprisoned by the
stronghold of faulty thinking.
Christian doctrines promote sin. They have received a spirit of error.
To be legal is heretical in their minds, and accomplishes the will of
Nimrod, Izebel, Antiochus Epiphanes, and Constantine. In Scripture, there is no such thing as a "religion" called CHRISTIANITY. People need to see things from Yahuah's perspective, not man's traditions. Those who worship Yahuah do so in Truth, not through religion. Truth is reality, tradition is religion.
![]() WHO OR WHAT ARE NATSARIM? NATSARIM (often referred to as Messianics) are the first-followers of Yahusha of Natsarith, the Messiah of Israel, who also obeyed Torah (The Covenant with Israel). They are reappearing on the Earth in the last days. Natsarim are identified as the original followers of Yahusha at Acts 24:5, and were persecuted, despised, and suppressed by the early Christian "church fathers", who were quite different; the "church fathers" developed "Christianity" primarily at the Catechetical School of Alexandria, in Egypt, a place considered to be the repository of all human knowledge (Research the "Alexandrian Library"). The Catechetical School of Alexandria was the very first "seed-plot", or "seminary". In contrast to them, we hold to no Egyptian or Greek influences, but rather continually expose the traditions inherited from those origins. We promote the "Hebrew roots", hold fast to the Name "YAHUAH" (and the true Name of the Mashiach, "YAHUSHA"), and to the Covenant - of which we are guardians. The word NATSARIM literally means GUARDIANS, and also BRANCHES, because we remain attached to the ROOT (YAHUSHA), Who sustains us with His Life (Torah, His Covenant with Yisrael). Our LAMPS (hearts) contain the living oil, the Mind of His Spirit, which is His Torah.
Our belief is that all people outside the Covenant must engraft through the Covenant, written upon their hearts by the Spiritual indwelling of the Messiah. DIFFERENCES: Messianics: the true Hebrew Name of the Creator is called upon: Yahuah (yod-hay-uau-hay). The Messiah’s true Name is used: Yahusha.The weekly Sabbath is observed as a day of rest, according to the Commandment. The 7 annual festivals commanded for Israel to observe are observed, and there is no observance of a single “Christian” festival, which are all derived from Pagan festivals.
Christians: the Creator's Name is avoided, and instead "devices" or generic terms are used to refer to Him. Examples are LORD, GOD, which "wiped-out" His one true Name, "YAHUAH". (CLICK ON THIS LINK: JEHOVAH). The Messiah's Name as "JESUS" is corrupted beyond all recognition, to a meaningless Greco-Roman one. The weekly Sabbath is NOT observed as a day of rest, but is thought to be moved to "Sun-day". The 7 annual festivals commanded for Israel to observe are ignored, and replaced with 7 "sacraments", violating the command to not add or take away from Torah. Examples of these differences: Natsarim Christian Observe the Festivals of Yahuah (Dt. 16, Lev. 23) Don't obey the Covenant, rather adhere to various "sacraments". Sabbath (7th day) Sunday (1st day) Passover Ash Wednesday Lent Easter Matsah Shabuoth Pentecost Yom Teruah All Saints Day Yom Kaphar Christmas Sukkoth Epiphany Hebrew calendar Roman calendar Ultimate determination: The Messiah of Israel observed all of these practices listed under NATSARIM.
![]() WHO OR WHAT ARE CHRISTIANS? Without knowing it, Christians are followers of a Greco-Roman culture of names, terms, and festivals, all adopted intact from Pagan sources, yet adapted or mixed carefully with ideas and people from the Hebrew Scriptures. The mixing together of practices and beliefs is called syncretism. These heresies began through the teachings of Simon Magus, and eventually became the institution known as Roman Catholicism. The Great Schism produced the Eastern Orthodox Catholicism, and later the Reformation in the 16th century further fragmented the movement; but much error remained from the adherence to the early "church fathers" and their writings. These "church fathers" persecuted and despised the first followers of Yahusha, the Natsarim, and wrote about us. They considered us "heretics" because we obey the Torah. Every detail of Scriptural observance was omitted by the "church fathers", and replaced with new observances. With skillfully crafted reasoning over many centuries, the formerly Pagan observances were camouflaged or wrapped in new meanings. Examples: Sacraments - Yahuah never commanded them, hinted at them indirectly, or mentioned any such thing. They add to the Torah, against Dt. 12. Sun-day - the Day of the Sun. Many other "strange festivals" were invented, all being adaptations from former sun worship.
Easter Day - the Pagan festival of the impregnation of Mother Earth by the rays of the springtime sun. Ishtar, Ostara, Astarte, Eostre, Asherah, Eastron, Ashtaroth, and other names were used for this Pagan deity. It became adopted to refer to Yahusha’s day of resurrection.Easter is the proper name of the Pagan Queen of heaven. (Google the words: Ashtaroth, Easter)
Christmas - The winter solstice festival, commemorated as the nativity of the sun, re-thought by Dionysius Exiguus in 525 CE, now promoted as the birthday of the Messiah of Israel. Wreaths (wombs), trees (phalluses), tinsel (semen) & balls (testes) were used to observe the sexual aspects of this Pagan ritual. The tree was an altar where offerings were placed for the deity (Asherah).The womb wreaths represented Baal, and the phallus trees represented Asherah. This is a practice inherited from the ancient Canaanites, specifically Jezebel.
Ultimate determination: The Messiah of Israel observed none of these practices. 1
John 2:3-6 If we walk "as" Yahusha did, we do the things He did, and observe the observances He observed, according to the Word of Yahuah. He lived as our example. So, how does it become appropriate for us to ignore all the things He did, and embrace Christmas, Easter, and Sun-day, observances borrowed from Pagan cultures? This
page is
intended to EXPOSE
the darkness
and deception
that has
overtaken the
world. You may consider the darkness and Pagan practices exposed; learn more, and how we are supposed to be living by reading your Scriptures, the Word of Yahuah, and order the book "Fossilized Customs" by clicking on the "CATALOG" button at the top of this page. Find out what pleases Yahuah, your Creator. |
CHRISTIANITY: Synagogue of Shatan (began at the Catechetical School of Alexandria)
"Christianity" is not a term or topic found in Scripture. Christianity is a hybrid religion of traditions based on many of the teachings of Yahusha ha'Mashiach, but not the same religion He taught. It is a mixture; partly of the Torah of Yahuah and customs from Babylonian Paganism. Christianity is a way of life about the Messiah of Israel, divided into thousands of sects over interpreting the Torah, with special days of the year adopted from Satanic, Pagan origins. ALL Yahuah-commanded feast days are neglected (see Lev. 23, Deut. 16). A system of beliefs based on Messiah, but acting in ignorance, through tradition, their customs stem from Pagan symbols and observances. Several centuries after the original students of Yahusha, the heretical path originally established by Shimon the Magician (Simon Magus) began to overtake the true faith, and eventually Catholicism developed from it. From the Catechetical School of Alexandria, the "church fathers" developed the doctrines of Christianity. From Rome, an authoritarian organism modeled in the "image" of the Roman beast arose and controlled many nations. Eventually, "daughters" of this system broke away, carrying with them the "mark" of the Sun-day "sabbath". It became the "synagogue of Shatan".
The word "Christianity" is not found in the received text at all, and is not found in any concordance. The practices are a blend of ideas about the Messiah of Israel, attached to old Pagan observances in order to camouflage them from their origins. It is a monstrosity or hybrid blending of a diverse number of Pagan religions, and the knowledge of this is kept from its adherents. Believing and doing are often separated in its philosophy. Obedience is praised if it fits traditional norms, but condemned if it fits Scriptural instructions. Scripture is divided, and a division exists between the Hebrew / Yahudi (Jew) and the Gentile Christian in terms of what is to be obeyed or ignored in the Torah, based on this difference. So, in their teachings, there is not one body of believers, although this will be denied by most.
The word, Christianity, is not found anywhere in Scripture. Encyclopedias tell us it is a religion, and that it was founded by "Jesus Christ". It was really founded by "Simon Magus", and his tomb is under the altar in "St. Peter's" Cathedral at Rome. The "church fathers" further developed the Greco-Roman roots at Alexadria, Egypt, allegorizing and mixing many formerly Pagan practices into their belief system and practices. The topic of Christianity is not found in Scripture either. What Scripture DOES acknowledge as the "way" is the "WORD OF YAHUAH", and the "TORAH OF YAHUAH". That should be our way; and it is certainly what Yahusha taught -- He didn't teach Christianity. No follower of Yahusha ever taught us anything about Sun-day, Easter, Christmas, popes, nuns, holy water, sacraments, or any separation of Yahusha's body into a "priesthood" and "laity". We are ALL priests on level ground with one another, and He is our High Priest. If you are studying something, and embrace it as a way of living, shouldn't you search it out completely and find where its roots lead? If the root is good, then the fruit it bears will also be good. Christianity is a usurper, and a religion without Hebrew roots -- only Greco-Latin ones. Esau, and his Edomite descendants, were also usurpers. They sought to steal the birthright and promises that were only given to Israel. This is what is at the heart of Replacement Theology.
Christianity, therefore, is like Esau and the Edomites. They modify the Covenant and claim legitimacy.
Orthodox Rabbinical Judaism - how about that?
is a term which the Pharisees
were known by.
The Pharisees grew
very powerful after the city and
The most powerful
"rabbi" within Pharisaism arose in the early 2nd century, and he took it upon
himself to put the "oral law" into a written form, called the
Talmud. His name was
He perceived the
Yahudim who followed Yahusha to be a serious threat, so he promoted a
false Messiah
(Bar Kochba) as
a scheme to legally
kill the Natsarim,
the followers of Yahusha.
Bar Kochba rose-up as the false
Messiah, his followers challenged the Roman occupation. The Natsarim would
not fight
So, many Natsarim
were killed, and even more driven away.
Rabbinical Judaism (Pharisaism)
took complete control over the early development of the post-Temple era, and it
is still alive and well as an apostate form of religion, mostly due to this "Talmud", begun by
AKIBA. In it there are fabulous tales of AKIBA's greatness,
and horrendous tales about Yahusha.
The concept of
"RABBI" is central to the Talmud's idea of eternal life. Without a
"RABBI", one cannot possibly acquire eternal life, according to Talmud.
Talmud declares that
all Rabbis are infallible.
AKIBA's Talmud
also declares that
YAHUAH is but
one of 70 rabbis, and He must
go along with what the majority says.
Many Messianic
leaders quote from this Talmud,
unwittingly using AKIBA's rationalizations in their own
Since Yahusha was called a "RABBI" (my Teacher), it is likely that He was
mistakenly thought to be a Pharisee, or the dominance of Pharisaism was so great
that all who taught were customarily referred to by this term.
The word "RABBI"
is not found in the TaNaKh
“For we have found this man a pestilent fellow, and a mover of sedition
among all the Yahudim throughout the world and a ringleader of the sect
(G139, hairesis)
of the Nazarenes
. . .”
The Greek word
above gives us our word “heresy”
translated “sect”. So we
know the “sect” being spoken of was not the Christians, because Christians
The word
was used twice in the Greek text as a device of scorn, since in the ancient
world it conveyed a
much different sense
than it does today. The use of
the word
did not “name” the sect, but it was a derisive, scornful
that meant they were like gullible, dumb beasts, or “cretins”.
The word “christianos” (Latin,
was a term of scorn, traced back through a related
word which history never “revised”:
cre·tin (krēt'n) n.
1. A person afflicted with
Slang: An idiot.
[French crétin, from French dialectal, deformed and mentally retarded person
found in certain Alpine valleys, from Vulgar Latin *christiānus, Christian,
human being, poor fellow, from Latin Chrīstiānus,
Christian; see Christian.]
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language,
Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2009 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Jesuit talks to Lew White:
This brief overview was prepared by Lew White
The Name of Yahuah is not found in the popular translations (NIV, KJV, NASB, etc.).
The original Hebrew is restored in this one: