Hebrew Roots Research By Lew White

see also: www.fossilizedcustoms.com/hebrew.html


Hebrew is a language (speech), and in its written form, a specific SCRIPT to preserve the sounds so it may be spoken aloud.

Each LETTER is inspired by Yahuah in the original Hebrew writings. To change those letters (lexomorph) causes wormwood.

Hebrew words consist of roots, and may have prefixes and suffixes.

The root YASHA (yod-shin-ayin) conveys the meaning of deliver.

It is part of the Name Yahusha as a suffix, and is seen in the name YASHAYAHU (Isaiah).

Other words such as SHUA can mean different things, depending on their use in a sentence. Every meaning a word may have should not be applied just because we see it used in a sentence.
Adam in Hebrew (Ebrith) can mean a color if the context is literally teaching us the color of something. "
Red" is what ADAM means when used as an adjective (a descriptive word modifying a noun or verb). In the context of the term as it refers to the forming of the first human, the color is not informing the meaning, so we use the meaning as Man, Mankind, or human.

If we apply every meaning a word may possibly mean, we will misinterpret most of what we read.

There is no person in Scripture named Eve. The references to Adam's ashah (woman) use the Hebrew word Kuah, a feminine form of Ki, life. Kuah means “mother of the living,” based on the aspects of who she was, and her purpose for being created.

May we all find the highest purpose for which Yahuah created us!


Is Yahuah's Name Based On The Egyptian Moon Diety, Aah?

The city called "Jericho" contains the Hebrew word for moon, YARAK (H3394, YOD-RESH-HETH).

Teachers are hearing the sound of YAH in so many unrelated words these days, mistaking words like MARYA and Yerushalayim to be MARYAH and YAHRUSHALAYIM.

These errors are due to mixing Hebrew roots. People also try to relate Hebrew words with "codes" by the process of Kabbalah and numerology.

We are swimming in information while drowning in ignorance.

Proper names for pagan deities have often been adopted from Hebrew words, as in the case of ADON and AL.

In this case the hysteria is based on a false association between YAH (YOD-HAY) and the Egyptian moon deity Aah. Again, the phonetic association is purely based on how the words SOUND to the ears of those doing research without a thorough knowledge of the Truth of Scripture and proper archaeological study.

LEXOMORPHOSIS (letter-changing psychosis)
All the time we hear about rules concerning the original Hebrew language and letters. Some say one thing, others say another. Lexomorphosis is highly infectious.
Some mistakenly say, “Hebrew has no written vowels.”
They say the Masoretes had to invent “vowel-points” in order for people to pronounce the words “correctly.”
Yusef ben MatithYahu (Flavius Josephus) informs us the four-lettered Name of our Creator was written in the qodesh letters (original Hebrew), and consisted of “four vowels.”
This means YOD-HAY-UAU-HAY are all vowels. Yusef didn’t mention how any of them might also be consonants, although some Hebrew vowels are called "double-letters" and can be used as consonants.
The Greek transliteration of the Name rendered by Clement of Alexandria is IAOUE, all vowels.
Our own alphabet uses these vowels today.

The letter UAU in Hebrew became the Greek letter UPSILON, both shaped rather like this: Y.
Going into Latin from the Greek, the lower stem was dropped, forming the Latin letter V.
We see it operated as a U in the Latin word, GLADIVS (sword in Latin).
This is the same letter we know today as U. I can’t think of how a U can be used as a consonant, but given that “modern Hebrew” has become so defiled over the centuries by Masoretic vowel-pointing and the Ashkenazic pronunciations, we have to put our hands over our mouths in sheer wonderment.
To take statements we hear as the Truth, knowing they are founded in alterations and traditions, is how deceptions are perpetuated. The letter VAV is an invention, not a letter with much history.
The ancient Hebrew letter U, which became the Greek UPSILON, has a history to it. The years have also altered the second letter, BETH, sometimes making it take on a similar sound as the new VAV.

My impression is that those holding to the rules concerning Hebrew letters have a wasting disease we could call lexomorphosis, a debilitating illness caused by letters seeming to change into other letters without them being aware of it.
Whatever rules they have to make-up to explain the altered letters is their therapy, keeping their minds stable.
The language perishes slowly, but this is a fair trade-off to keep the sufferers of lexomorphosis in their dream world.

Typesetters during the 15th century invented the letter W as a piece of movable type, combining two of the letter U (but shaped as the original Latin V).
It’s now accepted as the letter “double – U. This letter became useful, and as time passed it operated as a consonant in some cases, and in others as a vowel.
The original Hebrew UAU was a vowel, but a mind with lexomorphosis may not be able to accept this, and call it a VAV.
The transliteration of Hebrew-to-English can take on a range of letter combinations that convey the same phonology (sound).
If we employed a transliteration using only the Hebrew consonants and vowels, we would see words in sentences like this:
“In the beginning ALHYM created the SHMYM and the ARTS.”
ALAHIM OR ALAHYM  -  Transliterating Yod-Mem Suffix
Both are equally viable.
English readers may not automatically identify all these words without stumbling, although the letters are familiar. We have to build-up on these foundations to help us associate the letters into our speech.
Alef-lamed (AL)
Alef-lamed-hay (ALH)
Alef-lamed-hay-yod-mem (ALHYM)
Hebrew suffixes may imply gender, quantity, or quality.
The ending yod-mem (YM) in Hebrew conveys either quantity or quality. It doesn’t always mean “more than one.”
When I transliterated the yod-mem combination in the BYNV, I prayed for Yahusha to show me which to use, knowing the readers were English-thinking people.
He quickly guided me to use the ending – im, since to use – ym was far less familiar to most spellings, although we see the form –ym in the words hymn, gym, enzyme, synonym, etc.,.
Kerubim, serafim, nefellim, and many other Hebrew transliterations are smoother to read than kerubym, serafym, or nefillym.
The Hebrew transliteration for yod-shin-resh-alef-lamed (YSRAL) is constructed from the roots SHAR and AL, or ruler and lofty-one.
The letter yod preceding the root SHAR (rule, ruler, prince) means continuing power or ability. The context is vital, so never assume a meaning applies to all situations.
A "pitcher" can be a container, a baseball-thrower, or a person pitching you to buy something.
The letter yod means “hand” modifying the root SHAR.
The yod as a prefix in the word Yisharal expresses the idea of “continued action.”
If we meditate on the whole word together, we see it means “able to continue to rule with Alahim.”
SHAR produces our word sheriff.
It is sharif in Arabic-Hebrew.
The reason I chose Yisharal over Yasharal is because Yisharal most closely sounds the “eesh” component when the yod is used as a prefix with the letter shin. To use the form Yasharal there may be a possibility for root-mixing because YASHA (deliverance) is a root in itself, and the root SHAR is not connected to the other root.
EESHARAL is another possible transliteration of the Hebrew (YSRAL), but my approach was to use the most simple to understand for English readers. To smooth out the rough spots and eliminate the complex and distracting spellings allows a reader to focus on the meaning of the sentences.
Our thoughts are fragile and go off the rails when we have to stumble over obstacles as we read,
and I tried to take that into consideration in the BYNV.

This spelling using Latin letters is being introduced to new students by teachers with a very odd twist to their thinking.
They ignore the prefix, the root, and the suffix, and turn it into what they think they are seeing after dividing it into 3 completely nonsensical parts:
IS + RA + EL
They use the foreign script to turn this word into another meaning from the way they see the letters. They mix a third language into the confusion by transforming the word into ISIS + RA + EL, completely unaware of what they have done.
This is a psychosis level that may be incurable.

The Name Of Yahuah - Why Is It Despised?
We should fear Yahuah and meditate on His Name (Malaki 3:16) rather than fear the Masoretes and their niqud signs. The misdirection to say another word directed by man-made phenomes is conspicuous don't you think?

By inventing another symbol added to the already pure letters (both vowels and consonants), who is to say the sounds of the added marks is preserved correctly, if the inspired letters don't do the job for us? Adding and taking away from the inspired letters brings a special judgment from Yahuah.

The safest place to be is to preserve the real letters without the phenomes. Traditions of men are very popular, and defended, but the Word of Yahuah will never pass away. Yahuah removed His Name from those whose hearts were turning back to Mitsrayim (see YirmeYahu 44:26). Let Yahuah's unaltered Word be true, especially His Name.

At Psalm 102:18, Yahuah told us: "This is written for a generation to come, So that a people to be created praise Yah." (BYNV)

The Masoretes directed the reader away from pronouncing the four vowels correctly, and obscured His Name at least 6,823 times, by far the most-often used word found in the Scripture of Truth.
The tradition to not pronounce the Name began during the Babylonian captivity. It is widely known throughout history that the policy was to stone anyone (other than a kohen) that pronounced the Name aloud. Yahuah is very angry however, that His Name is not spoken (YirmeYahu 23:27). If you take Hebrew classes at any orthodox synagogue, and say the Name aloud in the presence of the class, what I'm saying here will become all-too-real.

From Yahuah's perspective, hiding His Name to protect it from being misused by those who might profane it indicates to Him another kind of strange fire. He never said to hide it for any reason, but that He can take care of it Himself without anyone's help. YirmeYahu said it was like a fire burning in his bones, and he could not hold it back. They caused His Name to be forgotten that long ago, and all they did was not use it.
His Name was forgotten for BEL (Baal). Either AliYahu called on Yahuah, or he did not. The same challenge is still here that was at Mt. Karmel.

The true mighty one answered by fire, and the defenders of the false name perished. We are sealed in His Name, and those who belong to Him will not deny His Name.
Revelation 3:8 is another compelling verse: "I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have guarded My Word and have not denied My Name."
At YashaYahu 42:8, Yahuah says:

"I am Yahuah. That is My Name."
Any argument that states otherwise needs to be taken up with Him.

N.A.S.A.  -  "deception?"


A Bitterness Toward Obedience

Poisoned teachings are spreading, and being believed.
Teachers are making stuff mean other stuff at an alarming rate. In the mouth of the disobedient, the Truth comes out twisted.
N.A.S.A.  is being transformed into NASA!
The sound of this acronym - "N.A.S.A." - if assumed to mean "deceive" in Hebrew is a hoax or prank played on the ignorant. There are homonyms that can sound the same, but have more than one meaning in Eberith / Hebrew. The context informs the meaning of words.
By comparing H5375 (NASAH: lift, carry, take) with H5378 (NASHA: debt, usury, deceive, beguile) it is obvious this phonetic language trick is coming from men's imaginations, and is a waste of time.
The National Aeronautics & Space Administration abbreviation is not even a word, certainly not a Hebrew word. It's an acronym.
We have to overcome strongholds (false reasoning). What's most important is to not spread the mess any further by just believing everything; we need to look into what we hear. Proverbs 14:15: "The simple believes every word, but the clever one watches his steps." Only fierce wolves would twist Yahuah's Words into wormwood, and people will perish when they accept error in place of truth. Speaking of wormwood, Amus 6:12 says,
“Do horses run on a rock? Does one plough it with oxen? For you have turned integrity into poison, and the fruit of obedience into wormwood.”
Kabaquq 1:4 explains why:
“Therefore the Turah ceases, and integrity never goes forth. For the disobedient hem-in the obedient, so that Truth comes out twisted.”


The Hebrew letters shin-uau-ayin are used in Scripture. As a noun, the context informs us how to apply the proper meaning. The context may call for it to mean riches, or in other instances desolation or wickedness. We don't apply every meaning a word can have to every situation we find a word. It may simply mean help or rescue, as it is based on the root YASHA, spelled yod-shin-ayin. The prophet known as "ISAIAH" uses this root as the first part of his name which is best transliterated YASHAYAHU.

SHUA or SHA may be used as a suffix to a name, as in ALISHA (aka Elisha) or YAHUSHA / YAHUSHUA. In these names it modifies the names with the concept of deliverance, but not riches or desolation. When we use a concordance mindlessly, without considering the context the word is used in, we can render some outlandish ideas in translation. We don't apply every possible meaning a word may have to every situation we find it used in. In a specific situation, a Hebrew-speaking person might "cry out for help" by shouting shua! shua! In another context the word may mean something completely different.

Homonyms are words that may be spelled the same, but have different meanings in their use. Examples in English words are: address, arm, bark, lie, rock, or pitcher. If you were to design a sentence with the word "pitcher" in it, you would need to consider the context to ascertain whether the word referred to a man throwing a ball, or a vessel from which a liquid is poured.


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