A Personal Testimony
How I Was Shattered By Yahusha's Love
It was 1984. As I was reading YashaYahu 53 for the first time, I was
filled by Yahusha's presence and realized Who He is in a very real sense.
Recognition of His identity is closely tied to how much desire we have to
know His Name. When I first read YashaYahu 53, He then guided me to read the
preface, and it was there He told me His Name, and how it was removed by the
translators. I felt His rage in my bones over this, as if He was sharing His
very thoughts with me. This began my journey to discover many other
deceptions (schemes of the devil). Yahusha's Spirit (Ruach) truly guides us
into all Truth.
When I
first began to read Scripture I was about 35 years old. As of the above photo, I'm 66 (2016
Roman calendar).
The sciences had been my interest for most of my life, until my first-born
son Michael asked me what the tree was that people put up at Christmas
time. When you have children, you tend to see things differently, and
it made me think carefully about what he was asking me, his earthly parent.
From his pure, unpolluted perspective, the tree must have been a complete
mystery. I realized that although I had become very familiar with
seeing these decorated trees over my 35 years, I still had no idea (at that
time) where they started, or what they represented originally.
I promised Michael that I would find out, and that I would never lie to him
about anything.
I hope it can be said that I kept that promise to him. By 1997 I had
compiled 4 short fascicles called
Customs (parts 1 through 4) into one book by the
same title. It is now an institution, based upon Truth given by
ha Mashiak, the image of the invisible Alahim, Creator of
the Universe.
When I discovered a few things about Christmas, symbols, and customs, it
disturbed me. I then began to read the Word of Yahuah, and discovered
the translators had concealed the
Name of the Creator,
placed footnotes everywhere to keep the readers under their
(teachings), and that the
Shabath day
had been shifted to a completely different day of the week called Sun-day.
About then, I knew the Truth had been defiled beyond belief, and people
needed to hear about it.
For more, click on this photo:

Read Psalm 80, and you
will see that we are
something completely
new that Yahuah
is doing, that He
planned long ago. Psalm 91 is about the same event described at Yual 2.
The Day of Yahuah, when the reapers harvest the Earth.

PO BOX 436044
Louisville, KY 40253-6044
phone: 502-261-9833
Google: BYNV
Read about it here:

available: large
print edition of
Fossilized Customs older 7TH EDITION,

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