Try to spot the ACTORS  -  They want to draw attention to themselves

In the Hebrew language the word KIPPAH means dome.

When the House of Yahudah (known as "Jews" today) found themselves in a state of captivity, either abroad or in their homeland, their captors often forced them to wear funny hats to distinguish them from the "regular" population of the captors.  The Nazis used little yellow patches with the seal of Daud on them, but in other times a hat was the more common tactic employed.  Today, the Yahudim force their own people to wear a hat.     

As odd as it may seem, the domed beanie-hat seen on popes, cardinals, orthodox rabbis, and some oriental folks is derived from the Greek hat of Hermes, the Greek deity of the mind.   Commerce, fortune, gymnastics, cunning, wisdom, and shrewdness were celebrated in his honor.   Hermes is really big with the Masons. 

To them he's the god of wisdom, also known as Thoth or Set.  You've seen adaptations of his hat worn by graduates and their professors, but slightly disguised beneath a square mortar board, another weird custom inherited from the guilds (sort of union-run schools) of the Middle Ages. Ceremonies and initiations are very important to the hood-winkery that they engage in.   Take a gander at this happy fellow, gleefully following the Hermetic traditions:

A WISE GUY ready for the parade:   "DOCTOR" is Latin for "TEACHER"  

    They taught building techniques and architecture, and were students of "masonry"  -- which relates to the "mortar board" hat over the domed beanie. These guys were REAL masons, not members of the Blue Lodge, fiddling with swords and dreaming of being secret knights.  When these brutes put on their "aprons of righteousness" with all the little symbols on them, it meant they had paid their union dues -- so they could work "righteously" (in good standing), and not working without being a guild member in good standing.  When you research the origin of a little hat called a "FEZ", you'll see it's linked to all this information.  33rd degree Masons (the Adepts / Illuminati) are fond of wearing a big red FEZ with a tassel on it.  This is just great fun, isn't it?   Now when you watch them put on their "caps and gowns" at the graduation ceremonies, you can snicker under your breath a little, knowing they have NO CLUE why they are wearing such a costume.  The following is a brief excerpt from the book, Fossilized Customs:

"Yarmulke" is a Yiddish word for the kipa, or skullcap seen worn by the pope, and most orthodox Yahudim on the street, in the classroom, and in the synagogues.  Mosheh would not know what it is.  Alfred J. Kolatch, an orthodox author and “rabbi”, states: "The skullcap has no religious significance in Jewish law.”  He goes on to say that it has no basis in Scriptural or Rabbinical law.  To trace the use of the cap to its source, we find that it came into wider use only in the 17th century, where before that only a very few Yahudim used it.  Did Yahusha wear a kipa?  All researchers and historians say NO, and there is no evidence of its use in any data or archaeological finds at all.  The pope of Rome and his cardinals wear them, but that is because it was originally a Greek hat of a scholar, called the “hat of Hermes” (Hermes is a Pagan idol, of course).  You will recall the “cap and gown” of graduates from schools and universities employs this “hat of Hermes”, topped with a square mason’s board.  A mason is a layer of bricks, and the mason’s board holds the cement mix.  These were scholars who graduated to different levels in their guilds; from apprentice to journeyman, then journeyman to master.

In ancient times, just prior to 186 BCE, the land of Yisharal was ruled by a Greek Seleucid, Antiochus Epiphanes IV.  He was extremely cruel, and outlawed the Hebrew religion, forcing his Greek customs on them.  In the record of 2 Maccabees, an apostate high priest (named “Jason” in translation, but really named Yahusha) helped this Greek ruler impose the Greek ways of living:

“And abrogating the lawful way of living, he introduced new customs contrary to the Torah; for he willingly established a gymnasium right under the citadel (the Temple), and he made the finest of the young men wear the Greek hat.”  Recall that Hermes, the Greek deity of the mind, was associated with skills in commerce, fortune, gymnastics, cunning, and shrewdness.  Reading the previous quote carefully, it is obvious that the gymnasium and the finest of the young men are linked to the special hat they were forced to wear.  

This shows how the Greek culture was being forced upon Yisharal, along with their deity Hermes. The hat must have been an icon or badge of honor to the Greeks for skill in gymnastics, leaving no doubt that Hermes would be the deity related to the hat.

Paul writes at 1Cor. 11:7 that a man is not to have his head covered in the assembly, but a woman is required to, to keep from dishonoring one another’s headship.  Yahusha is the man’s ‘head’, while a woman’s ‘head’ is her husband.  We are to follow the Torah, and not add to it in any way: “Do not add to nor take away from it”.  Dt. 12:32.Dt. 12:32.

Man-made customs, including all the camouflaged Paganism found in Christendom, are traditions that are forbidden in the worship of Yahuah. They represent more than a “strange fire”, but are like the golden calf. It is forbidden to worship Him after the customs of the Pagans.  “The one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked.”  ~ 1 Yn. 2:6. Walk in Light ~ the Torah.  (END OF EXCERPT)

Here's more historical data on the use of the kipa (dome), the Greek hat of Hermes:

The kipa or yarmulke is discussed in several books I've read by Orthodox rabbis, and they agree it is of human invention.   And, they admit it has been a tradition for many centuries, but only became popularized because many people began to wear them during the 17th and 18th centuries.   "Monkey see, monkey do"  and false piety (hypocrisy) drives many things of this nature, no doubt.  
One book I managed to easily put my hands on tonight is "The Jewish Book Of Why", by Alfred J. Kolatch (possibly some data about him is on the internet).  I also have the "Second Jewish Book Of Why" stored somewhere.   On page 2 of the former book, our Jewish brother writes:
"Were a Jew of the generation of Moses or Solomon or Judah the Maccabee alive today,
(obviously he misuses the term "Jew" here, since Mosheh was of the tribe of Lewi) 
he would be quite confused as he observed our religious conduct.   He would look at the talit (prayershawl) or kipa (skullcap) that we wear and ask, 'Why do Jews wear them?  What are they for?'   He would notice the gartl (girdle) and shtreiml (fur hat) worn by the chassid and be puzzled by the special garb."
He goes on and on, listing many things that Mosheh and the others would not know anything about, nor understand.  And Alfred writes from the perspective of an Orthodox Yahudi, explaining things "Jewish" to other "Jews" who wonder about them  -  there is little doubt we Natsarim would wonder also!
On page 121 of the book, "The Jewish Book Of Why", by Alfred J. Kolatch, he continues more on the subject of the yarmulke:    (My comments in green)
"Why are yarmulkes worn?
     A yarmulke, called a kipa in Hebrew, is a skullcap worn by Jews.   Some wear one at all times, others only during prayer and at mealtime.
The earliest Jewish reference to a headcovering can be found in Exodus 28:4, where it is called a mitznefet.   It was part of the wardrobe of the High Priest.   In other biblical reference, the covering of the head and face is regarded as a sign of mourning (II Samuel 15:30).   The Talmud, however, associates the wearing of a headgear more with the concept of reverence (to God) and respect (for men of stature).   
(He's left the reality of Torah, and entered the "reasoning" of man's tradition, adding to the Torah).
The word yarmulke is Yiddish, but of uncertain meaning.   One view is that the word is derived from the headcovering called armucella, worn by medieval clergy.   (Oops, the Pagan stuff is starting to pop up; but let's see how he shrugs it off and hypnotizes himself and the readers).
A more probable explanation is that the word yarmulke is related to the French arme (akin to the Latin arma), a type of round medieval helmet with a movable visor.   (Ah, "more probable" because the "movable visor" similarity on traditional Jewish yarmulkes makes an obvious connection!).
Another Yiddish word for yarmulke is koppel (kappel), a form of the Latin capitalis, meaning "of the head".
(Great . . . now we're explaining it using Latin.  In reality, the Latin word "capitalis" describes the domed temple of Jupiter, the "head" and highest official building in the Roman Empire.  "Kippah" still means DOME in Hebrew, but Alfred never brings that up at all).
The more traditional view is that the word yarmulke is a distorted form of the Hebrew words yaray may'Alahim, "in fear (awe) of God."
This idea is based, for the most part, on a statement made by a fifth-century Babylonian talmudic scholar, Huna ben Joshua, who said, "I never walked four cubits with uncovered head because God dwells over my head"  (Kiddushin 31a).  (Well that's really special brother Huna!   But, what are you trying to do, make up something you hope Yahuah will really take a fancy to - that He didn't ask for?  See, that's exactly what Aharon's sons did when they offered the "strange fire", and somewhat like when Cain offered veggies instead of the correct offering.  We can't make up this stuff as we go along.  If Mosheh had approached the burning bush without shoes on, do you imagine Yahuah would have told him to either put on some shoes or cover his head?   Mosheh took something OFF, he didn't put something on.   In the natural world, we "take our hats off to" those we hold in esteem.   If you walk into a building and don't remove your hat, you could be a redneck).
The custom of covering the head received wide acceptance, but not by all.   Historian Yisharal Abrahams points out that in the thirteenth century "boys in Germany and adults in France were called to the Tora in the synagogue bareheaded."
In the Middle Ages, French and Spanish rabbinical authorities regarded the practice of covering the head during prayer and when studying Torah to be no more than mere custom.   Some rabbis were known to pray bareheaded.
Today, Orthodox Jews and many Conservative Jews believe that covering the head is an expression of yirat Shama'yim ("fear of God" or "reverence for God").
(kind of a bad rendering there - more literally "respect for heavens").
Orthodoxy demands that the head be kept covered at all times, while most Conservative Jews believe the head should be covered during prayer.   In most Reform congragations covering the head during prayer is optional."  (End of book quote).
Not Torah, but Orthodoxy demands that the head be covered at all times. Personally, I can't recall seeing a single relief or drawing on a jar of any ancient Yisharalite ever wearing anything on their heads (aside from Lewites dressed for their duties).   Even if an image can be found, it doesn't signify anymore than wearing sunglasses does.   But, if you want to "reason" back and forth between what men think, we can stay stuck on this one point endlessly. To find out the Truth, the only way to get there is to reason it out with Yahuah's Word.   But, you can't exactly do that and win the debate  -  it's not mentioned.

     The DOME shape itself is derived from ancient Pagan symbolism, and was absorbed into the architecture of Christianity and Islam directly from Pagan temple architecture.   The eye of the Sun (the principal Pagan deity) was able to "see" into his temple through an oculus at the upper-most section of the dome, which was simply an enormous hole in the top (see Pantheon, Rome).  In some Christian churches (they often refer to a "church" as a building), the domed architecture will even include an enormous EYE centered in the center of the dome, looking down at the congregation. One of the most famous DOMED structures in the world was the Roman temple called the Pantheon, dedicated to many Roman deities.   The dome was a secret allusion to the "dome of the sky", which the Pagans worshipped profusely.  The word "domus" is Latin for "house," the dwelling or temple of Pagan deities in this case - but it also gives us words like "domestic."   Dome is also slang for "head".  "Dominus" means "lord." 


The domed building known as St. Peter's Cathedral is modeled after the former Roman temples, and many government buildings around the world designed and built by Masons sport the Pagan architecture proudly.   If you really dig, you'll find the shape is entirely rooted in the old Pagan theme, sex  --   just as the steeples and obelisks are.  The ancient root, dem, means to "join together" as it relates to sex.  Look at the word "con-dom" and you see it. The word dominam was used for the male member.  But keep reading . . . I'm sure there's a Shivalingam trying to Shival in there somewhere.

The wearing of most special garments in use religiously today came directly from the Roman magisterial system, along with the philosophical idea that "the clothes make the man."   Hierarchical positions of authority were mimicked from the Roman system of government. 
The nicolaitan approach to the functions within Yahusha's Body quickly became the norm, and Yahusha's authority was usurped by men, ranking their positions over one another.
The early church fathers were former Pagans, and were also teachers who regularly spoke before large audiences.   The term for their important position was "sophist" (from the Greek word, wisdom), and they were essentially professional speakers.   The 3-point-speech technique was refined by these hired speakers, who were among the most highly-honored people of their day.   The practice of eating a dinner and listening to a renowned speaker comes to us from the Greek culture.  They wore a distinctive costume, similar to the robes of a court judge today.  They would also drape their robes with any ribbons or awards they may have received in the past, to punctuate their importance.    Have another quick look at the "wise guy" at the top of this page!
     Whenever we want to know about something that we may be a little confused about, all we have to do is picture
Yahusha, and ask ourselves what His opinion might be.   Knowing how humble He is, it's doubtful He would wear a
special garment to make us notice Him.  When He was engaged in washing the feet of His students, they were debating who among them was the greatest  --  they were already trying to decide their "rank".   The home assembly for Scripture study is the best arrangement, however you might want to leave the "special" garment idea out.   The urge to wear such things is not coming from our humble Mashiach, but rather the world.

     So, why would anyone want to feel special wearing a little domed hat, wearing a dome on their dome?   Obviously to make a statement.   Hats were often used to designate a person's status.   They added the propellers much later on (beanie-copters), and "dunce hats" were very popular with the school kids of long ago.   Roman priests used hats to announce their office in the Church.  Santa Claus wears a "Phrygian hat", exactly like the Roman deity "Mithras".   Pagan priests also shaved their heads in various ways;  one way was called a "tonsure", where the entire crown of the head above the ears was shorn, displaying the mark of their slavery to the SUN.  The caps may have provided some protection from the sun's burning rays on the sensitive exposed scalps.  But, that's only a guess, since the origin of the tonsure itself is buried in antiquity  -  but it is suspected to have been linked in some way to sun worship.  Some people will believe anything you tell them, and will imitate what others do without question.   I've heard that if you wrap your head up in a towel that is colored purple, the aliens (from outer space) will not be able to read your mind.   No doubt, there's someone living near Roswell, New Mexico, that believes this.   UFO museums would have no customers at all if people weren't so easily misguided.   On that note, you HAVE to check out the article at:

Dome of the Rock, Temple Mount, Yerushaliyim, Yisharal

We keep on shoving domes into the face of Yahuah, don't we?

Find out the Hindu source of the DOME design in this book:


From an Email:

Question:  I was wondering about your position concerning women wearing tsitsith.   

Answer:   We promote obedience for all -- there is neither male nor female, Gentile or Yahudi, but all are one body.
If we begin to differentiate who has to obey certain things, we have to separate into more than one body.   At least the tsitsith are found in the Torah;  there are many other things forced on people that aren't.

The tsitsith were "lengthened" by some wearers in order to draw attention to them;  and Yahusha called the wearers "hypocrites", which means ACTORS.   He knows our motives, He discerns our hearts and minds (Hebrews 4).

Thanks for asking a very good question!

It's always a good idea to avoid wearing costumes just to draw attention to ourselves.








(Not only the mother of harlots, but also of the abominations of the Earth)


Indeed, this mother has a name!


Sophists Sophists were 5th century BCE Greek philosophers who specialized in providing instruction in ethics and in the art of public speaking.  They were skilled in swaying opinions by using plausible sounding arguments, and using faulty reasoning to convince their listeners of elaborate perversions of the truth.  They were highly respected, paid speakers, who dressed in robes of honor, like a graduate or choir person does today - that’s where these garments came from.  Expert devisers of subtle tricks in speaking, their cleverness was highly refined, urbane, and cultured.  This “sophistry” has been put to use in training men for the ministry throughout the centuries.

Most of the “church fathers” were sophists.






EX. 20:6, DEUT. 7:9, DEUT. 11:1, DEUT. 30:16, NEH. 1:5, DAN. 9:4, 1JN. 5:2,3, 2JN. v.6


Got Dome?




(Greek: hypocrites)

wearing their


Arnold Schwarzenegger  ~  

Michael Jackson  ~

George W. Bush  ~

Bob Dylan

NEXT, A Dome-tipping Karol Woljtyla, 


Gene Wilder  ~

So, day told us to ver dem, an den to be called "rabbi".   I'm not a rabbi.

Dat vas just to get your attention!


The Greek word, "hypocrite" literally means "false-face", because these "actors" when on-stage would hold masks over their faces which were attached to a stick.  In public, there is very little that is not an act.

Trust no one, but Yahusha.

You don't need your dome to please Him.   Chances are, He takes no pleasure in them.


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While we're discussing things people invented to do, what about this . . .

  This is a photo of Bush's right hand on the Western Wall, his head domed.   He and everyone else is facing EAST, talking to their Creator, right?  Many BOW to this wall, and rock their bodies in its direction . . .

Many people have read the Scriptures, and it's a sure thing that this behavior isn't described in them.  But, there are examples of people starting up their own "strange" patterns, like the worshipping of the golden calf, and the serpent on the pole.  Yahuah had them grind these two objects to powder, and drink them.  Are you thinking what I'm thinking?   Research on the "tradition" of Jewish men wearing a hat, we find that Catholic communities in Medieval times found it difficult to identify who was Jewish and who was not.  All were bare-headed.   So, the Catholics required the Jewish men to wear special hats so they could be easily distinguished from Catholics.   The Catholics themselves gradually embraced the habit, so today the "clergy" wears the same headwear as you can see in the photo below.   

Another odd fact:  They won't even let you enter the area of the Western Wall without putting a dome (kipa) on your head.  Now, picture this in your mind:  let's say you're the Creator, looking at the Temple Mount area.  You see hundreds of your people (Yisharal) facing the Western Wall bobbing toward it.   Each one has a little dome on their head, and they are bobbing in the direction of a huge GOLD DOME on the level above them.  In effect, little domes are bobbing toward the biggest dome of all.   Ethnology experts have observed that the old cultures that practice witchcraft place great emphasis on the headwear of their shamans, who also often wear aprons.


   New pope/Shaman wearing Santa cap

Another "tradition" we all relate to is found in the old adage, "If I'm wrong, I'll eat my hat".   O.K., so if you lean toward wearing a hat to honor Yahuah, although He never told us to in Torah, you may have discovered one of those "works" that will be tested in the "fire" (Torah).    If you are wearing your hat, and I'm not, but we're both standing before Yahuah to answer for our practice on this, I won't have to eat my hat for being wrong.   I tend to respect the practice of removing one's shoes and bowing in prayer to Yahuah.    When Daniel was bowing and praying toward Yerushalayim when he was in Babylon, the men who were closely watching him to see if he would disobey the new anti-prayer law of the king might have seen him remove his shoes and bow down to the floor of his chambers.   The Hebrew word for worship:   SHACHAH(#7812), which literally means to bow down, or prostrate before another who is of higher status.   If we really want to perform an outward act that we know will receive Yahuah's eternal approval, which would you say would be better:   wearing a special hat because someone dreamed-up the idea, or bowing down to Him?

More religious costume commentary:

DID YOU KNOW?   The truth about the history of women covering themselves with robes and full head disguise is quite different than what most have come to accept.   When an ancient man saw a woman covered up, as with a BURKHA (which means veil), it was a signal to him that she was a prostitute.  By deduction, women who were uncovered would not be prostitutes.  Tamar heard that Yahudah was leaving to go shear sheep, and disguised herself by covering up as the prostitutes did:

 "And it was told Tamar, saying, 'Behold your father-in-law is going up to Timnath to shear his sheep.

 And she put her widow's garments off from her, and covered herself with a 
 (or shroud), and wrapped herself, and sat in an open place, which is by the way to Timnath; for she saw that Shelah was grown, and she was not given to him as wife.

 When Yahudah saw her, he thought her to be a harlot; 
because she had covered her face.

 And he turned to her by the way, and said, 'Come, now, let me come into you' (for he knew not that she was his daughter-in-law.)  And she said, 'What will you give me, that you may come into me?'" 
Gen./ Bereshith 38:13-16

There is perhaps nothing that symbolizes the oppression of women better than a burkha (burqa, burka).   

As we ponder the full head disguise for women in public, we have to wonder about the "wedding veil"  -  is it's real meaning the ancient signal that the woman is ready to give herself to the man, as we clearly understand it's meaning was in the Scripture above?   Possibly so.   

CONFUSION:  Michael Jackson shouldn't be on this page twice, but see if you can find him in the photos below:

 To ancient society, is Michael Jackson dressed as a harlot?

It's not allowed by the Torah of Yahuah to dress as a woman if you're a man  -  and a woman is not to dress as a man.   It's confusion.


The Ku Klux Klan began after the Civil War as Albert Pike's means of re-igniting the conflict between the north and the south  -  it was a Masonic conspiracy, but you can search that out yourself.  These men are racists and consider their mission to be "religious", so their costumes are "clerical garb" in their minds.   The Inquisition wore identical costumes as they tortured their victims.  To ancient society, some of our customs might be shameful.  What's culturally acceptable changes.  Wearing pajamas, towels, dunce hats, or whatever is not against a specific Torah instruction, but if people start telling us that it is required for "religious" reasons to wear costumes or hats, then that is getting out-of-bounds.  Yahuah's Torah prohibits the adding or taking away of any of His instructions.


Is this really the way our Creator wants us all to dress?   If so, we are very, very sick creatures.  Imagine visiting another planet with intelligent life.  Suppose you found the males dressed like the Masonic Inquisitors above, and all the females dressed like this woman.   If you asked them why they do this, they might say the Creator wants them that way.   So, you ask them to produce the proof of this, and they bring out a huge scroll, but fail to actually find anything about it in that scroll.  Not finding anything specific, one of the older ones sighs and says, "Well, it's just nature that demands this.  We also carefully monitor the hair length of the males, and the women have to grow their fingernails - this is to scratch any males who try to attack them.  See?  Nature itself demands these things."   Uh-huh . . . that's messed up;  it's no wonder the psychiatrists are so busy here.    For MORE weird "religious" behavior, go to the lower part of the following web page and check out CIRCUMAMBULATING  ~  LINK:

About that "talith" or "prayer shawl" 

  These garments are traditional customs (human inventions), and conveniently have the "long" tsitsith on each of the 4 corners.
It's not wrong to put on an additional square item of clothing, but our modern shirts and jackets will do the job.  It's just fine to make a talith, and put the 4 tsitsith on the 4 edges/corners of this garment.   The garments we wear are not uniforms, so to expect that everyone will be wearing identical colors, shapes, or styles of clothing simply will not be happening.  Some will wear very plain clothing, with the simplest of tsitsith.  Others may decorate their clothing lavishly.  Both are certainly acceptable.

Cultural norms play a large part in our actions.  They wear wigs for court proceedings in England, people place napkins on their laps when eating, and in many dining establishments today, you are required to wear shoes.  Notice that the following text describes the first meeting of Rebekah and Yitshaq:

"Now Yitshaq had come from Beer Lahai Roi, for he was living in the Negev.   He went out to the field one evening to meditate, and as he looked up, he saw camels approaching.   Rebekah also looked up and saw Yitshaq.  She got down from her camel and asked the servant,  'Who is that man in the field coming to meet us?'

'He is my master,' the servant answered.  So she took her veil 
(BURKHA) and covered herself .  Then the servant told Yitshaq all he had done.   Yitshaq brought her into the tent of his mother Sarah, and he married Rebekah.   So she became his wife, and he loved her; and Yitshaq was comforted after his mother's death.   Gen/Bereshith 24:62-67

Uh-HUH . . . . . just "brought her into the tent" . . . no expensive garments, rings, receptions, announcements?  No band, not even a ceremony or exchange of vows?   Not even an engagement period is spoken of.  That's how far WE'VE come from those days.   But what I particularly want you to notice is that Yitshaq's SERVANT (probably owned as a slave) was a male, and was with Rebekah before she ever laid eyes on Yitshaq.  She obviously was "uncovered", not wearing a veil, when she was speaking to the servant; but for some reason dictated by their customs, she put on a veil when she was about to meet someone of means, someone that owned property!   What other difference was there between the servant and Yitshaq?  Cultural norms of that time and place required a specific action, just as today we have certain expectations concerning our dress, such as appearances that require a man to wear a coat and tie.  We're not looking at "norms" dictated by Yahuah, but simply social ones of that period.  If you want to wear a veil, or a clown nose, or a basketball hoop around your neck, it's not against Torah to do so;  but if we add to Torah by requiring such things of one another, at that point we're out-of-bounds.   No one is looking down at you if you wear a veil, and neither should anyone look down at someone not wearing one.  

    The commandment that we must make and wear the tsitsith to remember to obey Yahuah's Torah always can be seen
at Bemidbar/Numbers 15:38, 39 and Debarim/Deuteronomy 22:12.   He did not say to make a square garment, but to 
put the tsitsith on the garments which we wear.   The clothing we wear really has 4 corners, as a shirt will have 2 corners at the 
bottom and 2 corners at the collar.   We now use buttons on the garments we wear, so it's easy to not 
immediately recognize the 4 corners.   Some teach that the garment itself is "special", and should be worn when at assembly or
in prayer.   This is a human interpretation, and not at all in line with the intention of what Yahuah told us to do.   Struggling to
make their agenda work, some will strain at the gnat, saying that EliYah wore a "mantle", and used it to part the waters.
If he had been wearing a shirt, as we understand clothing, and slapped the water with that, the same result would have

     In severe heat, a traveling person of that time (and even now) would wear a cloak or blanket-type item to cover their head for

protection from blowing sand and the rays of the sun.
Robes with hoods developed from this need, and so we can now watch movies like Star Wars and understand why the Jedi knights and sand people wore those robes.  (Yes, I know that Star Wars is New Age/Pagan stuff  -  this is just mentioned here as an example of clothing having a functional aspect).  It is a logical thing to wear, since even a cowboy will have a blanket for protection against the elements.  If EliYah, Mosheh, and others had worn cowboy hats, then we'd be seeing religious imitators doing that today also.  If that were the case, today's rabbis would really feel "holy" if they put on some leg chaps and boot covers, wouldn't they?
     The main point is that we make the tsitsith, and wear them  -  that's all.   We don't have to put a blanket over our heads,
wear a special hat, sing, smile, or any of that sort of thing to obey the command to have on our tsitsith.  Yahuah doesn't
care what color we wear either, just because He refers to the righteousness of the qodeshim as "white robes".   

     But, the tsitsith are to contain cords of blue thread  -  beyond that, we can make the rest of the tassel any additional color we like   (even a rainbow of colors).   But, if we want to wear white robes, a blanket, sing, and smile, that's not wrong either it's just wrong to make people feel they have to do any more than wear the tsitsith to please our Father.   Yahusha said,

     "And why do you worry about clothes?  See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin.  Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.  If that is how Alahim clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?  So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?'  For the Pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”   Matt 6:28-33   

Put it on, or leave it off;  but if you are doing something extra, you may have to eat it at some point.   The foundation stones of Herod's temple are going to be really hard to swallow, don't you imagine? 

A Soldier with Talith  

A soldier at the western wall, wearing a talith  

(That's a good thing, if it has the tsitsith with the blue threads as we are told to wear them).



A gentleman listening for approaching footsteps, while wearing a towel

"I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in Me will do what I have been doing.  He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.  And I will do whatever you ask in My Name , so that the Son may bring esteem to the Father.  You may ask Me for anything in My Name , and I will do it."  John/Yahuchanon 14:12-14

"Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by My Father in heaven.  For where two or three come together in My Name , there am I with them."   Matt 18:19-20

Where two or more are coming together in His Name, Yahusha is there.  

This is an E-mail I'd like to share with you:

Shalom Lew,

I appreciate your candid comments in this regard.  It seems that with so much error and misinterpretation of the Scriptures that us Gentiles have been exposed to we end up trying to tick off a list of "to do" items in order to become an accepted follower of Yahusha. 
(Lew responds):  Yahusha expects us to "do" nothing, but be still and watch Him redeem us.  We that obey His Covenant are no longer Gentiles, but fellow citizens of Yisharal (Eph. 2:8-13). 
The same brother who sent me this article believes that women should wear a head covering when praying.  If this is the case, then the Muslims have it right with women wearing a head scarf permanently.  He quotes Paul's question in Corinthians where he says (paraphrased) "is it lawful for a women to pray with her head uncovered?".   If I only wear the scarf in earnest prayer then my thoughts and prayers during the day are not heard because my head is not covered?  We cannot seem to get around this one.
(Lew responds):  The custom of women covering their head in the assembly is not from Torah, but was customary etiquette within the social norms of the society which Sha'ul was speaking from.   We do not violate any Torah if we wear a head-covering, or if we do not wear one.   We violate Torah when we add to Torah, making something a requirement when it is not a requirement.  Compounding this error, there is judgment of another's servant usually involved, so the one that requires the head-covering will probably also be judging those who violate their requirement.  If Sha'ul was not speaking on the basis of a social custom, where is the Torah direction to make a distinction between men and women and a head covering?  We can speak to our Father in the nude, or bundled up -- He's not concerned, but remembers that we are only DUST.   It's a problem we have, not remembering we are dust.
This particular brother, (name deleted), is extremely dedicated with what seems an uncompromising belief in doing everything by the book.  He even wears the tsitsith.  We have invited him and his wife for Shabbat in two weeks time and I am feeling a bit concerned that we might not do things correctly.  Meaning, while we have changed our day of rest to Saturday and do not (if possible) go out on a Friday night we do not "do" anything different in terms of the meal or prayer.  Can you please advise me in this regard.  Without trying to be legalistic is there an order of things that we can do so that our children recognize this day as Shabbat as well as following what the Father requires from us.  We are still babes here.
(Lew responds):  On Shabbat, we are not required to "do" anything, but remain in our place, not going out (Shemoth/Ex 16).  This way we can teach our children Yahuah's Torah, and most importantly obey Him by resting as He rested (Heb. 4).    You definitely WANT to be "legalistic", and not "illegalistic" (lawless).  Following the "legal" directions of Torah will lead to life through obedience to Yahuah's Covenant, but if we shun "legalism", and turn away from His directions, we will be among those He will claim to not know.    When Shabbat arrives at sunset at the end of the sixth day, you can relax and do nothing.  Or, you can choose to start a family tradition of sitting at the dinner table and reading the account of Creation week, which is what every 7th day commemorates.  This would be the best thing to do for young children to learn what Shabbat is all about.  Shabbat, and the rest we observe, is the sign of the eternal Covenant between Yahuah and His wife Yisharal.  Those who keep the Commandments of Yahuah AND hold to the Testimony of Yahusha are His Natsarim, the first fruits of His precious treasure, Yisharal.  We are here to "leaven the whole lump", Yisharal, with the knowledge of the Mashiach, Who writes His Torah upon our hearts.  The "legalism" that comes from the hearts of men and their traditions is the enemy of the teaching of the gentle Shepherd, and His light yoke of the Torah (directions, instructions for living).  Be still -- the festivals are not about what we do, but what Yahusha is doing to redeem His bride, Yisharal.   They are for us, but about Him and His workmanship.   If we love Him and keep His Commandments, we will have fellowship with Him, and with one another.   When we fail by trying to keep the commandments of men along with them (mixing seed), we fall away from fellowship with Him, and are divided in our fellowship with one another.  
Our division in fellowship is derived from things like head coverings, and other requirements imposed by men, because they are mixing traditions of men together with Yahuah's Torah.

JERUSALEM POST ARTICLE:  Archaeologist: Islamic head scarves linked to sex rites (Nov. 1, 2006, 10 Cheshvan 5767)

"A 92-year-old retired archaeologist will stand trial in Turkey for claiming that Islamic-style head scarves date back more than 5,000 years - several millennia before the birth of Islam - and were worn by priestesses who initiated young men to sex.

Muazzez Ilmiye Cig, an expert on the ancient Sumerian civilization of Mesopotamia between the fourth and third millennia BCE, is the latest person to go on trial in Turkey for expressing opinions, despite intense European Union pressure on the country to expand such freedom as freedom of expression. Her trial is scheduled to start in Istanbul on Wednesday.

She joins dozens of other writers, journalists and academics who have been prosecuted, including this year's Nobel laureate Orhan Pamuk and novelist Elif Shafak.

Charges of insulting Turkishness against Pamuk were dropped over a technicality earlier this year, and Shafak was acquitted.

The trial begins a week before a crucial European Union report on Turkey's progress toward membership, which is expected to chide Turkey for slipping in reforms and not acting to change laws that have been used to curb freedoms - in violation of EU human rights standards.

The trial against Cig was initiated by an Islamic-oriented lawyer who was offended by claims made in her recently published political book, "My Reactions as a Citizen," in which she says that the earliest examples of head scarves date back to Sumerian times, when priestesses who helped young men learn sex veiled themselves.

Unlike Pamuk and Shafak, who were tried under Turkey's notorious Article 301, which sets out punishment for insulting the Turkish Republic, its officials or "Turkishness," Cig is accused of "inciting religious hatred." She could face 1 1/2 years in prison if found guilty.

An avowed secularist, Cig gained public attention when she wrote to Emine Erdogan, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's wife, urging her to take off her head scarf and set an example to women in this predominantly Muslim and secular country, where more and more women are veiling themselves in a show of religious piety.

Secularists like Cig view the head scarf as a symbol of political Islam and of female oppression.

Turkey has strict secular laws and regulations. Head scarves are banned in schools and in public offices."


BYNV: A translation for the next generation


Is the author of Revelation still alive?



 Q:  Where did we get the form "JESUS" from? 





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