Google: Yahusha

Did you know?

Mosheh invented the Name YAHUSHA. Fully translated, it means:

“I am your Deliverer.”

Mosheh invented it by adding the letter yod to the name of his servant Husha (see Numbers 13:16). His successor was not named "JOSHUA," his real name became YAHUSHA. Mosheh added one letter to the beginning of the name HUSHA, which means "deliverer."

HUSHA is spelled hay-uau-shin-ayin. The YOD he added transformed his name into yod-hay-uau-shin-ayin, meaning "YAH is our Deliverer."

But wait, there's more here. Fully translating this name reveals the meaning is "I AM YOUR DELIVERER."

 The Hebrew Name YAHUSHA first appeared when Mosheh invented it.

And there is no deliverance in anyone else, for there is no other Name under the heaven given among men by which we need to be saved.”

(Acts 4:12)

In the Information Age we are able to get around the information roadblocks of controllers, and get to the Truth.

This is a challenge to truth seekers everywhere to use their influence to lift up the Name of Yahusha on Internet search engines by Googling the Name Yahusha” everyday, and then clicking on a webpage that accurately promotes the only Name “given among men bywhich we need to be saved.” The real Name is here; all the fakes have to go:




When the Hebrew Name “Yahusha” is brought to the attention of one of those who claim to follow Him, they often respond with this comment:

“We speak English; we don’t speak Hebrew.” Why not teach Truth?

Yahusha only has one Name, and all the other ideas about His Name are inventions, christograms, fakes, stand-ins, codes, and deceptions.

Why don’t people know the Name above all names, yet they can know other Hebrew names like Adam, Abraham, or NetanYahu, and other foreign names like Gengis Khan, Archimedes, Alexander, Aesop, and Aristotle? None of these are English and are as foreign to English as many countries and regions of the world they have no problem saying. The word “America” is not English.

Names can be transliterated well as long as the sounds exist to do so.

Greek has no sound for “SH” so the Hebrew Name “Yahusha” cannot be conveyed accurately. When the Hebrew letters yod-hay-shin-uau-ayin are carefully explained, and their relationship to the Name of the Creator, yod-hay-uau-hay, a huge leap in comprehension occurs.

Once understood, it is no longer possible to be deceived about it.

This small tract you are reading is holding enough Truth in it to set a person on such a firm foundation, no storm can ever move them from it.  The Name is a strong tower!

The counterfeit name will perish like dust, and in the Name of Yahusha all other fake names wither.


SOMEONE MUST BE SENT  (see Romans 10)

How will they hear unless someone is sent to speak to them?

The real reason people say “We don’t speak Hebrew” is because they’ve been taught so much error they are numb to the Truth when they hear it. Most argue that “It does not matter what we call Him.” They think it doesn’t matter how we serve Him either, but in the end they will realize the fertility practices they inherited from their fathers are all worthless. YirmeYahu 16:10

Sunday, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Easter, and Halloween won't survive the Second-Coming. Men's leaven will cease to exist, and Yahuah's Torah will flow as Living Water out of Tsion. (YashaYahu 2)

People have a spirit of bitterness against Yahuah's appointments, and they are programmed to resist calling on the one Name Yual 2 and Acts 2 tells us to call on for our deliverance. In ignorance, they practice the fertility practices their fathers inherited from Babel.

The Day of Yahuah draws near. 


People hurry to their steeples to hear men they hope can teach them how to live, and what to believe. They are told they need do no more than believe, and tithe. The message they hear tells them someone else obeyed the Commandments for them. They can just live according to their own conscience, and tithe 10% before taxes to the man telling them they don't have a worry in the world concerning obeying the Commandments. Lev. 26:1 orders no pillars (steeples) to be built anywhere, yet this is ignored and they model their meeting places after pagan shrines.
They are told to call on whatever name the man tells them to call on, and unaware they are practicing the customs of pagan Sun-worshippers. They remember the resurrection of their
Passover Lamb, and yet don't even observe a Passover as He did all His life.

Our wounds are beyond measure, as YashaYahu 1:6 says.

The first followers wrote their letters in their native language and script, Hebrew; not Greek. The Alexandrian fathers (like Epiphanius and Eusebius Sophronius) wrote about encountering Natsarim who held some of the first followers' writings, and mentioned they were in Hebrew, and admitted these were written in the Hebrew script, "as they were originally written." They considered the Natsarim to be heretics because they obeyed the Commandments and did not recognize the teaching authority of the circus fathers.

The school at Alexandria was supported  by the Fiscus Judaicus (Jewish tax), and those following their lead emphasized the Greek texts.

The pagan habit was to hide the names of deities under an encoded term of some kind, and only those adherents achieving higher grades would ever learn their true names.

Knowledge was tightly controlled.

The Hebrew Name Yahusha can be verified in the Hebrew texts of the TaNaK (O.T.), and the Greek texts cannot conceal it any longer.

The Greek texts at Hebrews 4 and Acts 7 reveal to us the same Greek letters IESOUS are used, which translators rendered "Jesus" and "Joshua." Hebrew is read right-to-left.

The first three letters of Yahusha in Hebrew are shared in the Name

Yahuah (see chart below). These 3 letters are yod-hay-uau, and we express these as “YAHU.”

The Name tells us the identity of our Deliverer. Yahusha is the Name

Yahuah with the suffix SHIN-AYIN, making His Name mean “I am your Deliverer.”

Try to make “Jesus” mean this; it’s impossible.

It’s more related to Pegasus than Yahuah.

How Old Is The Letter J?

The letter J is first seen in the 17th century as a fancy (uncial) style for

the letter I (from the Greek IOTA). The first 3 letters “Yahusha” are

YOD-HAY-UAU (YAHU) from the Tetragrammaton YHUH (YAHUAH).

Clement of Alexandria transliterated YAHUAH phonetically with the

Greek letters IAOUE. As of 1599, the letter J was still not seen, as

evidenced from the title page of the Geneva translation which you can

also Google. The KJV (13 years later) also rendered the Mashiak's Name in the Latin Vulgate's christogram, IESV.

People can now Google the Name "YAHUSHA" to restore what was stolen by the devourer.


The Encyclopedia Americana (1945) under the topic GOD:  "GOD (god) Common Teutonic word for personal object of religious worship, formerly applicable to super-human beings of heathen myth; on conversion of Teutonic races to Christianity, term was applied to Supreme Being."  IT’S ORIGIN IS A PAGAN TERM.

Yahuah is the only personal Name given for our Creator, yod-hay-uau-hay, and means existence in all 3 tenses, past-present-future.

Yahuah is His memorial Name (Shemoth / Ex. 3:14,15), used at least 6,823 times in the TaNaK (O.T.).

"LORD" is an English word that matches the Hebrew word BAAL, and is not only the abomination it appears to be, but is also against the literal intention of the third Commandment. Look up BAAL in

Webster’s dictionary. The preface of the NIV admits “LORD” is a "device" used to stand in the place of the true Name they call YHWH.

They claim it is due to tradition, but another objective is also served:

It placates the masses who would be offended to hear the true Name for whatever reason. The tradition of replacing the Name with LORD comes from former translations.

The Latin Vulgate used DOMINUS, (LORD), and the Greek Septuagint used KURIOS (LORD), although in the first copies of the Septuagint the Name of Yahuah was retained in the original Hebrew letters, yod-hay-uau-hay:

The inspired Name turned the world upside-down, and it is happening again today before your eyes.  Acts 17:6

The Name Yahusha is the seal in our foreheads that marks us as His property, and the reapers will not touch us, or even allow us to stub our toe on the Day of Yahuah.  Psalm 91:12

"How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed?

And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard?

And how shall they hear without one proclaiming?" - Romans 10:14

This is a call-to-action. If you will lift up the Name of Yahusha daily on your devices using Internet search engines, it could become the most searched-for word, and it should be.

For the wrath of Alahim is revealed from heaven against all wickedness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the Truth in unrighteousness . . .”   - Romans 1:18