The Origin Of The
Word Christian
Is the word CHRIST (anointed) related to the word CHRISTIANOS?
Why did Tertullus refer to Paul as the ringleader of the sect of the
Natsarim, and not the Christians? (Acts 24:5) It waited for the Information Age to arrive. ![]()
The Word Christian Is Not Etymologically Related To The Word Christ The Greek word XRISTIANOS is the origin of the word CRETIN.
ETHNICALLY-REVISED MEANINGS Are we identified with the beast, or Yahuah? All Scripture is "Alahim-breathed." We are trained by Scripture to BEHAVE. We are trained by Christianity to MISBEHAVE. The Shabath (Sabbath) is a MARK Christians don't have. CHRISTIAN: A Greek word with formerly Pagan usage. The Mandaean deity of the Sun was titled Christ Helios, the Alexandrian Osiris was titled Chreistos. The Romans inherited the way the Persians worshipped the Sun under the title Chrestos Mithras, where Chrestos took the Roman interpretation of good, pure, sacred, or holy. Paul (formerly Shaul) was arrested, and a hired Sophist name Tertullus made accusations against him before Felix. Part of that dialog describes the "sect" which Paul was a member of: "He is a ringleader of the Natsarim sect, and even tried to desecrate the Temple; so we seized him." Acts 24:5 Commonly the word Natsarim is mis-spelled "Nazarene". (complete context is below). Were they not known by a Greek term, "Christians" . . . or have we inherited a term foreign to Israel, a term widely used by and for Pagan worshippers? Have translators done this to us? While
Paul was
arrested and
taken to Rome,
he was kept in
the home of a
He called for
the chief
Yahudim, and
they had heard
of this
and said to
Paul, The question that begs to be asked is the following: "What would a bunch of Israelites that practice the Torah of Yahuah and follow a Yahudi Mashiak (Messiah) be doing with a Greek term used by Pagans as a label for themselves?" Are we to search out the Greco-Roman roots, or the Hebrew origins of our faith? The mixing of cultures hinders our understanding. Should we defend the Greek term, or abandon it and use the original Hebrew term that identifies the true followers of Yahusha? They were called Natsarim, not christianos (cretins).
term "Christos"
is Greek,
and is
defined as
Although it
is treated
as a
for the
word "Mashiak,"
its use in
the Greek
language is
derived from
a completely
It is so different
that it
would be
the English
with the
Hebrew term
for woman, ashah.
"Bird" is often used in England to refer to a woman. In Australia and New Zealand the term for a girl or woman is sheila. The term christos was also used as a medical term because healers in the Greek culture used all manner of tinctures for various ailments; some taken internally, and others used topically. The first two letters in "Christos" are CHI + RHO, and appear as X (CHI) and P (RHO). If you put these together, they form the "R-X" symbol used by the apothecary trade, who mix and weigh dosages of medication for the sick.
sounds in
like "DZ"
and others.
As early as 200 BCE, there were Pagan worshippers of Serapis that called themselves "Christians." In the Vatican, one can view an original Pagan relief depicting MITHRAS with the words CHRESTOS MITHRAS, meaning "good Mithras". Mithraism was the main Pagan religion of ancient Rome, and became blended with the Mashiak of Yisrael through the compromises of the Nicene Council, headed by Constantine and his son Crispus (325-326 CE).
The Greco-Roman
mindset of
to the
Greek, and
the Hebrew terminology,
in order to make
to the Pagan
culture of
Hebrew term
Mashiak was
carried over
into the
letters as
because the
alphabet is
unable to
the exact
sounds of
such as the
sound of "SH"
- this
became the "SS"
Greek cannot
The Hebrew
meaning of
Mashiak is
one, and
applies to
the person
that is
reigning as
Israel (Yisharal, meaning "to rule with Alahim").
chosen man
as the king
with oil, as
we see the
David on his
head with
It may have
been olive
oil, but it
of Yahuah
being placed
upon the
All kings of Israel were "Mashiakim," or anointed ones. "Mashiakim" may have been the original word used by Luke at Acts 11:26, however translators preferred the Greek flavor, and used the word "Christian" 3 times in the "Renewed Covenant" writings. EXCERPT FROM THE ENHANCED TORAHZONE BOOK: Look at the big picture, and keep an open mind for several options. Knowing there is some relationship with the word cretin, what if the people of Antioch, at first, called the disciples CRETINS (retards, idiots)? Don't fall for the excuse, "we speak English, not Hebrew." The word "crestos" (or kristos, chreistos) isn't English, it's Greek. If we follow the redemption plan of our Creator, keeping the Torah of Yahuah, we are counted among the citizenship of Yisharal; not a gentile, foreign nation. In fact, we are no longer gentiles at all (Eph. 2:11-13), although we were at one time strangers to the covenants. After our immersion, there is no distinction, and no dividing wall between us and a native-born Israelite. The main idea that people seem to be steered away from when words like "Christian" are examined closely is that the original word (the Hebrew word, Mashiak) is not being brought to the table, but is typically kept from the discussion. The word "Christianity" is not found in the Scriptures at all, so there is no such thing in reality. Misdirection is used to convince the listener of supposed facts which are not true, and by simply saying the lie often enough, it will become familiar, and therefore comfortable. In this particular case, the premise is that the original word was this Greek word "Christos," since it is emphasized (by those with an agenda to preserve the error of tradition) that the disciples of Yahusha all spoke and wrote in Greek. We are expected to pay no mind that Greek is a foreign language to the people of Israel. It's a promotion of the Jesuits to believe that the Messiah and His students spoke to one another, and wrote everything down, in Greek. The truth is, Greek was a transitional language, or translation, of the original texts originally written in Hebrew. Hebrew is mentioned 11 times in the Natsarim Writings (NT), and the word "Aramaic" is not found anywhere in all of Scripture. All the first "protestants" were Catholics, and they had already been indoctrinated with the Jesuit teachings. What is practically unknown is the fact that there were "Christians" on Earth before Yahusha ha'Mashiak was born - and they were Pagans.
The Greek word "Christos"
(kristos) has come to
mean anointed, and
this corresponds to the
Hebrew word Mashiak.
What is not commonly
known is that Osiris
and Mithras were both
called "Chreistos,"
which meant "GOOD."
The word was adopted
from gnostic
Paganism: The
inscription "CHRESTOS"
can be seen on a
Mithras relief in the
During the time of Marcion, around 150 CE, Justin Martyr said that "Christians" were "Chrestoi," or "good men." Clement of Alexandria said "all who believe in Christ are called "Chrestoi, that is 'good men'." Rome was the center of Chrestos Mithras worship, so the adaptation or revisionism to the new faith for this title should hardly be a huge mystery; but this information has been intentionally buried. The word "Christian" is only used 3 times in the received Greek texts; and if it were in fact what the disciples called themselves as a "sect." it would have seemed very foreign to not only them, but to everyone involved. Of course, every Israelite (and modern orthodox "Jew") believes in a Mashiak that is coming at some point. The pagan king Koresh (Latinized to Cyrus) was called "Mashiak" also, as he was "anointed" to issue the decree to rebuild the walls and Hekal of Yerushalayim! ![]() Many of them - in fact most - don't currently believe in the Mashiak portrayed by the "Christian" faith in any of its diverse denominations. However, if we had to adopt a Greek word for these practitioners of "Judaism" that related to them as believers in a coming Mashiak, then they too could be labeled "Christians". But, the word "Christian" is a very non-specific label when you consider that it doesn't specify who the Mashiak is. The true sect that followed Yahusha's teachings did use a term for themselves, and it was NATSARIM (Acts 24:5). Even the Church father Epiphanius wrote of the Natsarim, whom he called heretics because they observed the Commandments of Yahuah and were indistinguishable from "Jews" except that they believed in the Mashiak.
In their adherence to the Torah, a Christian
might well be
considered to be
retarded; but
the actual word that
"retard" or
"idiot" is derived
from CHRISTIANIANOS: cretin -
a term of scorn.
American Heritage
Dictionary tells us
the etymology for the
word CRETIN:
cre-tin (kre-tin,
kret'n) n.
1. One
afflicted with
2. A
fool; an idiot.
[French, cretin,
from Swiss French, crestin,
human being (an idiot
being nonetheless
is dwarfism and or
Cretin is simply the
word that is derived
from the word
CHRISTIAN, crestin.
“For we have found this man a pestilent fellow, and a mover of sedition
among all the Yahudim throughout the world and a ringleader of the sect
(G139, hairesis)
of the Nazarenes
. . .”
The Greek word
above gives us our word “heresy”
translated “sect”.
So we
know the “sect” being spoken of was not the Christians, because Christians
The word
was used twice in the Greek text as a device of scorn, since in the ancient
world it conveyed a
much different sense
than it does today.
The use of
the word
did not “name” the sect, but it was a derisive, scornful
that meant they were like gullible, dumb beasts, or “cretins”.
The Greek word “kristianos” (Latin,
was a term of scorn, traced back through a related
word which history never revised:
cre·tin (krēt'n) n.
A person afflicted with
An idiot. [French crétin, from French dialectal, deformed and mentally retarded person found in certain Alpine valleys, from Vulgar Latin *christiānus, Christian, human being, poor fellow, from Latin Chrīstiānus, Christian; see Christian.]
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language,
Fourth Edition
Greek is a corrupted, polluted language
to begin with -- having many Pagan deities' names and titles
associated with it. Since Yahuah has told us
that one day He
would purify the lips of the
peoples to call upon
His Name and serve Him
shoulder-to-shoulder (Zeph.
3:9), it's unlikely that the word "Christian" will
be preserved after that purification takes place. Acts 24:5 states
that the sect was called
not anointed ones.
It was prophesied that
we would be called
Carefully study the
text of Jer.
31. YirmeYahu 31:6 used
the word NATSARIM
which is translated
who will cry on
Afraim (Ephraim)."
The gentiles, also
known as
"scattered Yisharal" is referred to in this chapter as
Those crying-out to go
up to Yahuah are called watchmen,
from the Hebrew word NATSARIM.
The Greek has
distorted quite a few
things, but to
believe that they were
called both terms
would surely
conflicted thinking.
The Natsarim were very specific in their labeling of themselves, since their label referred to the One they were followers of, Yahusha of Natsarith. Chapter 31 of YermeYahu is also significant because it prophecies the re-newed Covenant, which is quoted again in chapters 8 & 10 of the book of Hebrews. All Israelites were, and are, waiting for the "Mashiak," the anointed One prophesied in Danial. By this logic it would be redundant to refer to themselves as a sect of what they all were, even if the label was translated into another tongue, like Greek. The translators wanted to separate themselves as far from the Torah and Israel as possible; and it was done by creating labeling that would permanently separate them, and keep "gentiles" from ever joining the commonwealth of Yisharal, or even realizing that it was necessary. Can you stand to hear more? Realize that Greek culture was a very powerful influence on the entire civilized world over a long period; Alexandria, Egypt (named for Alexander, a famous Greek conqueror), became the center or hub of the cultural world. Sophists, orators who refined public speaking to an art, developed the "3-point" speech. They could convince their audiences of things they didn't even believe themselves. Clement and Origen, two church fathers, promoted their Christian teaching from Alexandria. Everything taught became watered-down into allegorical meanings. In every way, words were used as powerful tools. Platonic philosophy steered their whole culture, and Plato is still quoted in modern seminaries! Mithraists, Neoplatonists, Pythagoreans, Therapists, and Magi were all contemporary cults. From Egypt arose the Hermetic religion of the worship of Osiris. CIRCUS FATHERS These religions produced the pagan fathers that influenced modern Christianity (Cyprian, Augustine, Marcion, Eusebius, Ambrose, Epiphanius, etc.,) and they quoted from their former Pagan sources virtually constantly, merging what they had been with what they were becoming - a blended religion, with Greek culture as the dominant aspect. There already were "Christians" in Egypt, gnostic sun-worshippers who knelt before huge ankhs (crux ansatas). The Serapis-Isis cult used this symbol at Alexandria. When the Emperor Hadrian wrote from Alexandria, he said: "Those who worship Serapis are Christians and those who call themselves bishops of Christ are vowed to Serapis". That can't be good. Ancient Babylonian influences abounded then, and abound now, hidden in plain sight. Alexandria was the primary launching point for the new fusion religion we know as "Christianity" today. The word "Christos" is related to Krishna, Crestos, and Chreston. These literally mean "shining" as they refer to the Sun. Krishna is the Sun deity of the Hindu religion which was originally Nimrod, the very first Sun deity. Even as late as 348 CE, Cyrill said: "Let the heresy be silenced which blasphemes the Messiah, the Son of the Mighty One. Let those be silenced who say that the sun is Messiah, because He is the Creator of the sun, and not the visible sun itself." They were calling the sun "Christ Helios." The Manichaeans worshipped the sun as it passed through the sky ALL DAY, and Augustine came from them. The ancient Crestos of the Serapian Culte was worshipped as "the good god," so the word "Christ" is actually a polluted and forbidden word when you carefully weigh the texts of Exodus 23:13 & Duet. 12:28-32. Great darkness results from not properly understanding Yahuah's Word, or departing from it, thinking it no longer has application. The one verse most cling to in defense of the term "Christian" is at Acts 11:26: "And at first in Antioch the taught ones were called Kristianous." (This is the order of this sentence in the Greek). This sentence doesn't claim that the disciples called themselves this, but were called this "at first." Also, as with the English language, the context determines what is meant. If this meant they were mistaken (at first) for the Pagan believers in Serapis, that's one thing; or this could have been simply the Greek translation distorting the original Hebrew word, Mashiak. Or, what if this Greek word was not a label, and simply meant "good men?" Knowing there is some relationship with the word cretin, what if the people of Antioch, at first, called the disciples CRETINS? Why is the Greek label so important that they had to make this single verse in its translation an all-encompassing issue? Again, what would a bunch of Israelites that practice the Torah of Yahuah and follow a Yahudi Messiah be doing with a Greek term used by Pagans as a label for themselves? A name for a person or thing is a special designation, not a general reference. Is the Name of the Creator Greek? If the Creator has a religion (way), does He refer to it by a Greek term? (This is one of the topics addressed in the newly-enhanced book TORAH ZONE). Would the Messiah of Adam, Noach, Mosheh, Daniel, and AliYahu (Elijah) have a Greek Name? If we have inherited error, we all need to know about it, and not defend it. What harm is there in abandoning the Greek title "Christos" and using the same Hebrew word Daniel wrote: Mashiak? The word "MESSIAH" is transliterated TWICE in the received Greek writings, at Yn. 1:41 and Yn. 4:25 (it's used twice in Danial, at 9:25,26). Even the new age cult is awaiting their "Christ"; so why not give them their word back - maybe they'll stop laughing at believers behind their backs for having adopted so much of their philosophy. Give them their "Sun-day" too. Let's return to the Covenant. The gentiles from the ends of the Earth will one day acknowledge that their forefathers have inherited nothing but lies.
old Yiddish
saying says,
"The Messiah
will never
come; the
you've never
How about
the term "Messianites" used by some translators at Acts 11:26 This is a translation back toward the Hebrew form of the idea expressed in the received Greek, “christianos.”
a label, the real contest would
be between the words “Natsarim” (Hebrew)
and “christianos” (Greek).
The Hebrew term “Mashiak” was transliterated in at least two places
(Yn. 1:41 & 4:25), however it would make very little sense to insert
a word that simply denoted that a group of people were
“Messiah-followers”, when there were any number of such groups
promoting their beliefs (as there are today, i.e., Lubavitchers/
Menachem Schneerson, New Age Messiah Maitreya, Sun Myung Moon,
The use of the Greek word “kristianos” remains a mystery, and the
context seems to imply two other possible intents:
that the followers of Yahusha were “called” or “referred to”
collectively by this foreign term that described their
behavior, or how
they were perceived
by those that lived at
The text does not say they called themselves “christianos.”
There is also a strong likelihood that this term “christianos” was
inserted by subsequent Greek
between the 2nd
and 3rd centuries.
The word “kristianos” is used a total of 3 times in the whole Greek
text of the “NT” (Messianic Writings), once each at:
Acts 11:26
Acts 26:28
1Pet./ Kefa 4:16 Although the term “christianos” has been embraced as a label or group-handle today, we know that if one were to search for such a “label” for this sect, it is easily found at Acts 24:5, where Tertullus (an orator, or sophist) accused Paul before the governor Felix. The accusation against Paul was that he was a “ringleader of the sect of the Natsarim.” If Yahusha’s followers were of the “way” of Torah, it is profoundly idiotic to assume they would be known by a word that is foreign to their own culture, and equally absurd for the “religion” of the Creator of the universe to use a Greek word to describe His “way”, considering that one day we will receive a “pure lip” restoring our language to the original one (Zeph. 3:9). It is overwhelmingly obvious that the term “christianos” was a promotion done in the centuries following the events, since it is so rarely used in the received texts, and seems to be inserted to supplant the original term, Natsarim.
What is not widely known is that there were pagans that worshipped
the false deity Serapis who were called christianos
in Greek. Perhaps the Natsarim, at first, were mistaken to
be worshippers of Serapis! If they were literally called “christianos” at Antioch, it is likely they were perceived to be either “good men,” worshippers of Serapis, or another form of the Greek word that would mean they were thought to be idiots (perhaps due to the fact that they were claiming that a dead person rose from the dead). The Greek word chrestoi means “good men.” The deity Mithras was called “Chrestos Mithras”, or Good Mithras. The word cretin (fool) is derived from the Greek word christianos. We can make any number of assumptions, but to assert that they called themselves by this term is a mishandling of the text, and seems to overly defend a term that is merely found in a transition language. Perhaps this attitude stems from the fact that the Greeks considered themselves to be highly cultured (to the point of arrogance), and they wished to instill their culture on all other cultures. For translators to assume they were called “Messianites” is probably over-reading the text, because this implies that they were followers of a Mashiak, and all Israelites either waited for, or followed one of many “Messiahs;” so this term could serve as no distinctive label at all.
newer translations that use terms like “Messianites” are likely
attempting to find a more appropriate term in the Hebrew/Israelite
culture, to tone-down the shrill “gentile” wording which the
Catholic institution preferred to promote over the centuries via
their Latin Vulgate.
In light of the above considerations, I would defer to the use of the term “Natsarim” which restores the authentic Israelite language, and makes a clearer distinction from the rest of the would-be “Messianic” groups.
In the final analysis, the term “Natsarim” will trump the Greek
term, even though the effort was made very early to “ethnically
cleanse” as many Hebrew words as possible. Today, we are
“ethnically restoring”
the Hebrew terms and names, rebuilding the ancient ruins, and
repairing the breach through the guidance of Yahusha.
“And those from among you shall build the old waste places. You
shall raise up the foundations of many generations. And you would be
called the Repairer of the Breach, the Restorer of Streets to Dwell
YeshaYahu 58:12 from teosofia.com/Mumbai/7502christmas.html we read further: "Krishna or Chris-na and Christos come from the same root. Kris in Sanskrit means the pure or the sacred, 'the first emanation of the invisible G-dhead, manifesting itself tangibly in spirit' (Isis Unveiled, II, 158), it is the Spiritual Ego (Buddhi-Manas). .... 'The Spiritual, Immortal, Higher Ego in every man is an emanation, like a ray, from the Central Spiritual Sun (Paramatman), of which the visible Sun is the direct manifestation on our physical plane and its visible symbol.'" The conclusion drawn from this study confirms once again that the faith was "solarized" and our customs and words are rising up to prove it.
The prophet YirmeYahu
(Jer.) told us: Therefore, behold, I will this once cause them to know, I will cause them to know Mine hand and My might; and they shall know that My Name is Yahuah." Jer / YirmeYahu 16:19-21 Directly related to this issue of terms originally used by pagans, and taking the point-of-view of our Creator Yahuah, we have to consider what He has already spoken on this issue. Remember, even the "erminology used by Pagans are their "ways" or methods. Here are 3 Scriptures of many that could have relevance: Exodus / Shemoth 20:2,3: "I am Yahuah your Alahim, Who brought you out of the land of Mitsrayim, out of the house of slavery. You have no other mighty ones against My Face." Exodus / Shemoth 23:13: "And in all that I have said to you take heed. And make no mention of the name of other mighty ones, let it not be heard from your mouth." So what's with this Woden'sDay, Thor'sDay, FriggaDay nonsense? Deut. / Debarim 12:28-32: "Guard, and obey all these words which I command you, that it might be well with you and your children after you forever, when you do what is good and right in the eyes of Yahuah your Alahim. When Yahuah your Alahim does cut off from before you the nations which you go to dispossess, and you dispossess them and dwell in their land, guard yourself that you are not ensnared to follow them, after they are destroyed from before you, and that you do not inquire about their mighty ones, saying 'How did these nations serve their mighty ones? And let me do so too.' Do not do so to Yahuah your Alahim, for every abomination which Yahuah hates they have done to their mighty ones, for they even burn their sons and daughters in the fire to their mighty ones. All the words I am commanding you, guard to do it - do not add to it nor take away from it." The prodigal son has to come to his senses. Our Mashiak's Name isn't the Greek "Jesus," but rather the Hebrew: Yahusha. For more on that topic, click on the blue bar below. Q: Where did we get the form "JESUS" from?
An interesting question was asked: Q: Is your institution Jewish, Christian or Messianic Yahwist? Or all three? A: We are a group of individual scholars of Yahuah's Word, loosely associated to one another. Some of us have different opinions on details, but in general we all share a love for the Covenant (Torah of Yahuah) and a love for the one true Name of the Creator. Anyone who shares this love and has been immersed I would consider a brother or sister in the faith. We perform individual research of the original language of Scripture, and attempt to relay a clearer idea of it to the English-speaking world. Even though some of us may disagree with one another on fine points, we all embrace a love for the Truth and love Yahuah, and we differ from Christians in that we obey the 10 Commandments because we have been given a love for them by Yahusha. Christians generally observe 8 of the 10, and Catholics observe 7 of the 10; but we love all 10. For example, since we observe the original Sabbath (as "Jewish" people do also), we are often misunderstood by Christians. And, because we hold to the testimony of Yahusha (as "Christian" people do also), we are often misunderstood by those in orthodox Judaism. For Illustration purposes, let's suppose that one takes the position that the "Sabbath" day is no longer in force, as Christians will often explain, yet they still believe that all Scripture is inspired by Yahuah. Taking the total number of times the word "Sabbath" is used in ALL of Scripture, we find 170 occurrences. Next, we assess the total amount of all Scripture, and find that the Brith Chadasha (Renewed Covenant "Messianic" writings, or "N.T.") is about one-sixth of the whole. Then we consider an analogy where all Scripture represents 5 large pancakes, and the occurances of the word "Sabbath" within the text are represented by 170 blueberries (Remember, the word "Sabbath" is used 170 times in all of Scripture). You put 109 blueberries (65% of them) into the first 4 pancakes. (These first four pancakes are analogous to the "Old Testament", or the TaNaKh). You put 61 blueberries (35% of them) into the last single pancake. (This last pancake is going to be VERY rich with blueberries, in fact it is mathematically much more dense with blueberries than the first 4 pancakes (on average, the other 4 only have 21.8 blueberries each). Come, let us reason together. How is it possible that with "the Sabbath" being used so often in the Natsarim Writings (Brith Chadasha, or N.T.) that Christianity never embraced it? Yahusha guides us into all Truth, and Constantine really crafted a serious deception to overcome. Yahusha told us that if we hold to His teaching (Torah), we are truly His disciples (not Constantine's), and the Truth (Torah, Word) will set us free (from the bondage of sin, living against and without His teaching, which is Torah). We obey because we love Him, not to be saved through our obedience. Our obedience is the evidence that we are being saved by His life, it is not mixed up with our justification for our transgressions. If we claim to know Him but do not obey His Commands, we are liars. |
Among the Norse, Loki is credited with spinning the first fishnet, which seems appropriate given some of his other traditionally feminine activities (such as shape-shifting into a mare and giving birth to Sleipnir, Odin’s 8-legged steed). He would gleefully ride his 8-legged horse all over "Gotland", which we can see uses the Germanic root GOT or GOTT which we inherited from them in the English word "GOD".
“Odin” (Woden):
Produced from the original pronoun in Hebrew, ADON (which simply means “sovereign”), the word ADON crept into the Egyptian as the proper name ATON. Having passed from the Hebrew into the foreign tongues, ADON is now seen in the Pagan name given to the 4th day of the week:
Woden’s Daeg, or Wednesday. With 8 legs, I wonder if Woden's horse wasn't more like a spider . . . or a lobster.
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