Hebrew Roots Research by Lew White
Truth Is The Enemy Of The Lie
Nimrod's guiding principle was that all
mankind's benefits are derived from humanistic efforts, and those who believed
Yahuah was the cause for those benefits were enemies. Truth is the enemy of the
The beast (behemah) is the
world order, identified and controlled by CLERGY, NOBILITY, & LAITY.
This order remains intact since Babel, and in fact the world order is the beast
itself. It is the reign (kingdom)
of Babel, proven by the fact that
it remains intact until it is eliminated by the reign of Yahusha
(see Rev. 11, Rev. 18).
All human effort is harvested by the beast system to produce the fruit
(objectives) of the world order. When Yahusha returns, the world order falls
completely out of existence, never to rise again. As long as people believe the
humanistic lie of Nimrod, and fail to recognize how they are controlled in
Babel's world order, they remain servants of the beast. To come out of this
world order, all we must do is repent (turn back) and obey Yahuah's Torah.
Obedience is the revolution.
Since the beginning of civilization and Nimrod the first king on Earth, a
struggle to control the minds
of all mankind has
never ceased. The first king was Nimrod, the mighty hunter of men, and all Sun
worship began with him.
Babel’s authority to reign is empowered by the dragon.
After Nimrod’s death the population revered him by worshipping the Sun.
Looking down from “heaven,” he was believed to be the “Great Architect”
People worshipped the host of heaven - the creation - rather than the Creator.
Babel is the head
of the beast authority, we could call Nimrod the
Great Babel Head.
The dragon’s teaching authority over men has continued, and today is known as:
Babel’s controlling authority over what people believe and
practice evolved into
totalitarian magisterium the world calls the Roman Catholic Church. It
has been sustained since the founding of Babel, but has gone by many other
The most recent form of this beastly world government grew from its Roman roots,
which openly worshipped the Sun deity Apollo Sol Invictus. Constantine merged,
or synthesized, diverse Sun worshipping bodies together into a universal pattern
of behavior. Mithraism, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, and Manichaean customs were
blended into a new mold, and these pagan forms of witchcraft came together into
a new shape.
There is a Baby in this dirty bathwater, and when we remove Him from all the
surrounding filth, you will recognize how the whole world has been deceived.
This beastly World Order channels Babel’s power in three divisions:
Clergy-Nobility-Laity. It has been so since the days of Nimrod, the Great
Architect of the World Order. This magisterium is Babel going under another
name, and all the reigns of the Earth are controlled as surely as a beast is
controlled by a ring in its nose. Babel’s world government poses as a religious
Over the centuries it has set up a list of “dogmas” and requires its adherents
to accept them with absolute devotion. This beast behaves like a chameleon,
adopting the practices and symbols of indigenous populations and changing their
Behind all the symbols and practices is the ancient religion of Babel: Sun
worship, and the worship of the “host of heaven.”
This organization considers itself the only path to salvation through its
dogmas. Salvation is understood to be solely through the dispensation of seven
sacraments, available exclusively through the priesthood of the “one true mother
church.” Failure to believe in any one dogma is grounds for excommunication.
For many centuries those who resisted the authority of this mother church were
burned at the stake as heretics.
This Magisterium is the source of doctrines such as:
Purgatory, eternal suffering in fire, relic kissing (veneration of human
remains), transubstantiation (bread wafer transforms into living body and blood
of Yahusha with words “hoc est corpus meum”), statue veneration (kneeling before
objects), steeples/sun pillars, bells, worship of the “host” (in a monstrance –
sun burst object), prayers to the dead (necromancy via rosaries), monks, nuns,
popes, priests, celibacy, indulgences, trinity doctrine, infant baptism,
apostolic succession, sacraments, crosses (symbol of Sun deity everywhere
throughout history), replacement of Name Yahuah to “LORD” (Baal), adoption of
Easter / Ishtar fertility festival with sunrise worship & egg/bunny/fish
symbols, Natalis Sol Invictus (Saturnalia) transformed into “Christ-Mass,” a
celebration Yahusha’s birth,
- and much more.
They are generally doing everything Yahuah ordered not to be done, while
ignoring everything He told us to guard and observe. They forbade the Scriptures
from the "laity" (laity means “the people,” the bottom level of their World
Order of clergy-nobility-laity, or 3 estates).
This Magisterium is the source from which Protestants have inherited all of their doctrines and behavior. The belief in "one god in three persons" defines Catholicism according to Athanasius, one of the attendees of the Nicene Council in 325. Athanasius was from Alexandria's Didascalia (teaching authority), and is dubbed the "father of orthodoxy."
Ortho-doxy literally means “upright teaching.”
throughout history were considered heretics by this teaching authority, and were
held to be anathema (worthy of death).
Natsarim work to teach the Truth, and reject the teaching authority of the
Magisterium, and all those following its rebellious practices.
Everything in the list above is witchcraft, carefully fed to the masses over
many centuries. Abiding in Yahuah's Word sets us free from false beliefs.
“So Yahusha said to those Yahudim who believed Him,
‘If you stay in My Word, you are truly My taught ones, and you shall know the
truth, and the truth shall make you free.’”
Yn. 8:31-32
The belief that Yahuah, Who wrote the Torah, sent His Son to abolish the Torah,
is illogical.
A young boy once slew a giant with a stone in the Name of Yahuah.
One Name
will take down the reign of Babel.
One Name
will seal us for the Day of Redemption.
Every car is a kind of BILLBOARD that can tell people something very important.
A message for the top of your car's rear window:
Google YAHUSHA - this Name will take Babel down one day soon.
Remember the Torah of Mosheh is the message of
AliYahu for the last days.
It will program us to behave in love toward Yahuah and our fellow human beings.
Here is the essential training in how to love, the instructions to live by:
It's Time For
Natsarim To Shout (YirmeYahu 31:6)
YAHUSHA - this Name will take Babel down one day soon.
Is Yahusha's
Name like a burning fire shut up in your bones?
The anti-mashiak
has overtaken most hearts, but time is short and those who receive a love for
the Truth are being sealed in the Name of Yahusha for the Day of Redemption.
It's time to shout.
The Covenant
of love is an eternal one, instructing us in how to love Yahuah and love our
neighbor, even our enemies. If anyone ever tempts us to disobey this Covenant of
lovingkindness and to worship another, or comes bearing messages in any other
name, we are warned by Yahuah to not listen to him. The Torah's goal is love,
and is not difficult. Through the power of Yahusha, we can do all things. The
only worship Yahuah accepts is obedience to His Covenant. The Covenant is our
marriage, the Living Words, and we will celebrate that Covenant with Yahusha at
the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. We are sealed for that day in the one Name
given under heaven: Yahusha. We obey the Commandments of Yahuah, and we hold to
the testimony of Yahusha.
The 5 unwise
virgins are still sleeping.
Fossilized Customs 12th edition at amazon unveils the beast.
Needed: Tangible Proof Of Who We Serve
We can get distracted by genealogies and who we believe we are relative to one another. Intangibles such as free will or the soul's inability to be destroyed (except by its Maker) are topics fun to debate. In contrast to assorted intangibles, the tangible behavior expressed in the various faith groups claiming to be "Christian" reflect no aspects lived-out by Yahusha, or His own culture.
Every detail of behavior reflects the Sun-worship background of Constantine's
worship of Apollo (Mithras).
The indoor altars, the Sunday morning assemblies, the steeples and bells, holy
water (Ganges River nonsense), round sun-disc wafers, nuns, monks, and so much
more - do not come from Scripture, but rather Hinduism, and therefore Babel.
Yahuah ordered us to not erect a pillar anywhere (Lev. 26:1),
so Christianity puts them on every place of worship, and lights them up.
I'm only saying we need to reassess what we do, and align with Yahusha's
behavior in our guarding of "every Word that proceeds from the Mouth of Yahuah."
Constantine made sure we would have nothing in common with the Yahudim culture,
so we need to disobey his creeds, and obey Yahuah's.
We serve the one we obey.
New REAPERS book released in printed form:
“And the master said to the servant, ‘Go out into the street corners and hedges,
and compel them to come in, so that my house is filled.’”
Luke 12:23
Psalm 23:
is my shepherd;
nothing do I need. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside
still mayim. He returns my breath; He leads me in paths of uprightness For His
Name’s sake. When I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no
evil. For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You spread
before me a table in the face of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil;
my cup overflows. Only goodness and lovingkindness follow me all the Yomim of my
life; And I shall dwell in the House of Yahuah, for the duration of Yomim!
Hebrew Roots Translation, Besorah Of Yahusha Natsarim Version (BYNV)
His rod is a goad, poking us as we walk along. It keeps going straight ahead as
He says, “This is the way, walk in it.”
His staff protects us as He uses it to repel lions, bears, and wolves that
attack His treasured possession.
We are His inheritance, and He is ours. “I am my Beloved’s, and my Beloved in
He is coming to reign, so learn His Name – YAHUSHA. The reign of Babel is about
to fall.
It took
the beast*
many centuries to get the whole world so far from the Narrow Path
Perilous times are ahead, so we have to work while we can.
– behemah; literally, living creature; idiom for an organization, authority.
Scriptural meaning for the beast: the reign of Babel.
Polycarp was one of Yahukanon's pupils. He wrote to Victor, a bishop at Rome, about the changes being made concerning Pesach and Unleavened Bread, “when the people threw away the leaven.”
The dragon was working
diligently to divide the early assembly, even as we see divisions occurring
The Great Harlot,
was merged into the faith in 325 CE.
Slowly, pagan customs were blended together with the true faith (syncretism).
Everything Yahuah commanded to be observed was eliminated, and not a
shred of Yahusha's culture was tolerated.
Decades earlier, brother Paul had warned of "ravenous wolves" that would arise,
even from among the early bishops. They did
arise, and are still among us as powerful
teaching authorities given their authority by the dragon.
NOTE: For more information, there's a MARK, a NUMBER, and an IMAGE:
There is a
at Rev. 13. It concerns "buying and selling" and it is called "the mark
of the beast."
Think of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th beasts as they developed over time.
Each builds on the former pattern, consolidating all the attributes, control, and power to even greater levels as time passes.
In its final form, the 4th beast is an organized authoritarian empire, an apparatus of great evil. The symbols used to describe the beast's organizational configuration in Scripture are code-words, and point to how power is distributed from the top to the bottom level.
The dragon (shatan) is arranging the pieces in order to bring the whole Earth under complete domination, under his World Order.
Try to recognize the beast / behemoth system as 3 estates,
method of control
over kings, nations, and peoples of all races and tongues across the whole
Earth. One of many controls over the sovereign governments of the Earth is the
UN’s banking cartel, aka the World Bank and all central banks. This reached a
zenith in the days of the Knights Templar, who evolved into the Scottish Rite,
the Jesuits, the Bavarian Illuminati, and now operate within uncountable front
organizations from banking, government, and media outlets. They may have
the appearance of a religious order, but in reality they are all serving under
one "head." It is a military organization, arranged in echelons, with a singular
goal: One World Government. The New Age, New World Order, and Globalism
are all seeking to achieve the same goal. Awesome power is wielded through all
sorts of abstract methods that have been in place for many centuries. One
abstraction is the ability to change bread and wine into the living presence of Yahusha. Deception, lying, the toppling of governments, control of food,
medicine, money, and the reduction of global population are some of the chief
methods used to achieve global domination.
The dragon gave the
false prophet
(aka harlot’s spokesman)
his power, throne, and great authority.
“And he said to me, ‘The
which you saw, where the
sits, are peoples, and crowds, and nations, and tongues.
And the
ten horns
which you saw on the beast, these shall hate the
and lay her waste and naked, and eat her flesh and burn her with fire.
For Alahim did give it into their hearts to do His mind, to be of one mind, and
to give their reign to the beast, until the words of Alahim shall be
And the woman
whom you saw is
that great city
having sovereignty
over the sovereigns
of the earth.’”
Rev 17:15-18
This woman is also known Izebel (Rev. 2), and it is her teaching authority that overcame the whole world.
Her fertility symbols and names of blasphemy identify her teaching authority (Easter, Church, trees, wreaths, eggs, bunnies, lilies, steeples, cruxes, and so on).
The code-breaker to identify the beast authority, and prepare you for this study:
-- 1st Estate: clergy, having sovereignty over the
sovereigns of the Earth (the Great Harlot, false prophet)
Ten horns
-- 2nd Estate: rulers, sovereigns (governments)
Waters --
3rd Estate: the common people, referred to as “laity”
FOSSILIZE THIS: The mark of Siva (Shiva), or Kali:
the Hindu practice of putting ashes upon the forehead.
Marked on their forehead with the name of Tammuz
Zeus gave birth from his forehead; the symbol of the crux is female
Mourning for Tammuz: A rite inherited from the culture of Babel/Sumer. The 40 days of "Lent" pertain to the 40-year life of Tammuz, son of Semiramus, mother/wife of Nimrod. Tammuz was slain by a wild boar when he was 40, and the "reincarnation" of Tammuz was expected at the Pagan rite of spring, named for Ishtar, now disguised as "Easter." Lent (for lengten - the lengthening of the days of springtime) was this period of mourning for 40 days prior to the impregnation of the Earth Mother, Eostre, Ishtar, Asherah, Oster, Ostara, etc.,.
These rituals were transferred to pertain to the resurrection of Yahusha to mask (obscure, occult) their true origins. The cherished "sign" of the crux is really the mark of Tammuz, brought into the faith by Constantine during the 4th century, and promoted by the Roman state religion, "universalism", or in Latin, Catholicism. The sign or mark of the "X" is originally the ancient letter TAU, or T, standing for the NAME, Tammuz.
The mark of a NAME in one's forehead would indicate they follow the beast, as we see described clearly here:
Rev 13:16-18:
"He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free
and slave, to receive a
mark on his right hand or on his
so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the
name of the beast or the number of his name.
This calls for wisdom.
If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number.
His number is 666."
The Greek word STAUROS should have been translated into the Latin as STAURO, the matching word, not CRUX.
Ezek 8:14-16:
Constantine brought his empire together, "universalizing" (Catholicizing) the diverse religious traditions through special "Councils" and official edicts. Sun-day was declared a day of rest, which appeased the majority, which were Pagan sun-worshippers. Easter (Ishtar, Asherah) was another familiar Pagan festival, which he mixed up with the resurrection of Israel's Mashiak, Yahusha.
Bringing together many religions into one, he produced the first hybrid system, which Scripture represented as a multi-headed beast.
The various heads of this beast are the many Pagan religions brought together into one functioning entity.
We get the BEAST idea directly from Daniel & Revelation. The Hebrew word used is #2423 CHIUA or Chevah (heth-yod-uau-hay), and is related to CHI (heth-yod), life. Alternately, the Hebrew word BEHEMAH applies. Normally this refers to a living entity, however it seems to be used in another sense, as in a rebellious kingdom, or kingdoms. These kingdoms are rebellious against Yahuah and His Torah, so they are likened to dumb animals, or beasts. When nations try to establish themselves on humanistic principles without Torah, you'll notice the LAND VOMITS THE PEOPLE OUT OF IT. Look at the history of the Middle East, or Africa. The land occupied by Russia hasn't been doing especially well either, as we see Islam expanding there as it has in Africa and Indonesia. Many examples of rebellious kingdoms can be found, and they are usually victims of violence and natural disasters.
Hurricane Katrina hit an area known for riotous carnival processions, and yet the first thing this area yearned to restore was probably the reason this calamity occurred in the first place. Climate changes greatly effect kingdoms that have had Yahuah's blessing removed from them.
The United States is experiencing the consequences of abortion, outlawing the Torah by the courts, gays strutting in the streets in parades, and reaping the whirlwind for having sewn the wind in so many ways. A rocket scientist may not get this, but a child can easily grasp the problem.
Without Torah, we are kingdoms of beasts.
The Greek text uses the word #2342 THERION, and this word is defined as a "wild beast", or creature.
There is a
at Rev. 13, and it concerns buying and selling.
beast order endeavors to misdirect the qodeshim away from Torah, and hide
the true Name of salvation, and His Word (wisdom).
"measure" or "calculate" the wrong day for Sabbath would certainly be an
obvious target for the enemy, and we see that those who adhere to the
incorrect "Sabbath" believe they can buy and sell on the true Sabbath.
cannot buy and sell have calculated (interpreted) correctly, and
therefore do not profane the true Sabbath. They have wisdom, and are "wise
virgins." The beast doesn't prevent
anyone from buying and selling, it is the result of NOT having the mark of
the beast that restricts us from "buying and selling" - but only on the
Sabbath, the 7th day of each week (not Sun-day).
It is
apparent also that those who have the beast's mark would also have received
the beast order's name - JESUS, the anti-Mashiak; a Torah-destroying
savior that "saves" from both sin and the Torah. The elect will not be
misdirected, and they are the ones who follow the Lamb: the Natsarim. Join
us in obedience. The only Name for deliverance is
Yahusha (google it).
Consider the identification of the 4th beast provided at Rev. 13:
Here is the wisdom! He who has understanding, let him calculate the number
of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.
500 + 100 + 50 + 10 + 5
+ 1
The Latin letter M for 1000 did not exist in Yahukanon's day, it was added in the 2nd century CE.
With this
identification, we can then look to what we find within this beast system (
That would be the Jesuits.
The Jesuits control the world systems through banking.
The Illuminati is synonymous with this organization, and shatan (the eye at
the top of the pyramid) is the entity within the society.
The Beast
& The Anti-Mashiak There is a "beast" system in place now, all around us. The anti-Mashiak will be a religious deceiver most likely, and not a person like Arnold Schwarzenegger or Martha Stewart. Think Dalai Lama, Pope, etc.,. and you'll be much closer to "the mark".Scripture gives us 4 beasts to track. The first beast (Babylon, kingdom of Nimrod) gives life to the other beasts which follow. The beast (animals, dogs) is the entire Pagan system in rebellion against the Torah, the Covenant of Love between Yahuah and Israel.
There are 3 ways to get involved with the beast:
Receiving the NUMBER
Receiving the NAME
Giving homage to the IMAGE
The NUMBER may indicate the way we are programmed to measure TIME. The word measure in Hebrew is MENE, and is equivalent to number. So, the calendar may relate to this numbering in some way. The first beast is Nimrods kingdom, Babylon, as we learn from the book of Daniel. The image in the dream which he interpreted for Nebuchadnezzar put Babylon in the position of head (Hebrew, ROSH, RESH). The Hebrew word ROSH means head, but also means beginning, as we see in the first word of Scripture, BA-RESH-ITH.
This head, the first beast, received a fatal wound because Noaks son SHEM (Name) slew Nimrod (Rev. 13:12-14). This is perhaps a type or partial fulfillment of the prophecy given to the serpent in the garden, setting the precedent for the final outcome of all rebels against the Covenant (Nimrod means rebel). Perhaps this is a lesson to not rebel against the Name & the Covenant.
Notice that the end of chapter 13 discusses the BEAST's NAME, and mentions a MARK on right hands, or FOREHEADS. Then notice that the beginning of chapter 14 discusses a NAME, and FOREHEADS also.
This chapter division is part of the problem - you can see that the BEAST and the MARK of his NAME is still being discussed at 14:11. Then we see the main idea at 14:12: "Here is the endurance of the set-apart ones, here are those guarding the Commands of Alahim, and the belief of Yahusha."
The beast people don't have a clue, because they are in rebellion against Yahuah and His TORAH, the Commands or Commandments. They are deceived by the BEAST system.
The beast is here right now; and those who are not deceived by the beast cleave to the TORAH and belief in Yahusha.
The adversary has deceived, and is deceiving, the whole world. This being has programmed every facet of religious practice into everyone's lives, based on the pattern of worshipping Nimrod, his wife, and child.
This has carried itself through cultures and other beasts which are mens kingdoms which ignore Yahuahs existence and Covenant. This is why in so many places now, and throughout history, the land which people attempt to inhabit literally vomits them out. Yahuahs Covenant is the only workable foundation for civilization to prosper. Compare the African continent with North America. Even if you ignore the famines, droughts, and wars, the mosquito-borne pestilences kill millions each year. AIDS is cutting down lives like a blender on its highest setting. But, as we see Humanism growing in North America (the secularists religion promoting evolution, socialism, and the destruction of the family), chaos and tyrannical government are bringing us closer toward the brink of our land vomiting us out of it also. Judges making it illegal to post the Covenant of Yahuah, allowing men to enter into marriage with other men, and tinkering with Yahuahs genetic material (like putting human genes in tomatoes, or pig DNA into human embryos) may bring swift judgment on us. In 2004 over 700 deaths occurred in the USA from mosquito-borne encephalitis, and thousands who survived have had their lives radically changed forever.
This is very new for this continent.
The pinnacle of power in mens kingdoms (behind which has always been ha shatan) has passed through the Sargon rulers, Persias Shahs, the Pharaohs, Caesars/Khazars/Czars, Popes, and numerous tyrants of the recent past. The framework this beast system uses to impose itself on the world is the common calendar with its measurements inherited from the Pagan Romans. If this is taken away, the whole beast system falls in one day. Daniels vision, given to him by Yahuah, illustrates the 4 beasts. The 4th one is obviously Rome, which will remain until the time of the end.
We are watching the fulfillment of the parable of the Prodigal Son occurring right now. The older son represents the house of Yahudah, now called Jews; and the younger son represents all those who left the Covenant many generations ago and became LOST due to assimilation into the Gentiles (mostly the house of Israel). The lost tribes are all over the Earth; but this lost son comes to his senses and realizes (remembers) who he really is. If you look at Ezek. 37, Jer. 3, Jer. 31, Acts 15, and Eph. 3, you will see that there are 2 houses of Israel. These represent the 2 sons in the parable. One remained with the Father, held to the Covenant, and no longer remembers his younger brother. The lost brother has multiplied exceedingly among the Gentiles, but awakens to the fact that he is worshipping (eating) with PIGS (Pagans, unclean dogs who rebel against the Covenant). Reading the parable, youll see that the Father has to explain to the older brother who the younger brother is. The lost younger brother repents and begins to obey the Father again, making the older brother jealous of the attention given to the younger brother over this. We are witnessing the events sealed in Scripture unfold before our eyes.
Shatan has programmed the entire world to be waiting for someone named JESUS. Christian, Islam, Hindu, and New Age Humanists are all waiting for the coming of this special deliverer. Maitreya means Lord of Love, and to the Hierarchy/New World Order crowd this Mashiak will be the great teacher they have been waiting for.
He is represented as the laughing Buddha in Eastern philosophy. Non-Christians and Christians alike will see what they want to see when he appears on the world stage. The diverse points of view among mankind will converge on this anti-Mashiak, and each observer will be blinded by their own bias:
I wouldn't have seen it, if I hadn't believed it.
(this relates to believing MYTHS, not sound doctrine)
Our expectations can overwhelm us. Beliefs have to be tested to make sure they are facts that can be trusted in - like checking the rivets in the steel girders I referred to at the beginning of this little book. But lets take a closer look at how relevant believing is in itself.
Even SATAN is a believer (Ya'aqob/James 2:19) . . . but this rebellious being will not serve and obey.
Our worship is really obedience, the doing of what Yahuah expects of us. If we neglect doing what He expects of us, but assume our intentions will serve the same results, then we didn't understand the Fall, the golden calf incident, nor why Qayin's (Cain's) offering was not pleasing to Yahuah.
"If you do well, shall you not be accepted?" (Gen. 4:7).
Qayin made up his own mind how he was going to worship Yahuah, and what would be the offering. How is Christianity any different? All the Sun-day assemblies, Christmas trees, and Easter baskets in the world will not be acceptable to Yahuah, unless He prescribed them as a form of worshipping Him. So, our simple task is to find out what Yahuah expects, then "do well" so that He will accept our worship of Him. Then, we can expect to hear the words, "Well done , good and faithful servant!" (Mt. 25:21). Doing the Word is obeying Him, not adding to it, or taking away from it, or adopting the Pagan cultural background as tradition has done.
If the True Person - the REAL Mashiak of Israel comes in the name Yahusha, most of the population of this planet will have a serious conflict to resolve in their programming. Were here to announce Him before He arrives, so that the wise virgins will have the oil they need.
The unwise will not hear us on this topic. They are unprepared, and will remain so. The false Mashiak (anti-messiah) may appear in the programmed name, JESUS, and perform what Mt. 24:24 & Rev. 13:14 describe as signs used to deceive even the ELECT (Israel).
Natsarim will not fall for it, because he has sealed us with His True Name, Yahusha. If the anti-messiah came in the Name Yahusha, hardly any of the world would follow after him.
If we are alive to live through the days of this anti-messiah, we will witness him beguiling the world with anti-Torah instructions. Not being wise in the Word (Torah, instructions), most will be deceived by him. We who have entered into the re-newed Covenant will continue to obey the Commandments of Yahuah, and hold to the Testimony of Yahusha. This is because He has written (circumcised) a love for His Torah on our hearts. Being observers of Shabbat, we will stand out like a sore thumb; and in fact do already to the world. The NWO beast (revived/restored Rome/UN) may attack and kill many of us. Christian Rome persecuted both unbelievers and believers for a millennium, killing some 83 million over a 600-year period.
The Inquisition was very real. We may again be openly labeled Judaizers (a term not found in Scripture) because we guard the 7th day of rest, the Shabath of Yahuah.
The trap is set for most to willingly accept this Maitreya JESUS anti-Mashiak. I feel the IMAGE of the beast may possibly be the old Nimrod symbol of the sun, the EAGLE, in caricature. Its a cross emblem, honored by Pagans from around the world since the dawn of recorded history. This may even be the star of Rompha (Acts 7:43). Yet many think the seal of Daud (David, the double dalet seal of his name) is the star referred to in this text.
What does the star of Bethlehem look like in many illustrations? A cross. Often, a point of light will nazz when you look at it through a screen, and it becomes a crux.
The NAME of this beast, received willingly by the unsuspecting world is: JESUS (based on YESHU).
The MARK is likely some behavioral trait that is practiced, and is actually a teaching of error hidden right out in the open for all to see (and hear):
Sun-day - the Day of the Sun (changed into the false Sabbath by Constantine)
Prov 12:15 "The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice."
Prov 14:12 "There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death."
Prov 18:17 "The first to present his case seems right , till another comes forward and questions him."
are enslaved, under the autocratic
totalitarian rulership of several layers of governmental control -
but only physically. We are citizens of
Star of Bethlehem
Symbols of Shamash
There is a mystery of lawlessness, and weve been warned; but its necessary to overcome the programming so that the Truth can set us free from the programming of error.
The beast system is here now, set like a trap, and has been spun like a spiders web, growing stronger and stronger over the last 1700 years through religious tyranny.
The father of lies is behind this conspiracy of traditions.
Isa / YashaYahu 8:9-16:
"Be broken, O peoples, and be shattered;
and give ear, all remote places of the Earth.
Gird yourselves, yet be shattered;
gird yourselves, yet be shattered.
Devise a plan, but it will be thwarted;
state a proposal, but it will not stand,
for (Alahim) is with us.
For thus Yahuah spoke to me with mighty power and instructed me not to walk in the way of this people, saying, You are not to say,
'It is a conspiracy!' - in regard to all that this people call a conspiracy;
and you are not to fear what they fear or be in dread of it.
It is Yahuah Tsabaoth whom you should regard as qodesh.
And He shall be your fear, And He shall be your dread.
Then He (Yahuah Tsabaoth) shall become a miqdash (set-apart place);
but to both the houses of Israel, a stone to strike and a rock to stumble over,
and a snare and a trap for the inhabitants of Yerushalyim.
Many will stumble over them (houses of Israel),
then they will fall and be broken;
they will even be snared and caught.
Bind up the testimony, seal the Torah among my disciples.
We Natsarim (watchmen), all over the Earth, have been awakened by Yahusha. He is working through our efforts to awaken many more of the sleeping millions to the deceptions before they fall for the imposter that is to come. Yahusha warned us not to sleep, and this sleep is trusting in human traditions, interpretations, and expectations instead of Yahuahs Word. Obedience is love, and love is manifested by obedience. The Israelites were trained with the manna for 40 years in order to show them the pattern of the SHABUA (Hebrew, week), so that they would walk in Yahuahs Shabath. He even states that Shabath was the TEST (Ex. 16:4). The manna was all about the 7th day of every week; and we have the True Manna from Shamayim (Yahusha in us) - and He is still the Master of the Shabbat. He is leading us into the promised land (His kingdom, government) - governed by Him, with His Life, the Torah (Living Water, Living Word), by having received the gift of love for His Commandments, which He has circumcised on our hearts. His discerning wisdom placed within us will not allow us to become joined to the beast.
The harvest is great. Pray to the
Master of the harvest, and He will send workers.
Scripture gives us 4 beasts to
track, and the first beast (Babel, Nimrod) gives life to the other beasts which followed it over time.
Babel's power is channeled through time in the World Order, or beast system.
These four beasts are:
1. Babylon HEAD
2. Media-Persia
3. Greece
4. Rome
Yes, it is the entire Pagan Gentile system, and there are 3 ways to get involved:
receiving the NAME, the NUMBER, or giving homage to the
IMAGE of the beast
(reference Rev. 13).
NUMBER may refer to measurement
indicating the way we are programmed to measure TIME (measure is "mene" in
Hebrew, and is equivalent to numbering something.
The word calculate is used in most translations at Rev. 13:18). The calendar may relate to this numbering in some way.
How we calculate time -- whether it is
based on Nimrod's system, or the Torah, determines when we do
The first beast is Nimrod's kingdom
(Babel). Nimrod received a fatal wound from his uncle Shem. This is the physical layer of what Scripture shows us. Shem killed Nimrod for his idolatry.
Tammuz was likewise killed when he was 40, by a wild boar -- slain and mourned
for as Scripture describes "weeping for Tammuz." The 40 days of LENT represent the period which ancient Pagans wept for Tammuz
-- one day for each year of Tammuz' life.
Nimrod was offering human children's lives to the SUN. The format he developed is seen in modern ASTROLOGY even today. At Nimrod's death, the Babylonians began to worship the "spirit" of Nimrod as the SUN. Nimrod is the glowing solar "eye" on the back of your dollar bill, and later became the "eye in the sky" to the Egyptians. Maybe we should say "ONE NIMROD" instead of ONE DOLLAR.
Earthly rulers sought absolute power over men and land. After the Flood,
solar-based customs were
designed, and religious meanings were superimposed on the changing
seasons. These seasons were interpreted as representing the springtime "fertilization" of
EASTER (Nimrod's mother-wife, by a ray of sunlight), and 9 months later the
BIRTH of the sun at the winter solstice, which was December 25th in the ancient
Santa Claus corresponds to a character found in all ancient cultures, and is
probably metaphoric for Nimrod. The elvan/elf development links him to the
woodlands, and sprigs of greenery were his emblems of long ago -- today Nimrod
is brought into Christian homes in the form of the evergreen tree. The
wreaths (round to form a sun-shape) represent Nimrod as the sun. It's all
worship directed to ha shatan really. Deception works for this creature
best. We serve the one whom we OBEY.
The calendar used today is based on the "birthday of the sun", at the solstice in the winter, which was December 25th in the ancient world. If you can accept it, the one who is really honored with the customs at Christmas is NIMROD -- although out of shear ignorance. The boughs, tree, and wreath (round sun-shape) all represented NIMROD to the ancient world, but this Paganism was absorbed and inculturated by later beast kingdoms. Beast is a good reference for the apostasy, since it was the Babel's Astrology which gave rise to the Zodiac (animal figures) of the constellations. The shining eye on the Great Seal is Nimrod, watching from the sky.
The words ZODIAC and ZOO are from the same root, meaning
beasts or animals. The eagle (Latin "aquila"), also on the back of your
dollar bill, represents Nimrod (seen as Ahura Mazda later). The Zoroastrians of Persia worshipped fire as the physical presence of the sun, and the priests wore eagles on their
chests, and displayed them for image worship, under the name "AHURA MAZDA", meaning "wise - lord" in Persian. This began the custom of eagles
on gold balls as we see on flag poles around the Earth. The Romans, Egyptians, Druids (Vikings), and many modern nations have used the eagle
symbol -- among those are the Holy Roman Empire, Germany, and the United States.
The adversary is DECEIVING the whole world, and has programmed every facet
of religious practice into everyone's lives, based on the worship of Nimrod,
and his wife and child. This has carried itself through cultures and other "beasts",
which are men's kingdoms.
These kingdoms are against Yahuah's Covenant and people (Yahuah's
wife, Israel, and the wedding vows, or "Commandments"). The framework this
beast system uses is the common calendar. If this is taken away, the whole beast
system falls in one day.
Daniel's vision -- given him by Yahuah, illustrates the 4 beasts. The 4th is obviously Rome, which will remain until the end of the times
of the Gentiles.
We are watching the fulfillment of the parable of the Prodigal Son
occurring right now. The older son represents Yahudah (the Jews), and the
LOST TRIBES of Israel are the younger LOST son, who comes to his senses,
and realizes who he is.
He finds himself worshipping (eating) with PIGS (Pagans) -- read the parable, and look what Father Yahuah says to the older son who becomes JEALOUS when the LOST son repents, and begins to obey the Father again.
We are witnessing the events of Scripture unfold before our eyes, and people are being sealed in the Name of Yahusha for the day of redemption.
The split between the northern 10 tribes
and the southern 2 tribes was really a rebellion concerning where to observe the
feasts. Those who lived in the north were in a region called
Samaria, and therefore they were called Samaritans,
which became a label of contempt to those in the south, Yahudah.
These tribes are those dispersed (Amos 9:9), and Yahusha is seeking them out.
Shatan has programmed the entire world to be waiting for someone NAMED Jesus. I am not referring to the True Person most believe this man-made
name refers to, only that the name Jesus is what most expect the
Mashiak to appear bearing as a name. The false messiah (Tammuz/Nimrod
anti-Mashiak) may
appear, in the programmed name, Jesus, and perform what Matt. 24:24 & Rev.13:14 describe as signs -- used to deceive, even the elect (All Israel -- 12 tribes, not just "Jews").
We will not fall for it, because He
is sealing us with His TRUE NAME, Yahusha. To be sure, if the anti-Mashiak came in the Name "Yahusha", hardly any of the world would follow after
him - so it is obvious which name he will use.
We also will see (if we are alive when this occurs) this false anti-messiah instruct anti-Torah rulings. We, who have received the
Covenant, will continue to obey the
Commandments of Yahuah, and hold to the Testimony of Yahusha, because
He has written (circumcised) His Torah on our hearts. Being observers of
Shabath, we will stand out like a sore thumb, and the NWO beast (revived
Rome) may attack and kill many of us, and in fact already has, labeling us Judaizers.
The Image of the Beast:
The trap
is set for most to accept a man named "Jesus". I believe the
IMAGE of the beast is the old Nimrod symbol of the sun, the
EAGLE --(in caricature it's a cross emblem, honored by Pagans from around
the world since the dawn of recorded history). This image of
the beast is truly ancient, and we see many wearing it as a talisman on a
necklace. Without knowing it, this symbol is the first letter in the name,
Tammuz -- and would be very identifiable to all ancient sun-worshippers.
The Norse peoples honored their version of this Chaldean idol in their worship
of THOR, and they also wore his initial, the letter T, as a "hammer"
emblem on chains around their necks. The crux (cross) became the symbol of
Christianity during the reign of Constantine, as all encyclopedic sources
explain. The mixture of Pagan designs and customs -- as well as the
replacement of Scripturally appointed observances -- came into the faith fast
and furiously during the 4th century. The new faith with these Pagan
elements which was dubbed "Christianity" became the State religion --
and the Sunday "sabbath" was imposed under penalty of death.
Universalism (Catholicism) became the new terror, and slaughtered more people
under the banner of their religion than any other single cause in human history.
The NAME likely will be Jesus, and the MARK is SUN-day. Even the Catholic
Church claims that Sun-day is the mark of their authority. If this is
incorrect, there is little otherwise I can offer to you that even comes
close to solving the mystery. Until something more convincing comes along,
this is what I'll be watching for and teaching others to watch for. If only we could awaken the
sleeping millions to the deception before they fall for the imposter. And
that's exactly what Yahusha told us not to do -- "sleep" like they are -- and
trust in human traditions instead of the Word.
Obedience is love, and love is obedience. The Israelites were trained
with the manna for 40 years how to observe Shabbat; we have the Manna
from Shamayim (Yahusha in us), and He is leading us into the "promised
land" (His Kingdom) with His Life, and a love for His Commandments,
written on our hearts. His wisdom will not allow us to become a part of the
The one whom you obey is the one you serve (Rom. 6:16).
NOTE: The Catholic format of the Ten Commandments alters or changes them (Daniel 7:25).
They eliminated the 2nd Commandment, and made the 10th Commandment into two.
synagogue of Satan: synagogue is a Greek word, meaning "house of study". Satan (Hebrew shatan) means "adversary" and is the accuser of Israel; this is a real, fallen messenger opposed to Yahuah, and is ruling the entire Earth in all religious, political, and mercantile areas. Putting it together, the synagogue of Satan would be any "house of study" which teaches lawlessness or revised commandments.
If we can prove that there is a
difference between what is written in Yahuah's Word
(His Commandments) and what is
practiced within a group that claims to worship Yahuah, then we have
identified a synagogue of Satan. "Jews" is the word seen
in translation at Rev. 2:9, from the Hebrew word "Yahudim", and means
"worshippers of Yah". Claiming to worship Yah, but
not teaching and practicing His Commandments, shows us who is of this synagogue
of Satan.
Repent ~ for the Reign of Yahuah draws near!
Shalu shalom Yerushaliyim
Baruch haba baShem Yahuah
More beastly information:
The origin of the word AMERICA:
The chief god of the Maya in Central America is Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent. In Peru, this "god" is called Amaru (as in Tupac Amaru, the last defender killed by the Spaniards) and the territory known as Amaruca. Citizens of Canada, the United States, Mexico, Peru, etc., are among 2 dozen countries that all call themselves Americans, but few really know why.
Amaruca is literally translated "Land of the Plumed Serpents."
The tribe of Amaru still exists in Peru today. Quetzalcoatl, called Amaru, was a strange visitor / traveler, claiming to be a priest from a far away land. He could transform into a feathered serpent. Everywhere one looks, the serpent of old times can be found in the cultures of Earth.
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