

The transliteration of Hebrew-to-English can take on a range of letter combinations that convey the same phonology (sound).
If we employed a transliteration using only the Hebrew consonants and vowels, we would see words in sentences like this:
“In the beginning ALHYM created the SHMYM and the ARTS.”
ALAHIM OR ALAHYM  -  Transliterating Yod-Mem Suffix
Both are equally viable.
English readers may not automatically identify how to utilize all these words without stumbling, although the letters are familiar. We have to build-up on these foundations to help us associate the letters into our speech.
Alef-lamed (AL)
Alef-lamed-hay (ALH)
Alef-lamed-hay-yod-mem (ALHYM)
Hebrew suffixes may imply gender, quantity, or quality.
The ending yod-mem (YM) in Hebrew conveys either quantity or quality. It doesn’t always mean “more than one.”
When I transliterated the yod-mem combination in the BYNV, I prayed for Yahusha to show me which to use, knowing the readers were English-thinking people. He quickly guided me to use the ending – im, since to use – ym was far less familiar to most spellings, although we see the form –ym in the words hymn, gym, enzyme, synonym, etc.,.
Kerubim, serafim, nefellim, and many other Hebrew transliterations are smoother to read than kerubym, serafym, or nefillym.
The Hebrew transliteration for yod-shin-resh-alef-lamed (YSRAL) is constructed from the roots SAR and AL, or ruler and lofty-one. The yod preceding the root SAR (rule) conveys power or ability – so the letter’s meaning of “hand” helps support the root SAR. The idea of the yod as a prefix expresses the idea of “continued action.”
If we meditate on the whole word together, we see it means “able to continue to rule with Alahim.”
SAR produces our word “sheriff.” It is sharif in Arabic-Hebrew.
The reason I chose Yisharal over Yasharal is because Yisharal most closely sounds the “eesh” component when the yod is used as a prefix with the letter shin. To use the form Yasharal there may be a possibility for root-mixing because YASHA (deliverance) is a root in itself, and the root SAR is not connected to the other root.
EESHARAL is another possible transliteration of the Hebrew (YSRAL), but my approach was to use the most simple to understand for English readers. To smooth out the rough spots and eliminate the complex and distracting spellings allows a reader to focus on the meaning of the sentences.
Our thoughts are fragile and go off the rails when we have to stumble over obstacles as we read,
and I tried to take that into consideration in the BYNV.

Remember the Torah of Mosheh is the message of AliYahu for the last days. (Mal. 4:1-6)

It will program us to behave in love toward Yahuah and our fellow human beings.

The essential training in how to love, the instructions to live by, are the Ten Commandments.

Fossilized Customs 12th edition at amazon unveils the beast.


The new Fossilized Customs 12th edition eBook is live – the printed version should be available by 4-15-2015.



Imagine finding a 5” x 7” card in your newspaper bin that looked like this:


Order a stack of them to distribute to those in the street corners and hedges.

Luke 12:23:

“And the master said to the servant, ‘Go out into the street corners and hedges, and compel them to come in, so that my house is filled.’”

Psalm 23:

Yahuah is my shepherd; nothing do I need. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside still mayim. He returns my breath; He leads me in paths of uprightness For His Name’s sake. When I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil. For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You spread before me a table in the face of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil; my cup overflows. Only goodness and lovingkindness follow me all the Yomim of my life; And I shall dwell in the House of Yahuah, for the duration of Yomim!

Hebrew Roots Translation: Besorah Of Yahusha Natsarim Version (BYNV)

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